2013-03-06 15:50:37 rurban

1. windres: unexpected version string length 68 != 32 + 8

That's a known mingw/cygwin binutils bug, and should be not fatal. 
The resource can be purely optional.

2. -Mblib within myldr fails to find PAR::Filter::PodStrip
you need to use -Mblib -Mblib=..

3. myldr/blib/lib/PAR/StrippedPARL/Static.pm cannot be found when PAR::StrippedPARL::Static 
is not installed, 

You did not add myldr to libscan (preferred), and did not add myldr to -Mblib.
All this because of a wrong logic in the main Makefile.PL ("double negation always causes trouble")

diff -u  ./Makefile.PL.orig
--- ./Makefile.PL.orig	2013-03-06 15:39:37.239573200 -0600
+++ ./Makefile.PL	2013-03-06 15:42:37.344245200 -0600
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
     # Do not run 10parl-generation tests in case of a pre built .par (doesn't work)
     my %tests = map { $_ => 1 } <t/*.t>;
-    delete $tests{'t/10-parl-generation.t'} unless (!$par and $cc);
+    delete $tests{'t/10-parl-generation.t'} if ($par or !$cc);
         MAN1PODS		=> {
@@ -117,9 +117,7 @@
         DIR                     => [
-          (!$par and $cc) ? (
-            'myldr'
-          ) : (),
+          ($par or !$cc) ? () : ('myldr')
         NEEDS_LINKING	        => 1,
         test => { TESTS => join(" ", sort keys %tests) },
diff -u  ./myldr/Makefile.PL.orig
--- ./myldr/Makefile.PL.orig	2013-03-06 15:18:26.403589200 -0600
+++ ./myldr/Makefile.PL	2013-03-06 15:24:20.613621200 -0600
@@ -113,11 +113,16 @@
     $lddebug = ($debug or $^O eq 'darwin') ? '' : '-s ';
     $warn = $debug ? '-Wall -Wno-comments ' : '';
     if( $^O =~ /^(?:MSWin|cygwin)/ ){
-   $res = 'ppresource.coff';
-   $pre_res = qq(winres\\pp.res);
-   $rt_cmd = qq(windres -F pei-i386 -i winres\\pp.rc -o $pre_res);
-   $res_cmd = qq(windres -o ppresource.coff $pre_res);
-   $res_section = $res;
+      $res = 'ppresource.coff';
+      $pre_res = qq(winres/pp.res);
+      $rt_cmd = qq(windres -F pei-i386 -i winres/pp.rc -o $pre_res);
+      $res_cmd = qq(windres -o $res $pre_res);
+      if (system($rt_cmd) || system($res_cmd)) {
+          $res_section = "nul";
+          $res = $rt_cmd = $res_cmd  = "";
+      } else {
+          $res_section = $res;
+      }
     $mt_cmd = '-$(NOOP)';
 } else {
@@ -308,7 +313,7 @@
 	\$(PERLRUN) $f2c -s $par_pl \$@ load_my_par_pl
 $parl_exe: $par
-	\$(PERLRUN) -Mblib run_with_inc.pl $par -q -B -O\$@
+	\$(PERLRUN) -Mblib -Mblib=.. run_with_inc.pl $par -q -B -O\$@
 Static.pm: Static.in $par
 	\$(PERLRUN) encode_append.pl Static.in $par Static.pm
@@ -330,7 +335,7 @@
 pure_all:: $parldyn_exe Dynamic.pm
 $parldyn_exe: $par_exe
-	\$(PERLRUN) -Mblib run_with_inc.pl $par_exe -q -B -O\$@
+	\$(PERLRUN) -Mblib -Mblib=.. run_with_inc.pl $par_exe -q -B -O\$@
 boot$o: \$(MKTMP_STUFF) $my_stuff