Unicode::Lite - Easy conversion between encodings

     use Unicode::Lite;

     print convert( 'latin1', 'unicode', "hello world!" );

     local *lat2uni = convertor( 'latin1', 'unicode' );
     print lat2uni( "hello world!" );

     my $lat2uni = convertor( 'latin1', 'unicode' );
     print &$lat2uni( "hello world!" );

    This module includes string converting function from one and to another
    charset. Requires installed Unicode::String and Unicode::Map packages.

    Supported unicode charsets: unicode, utf16, ucs2, utf8, utf7, ucs4,
    uchr, uhex.

    Supported Single-Byte Charsets (SBCS): latin1 and all installed maps in
    Unicode::Map package.

    convertor SRC_CP DST_CP [FLGS] [CHAR]
        Creates convertor function and returns reference to her, for further
        fast direct call.

        The param FLGS operates replacing by SBCS->SBCS converting if any
        char from SRC_CP is absent at DST_CP. The order of search of

         UL_7BT - to equivalent 7bit char or sequence of 7bit chars
         UL_SEQ - to equivalent char or sequence of chars
         UL_EQV - to equivalent char

         UL_ENT - to entity - �
         UL_CHR - to [CHAR].
         UL_ALL - UL_SEQ or UL_EQV and UL_ENT or UL_CHR

        If flag UL_CHR or UL_ENT is not specified, absent chars will be
        deleted. Param CHAR used for replacing of absent chars. If CHAR is
        not specified, will be used '?' char.

        If you are getting message "Character Set '' not defined!", run the
        script from distribution.

    convert SRC_CP DST_CP [VAR] [FLGS] [CHAR]
        Convert VAR from SRC_CP codepage to DST_CP codepage and returns
        converted string.

    addequal UNICODES...
        The function adds a rule for equivalent char finding. Params is a
        list of hex unicodes of chars. For substitution on a sequence of
        characters, the codes of characters need to be connected in
        character '+'.

         addequal( qw/2026 2E+2E+2E 3A/ ); # ELLIPSIS ... :

        Note! Work of rules for finding of equivalent char is cascade:

         2500 002D      # - -
         2550 2500      # = -

         2550 2500 002D # = - -

     The following rules are correct for converting functions:

     VAR may be SCALAR or REF to SCALAR.
     If VAR is REF to SCALAR then SCALAR will be converted.
     If VAR is omitted, uses $_.
     If function called to void context and VAR is not REF then result placed to $_.

     $_ = "dr�ben, Stra�e";
     convert 'latin1', 'latin1', $_, UL_7BT;
     convert 'latin1', 'latin2', $_, UL_SEQ|UL_CHR, '?';
     convert 'latin1', 'latin2', $_, UL_SEQ|UL_ENT, '?';


     local *lat2uni = convertor( 'latin1', 'unicode' );

     lat2uni( $str );        # called to void context -> result placed to $_
     $_ = lat2uni( $str );

     lat2uni( \$str );       # called with REF to string -> direct converting
     $str = lat2uni( $str );

     lat2uni();              # with omitted param called -> $_ converted
     lat2uni( \$_ );
     $_ = lat2uni( $_ );

    Albert MICHEEV <>

    Copyright (C) 2000, Albert MICHEEV

    This module is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it under
    the same terms as Perl itself.

    The latest version of this library is likely to be available from:

    Unicode::String, Unicode::Map.