Activator version 0.10 ====================== NOTES ----- Activator Development Framework - Object Oriented framework to ease creation of mulit-developer distributed mixed environment perl based software projects, especially Catalyst based websites. This set of modules is under heavy change and active development. Contact the author before using. INSTALLATION ------------ To install this module type the following: perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build test ./Build install DEPENDENCIES ------------ Build: This module currently requires App::Build for building. This is a temporary situation, as plans exist to provide a build mechanism without this dependancy within the project itself. Run: This module requires these other modules and libraries: Data::Dumper Log::Log4perl Scalar::Util IO::Capture Exception::Class Test::Exception Test::Pod Test::Harness Class::StrongSingleton Hash::Merge Time::HiRes Test::WWW::Selenium Exception::Class::TryCatch Exception::Class::DBI Email::Send MIME::Lite Digest::SHA1 Crypt::CBC MIME::Base64 CGI::Cookie YAML::Syck See `perldoc Activator` for more information. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE --------------------- Copyright (c) 2007 Karim Nassar <> You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.