$Id: README,v 1.4 2007/04/18 15:22:06 creile Exp $

Hardware-UPS-Perl provides Perl modules and scripts to deal with an UPS using
an arbitrary Hardware::UPS::Perl driver. So far, the package only supplies a
driver for the Megatec protocol. The package provides two modes of operation:

1) local operation:
   The UPS resides on a local serial port. The UPS can be monitored by the
   script upswatch.pl directly.

2) remote operation:
   The UPS resides on a serial port at a remote host. The UPS can be monitored
   via TCP using the script upsagent.pl running at that particular remote host
   and upswatch.pl running at the local host by specifying that host on the
   command line with option "-r, --remote <Host>". 

Hardware-UPS-Perl has been developed and tested using a TRUST PW-4120M UPS.


To install this package, run the following commands:

    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install

In case of SuSE 10.1 and above (and propably below) you can also build
an RPM by running

   rpmbuild -ta perl-Hardware-UPS-Perl-${VERSION}.tar.gz

and install the resulting RPM afterwards directly using rpm.


Copyright (c) 2007 Christian Reile <Christian.Reile@t-online.de>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself. For details see file COPYING.