MP3::Find version 0.05

    This module allows you to search for MP3 files by their ID3 tags. You
    can ask for the results to be sorted by one or more of those tags, and
    return either the list of filenames (the deault), a "printf"-style
    formatted string for each file using its ID3 tags, or the actual Perl
    data structure representing the results.

    There are currently two backends to this module: MP3::Find::Filesystem
    and MP3::Find::DB. You choose which one you want by passing its name as
    the argument to you "use" statement; MP3::Find will look for a
    MP3::Find::$BACKEND module. If no backend name is given, it will default
    to using MP3::Find::Filesystem.

    Note: I'm still working out some kinks in the DB backend, so it is
    currently not as stable as the Filesystem backend.

    Note the second: This whole project is still in the alpha stage, so I
    can make no guarentees that there won't be significant interface changes
    in the next few versions or so. Also, comments about what about the API
    rocks (or sucks!) are appreciated.

    To install this module type the following:

        perl Makefile.PL
        make test
        make install

        # select with backend you want
        use MP3::Find qw(Filesystem);
        print "$_\n" foreach find_mp3s(
            dir => '/home/peter/cds',
            query => {
                artist => 'ilyaimy',
                title => 'deep in the am',
            ignore_case => 1,
            exact_match => 1,
            sort => [qw(year album tracknum)],
            printf => '%2n. %a - %t (%b: %y)',

    File::Find, MP3::Info, and Scalar::Util are needed for the filesystem
    backend (MP3::Find::Filesystem). In addition, if MP3::Tag is available,
    you can search by explicit ID3v2 tag frames.

    DBI, DBD::SQLite, and SQL::Abstract are needed for the database backend

    Copyright (c) 2006 by Peter Eichman. All rights reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.