Mail::SPF 2.004 -- A Perl implementation of the Sender Policy Framework
(C) 2005-2007 Julian Mehnle <>
    2005      Shevek <>

Mail::SPF is an object-oriented Perl implementation of the Sender Policy
Framework (SPF) e-mail sender authentication system.

See <> for more information about SPF.

This release of Mail::SPF fully conforms to RFC 4408 and passes the 2006.11
release of the official test-suite <>.

The Mail::SPF source package includes the following additional tools:

  * spfquery:  A command-line tool for performing SPF checks.
  * spfd:      A daemon for services that perform SPF checks frequently.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs in Mail::SPF and its documentation to the CPAN bug tracker:


Mail::SPF is free software.  You may use, modify, and distribute it under the
terms of the BSD license.  See LICENSE for the BSD license text.

# $Id: README 42 2007-01-20 01:17:05Z Julian Mehnle $
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