Silly::StringMaths provides support for basic integer mathematics, using strings rather than numbers. Upper-case letters are positive, lower-case letters are negative, so ABCDEF would be 6 (but WOMBAT would also be 6), whereas C<positive> would actually be -8. Mixed-case is also possible, so Compaq is actually -5. Most methods return a canonicalised version of the string - e.g. C<ampq> rather than C<Compaq> (mixed case removed, the result sorted alphabetically). The behaviour of other characters is as yet undefined, but be warned that non-alphabetical characters may be reserved for floating point or imaginary numbers. Actual numbers (i.e. the characters 0 to 9) will I<never> be used by this module. Sample code: use Silly::StringMaths qw(add subtract multiply divide exponentiate); # Add two positive numbers - returns ABFOOR print add("FOO", "BAR"); # Add a generally positive number and a negative number # - returns ot print add("FNoRD", "yncft"); # Subtract several numbers from a rather large one # - returns accdeiiiiloopssu print subtract("Supercalifragilisticepsialidocious", "stupid", "made", "up", "word"); # Multiply two negative numbers - returns AAACCCCCCEEELLLNNN print multiply("cancel", "out"); # Divide two numbers - returns AAA print divide("EuropeanCommission", "France"); # Confirm Pythagorus' theorum - returns nothing print subtract(exponentiate("FETLA", "PI"), exponentiate("TLA", "PI"), exponentiate("ETLA", "PI")); All comments on further applications (e.g. floating point) to Sam Kington,