Copyright (c) 1998,1999 Kenneth Albanowski. All rights reserved.
 Copyright (c) 2000 Ilya Zakharevich. All rights reserved.
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. 

This module provides access to most of the OpenGL 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 APIs.
Some amount of GLU is supported (I'm not quite sure what version it works
out to), and GLUT should be completely supported up to API version 3. A
small portion of GLX and X11 is supported, as an alternative to GLUT.

Compatibility notes with OpenGL 0.4:

	The OpenGL 0.4 library, written by Stan Melax, contains more support for
	some SGI specific functions then 0.5, so you may wish to stay with 0.4
	on an SGI system. For other machines, 0.5 should greatly improve
	compatibility (compiling where 0.4 wouldn't have).
	Code-level compatibility with OpenGL 0.4 is available if you refer to
	OpenGL simply via 'use OpenGL;'. If you request specific packages (such
	as 'use OpenGL qw(glfunctions glconstants glutfunctions);'), you'll get
	0.5 specific support.  For more information, please read the OpenGL
	manual, available in OpenGL.pod.
	Portions of this module that directly derive from Stan's code are marked
	with "Melax" comments, and his copyright is described in the COPYRIGHT

As this library is a simple binding between Perl and any library that
complies with the OpenGL API, this module should interoperate seamlessly
with any other modules that make use of OpenGL directly or (through another
library) indirectly.

For build instructions, please see the INSTALL file.

For a brief description of what functions are supported, please read
"SUPPORTS", and better yet read the two sample files, and

For an incomplete implementation of GLUT in Perl, please see
Gtk::GLArea::Glut, within the Gtk-Perl module.

At of May 1999, I doubt I will be able to provide any significant support
users of this module. If you have patches that add missing features cleanly,
I may be able to integrate them into the next version, but I cannot
guarantee that. Alligator Descarte has expressed interest in eventually
supporting the Perl OpenGL effort, and you may wish to contact him. If you
feel you can significantly improve the OpenGL module yourself, please
consider releasing your own updated version after checking that no-one else
has the same idea.

Thanks for help developing this module goes to Stan Melax, Cass Everitt,
Alligator Descarte, and probably others that I've forgotten.

Happy Hacking,
Kenneth Albanowski <>


0.51:	Portability enhancement (X and OS/2 PM), bug fixes, examples enhanced.
	_have_glp() should be used instead of _have_glx to test for
	  presence of glp* functions.
	Remap OpenGL 1.1 functions into GL_EXT_vertex_array interface
	if needed.

0.52:	More of the portability, bug fixes, and examples.
	New option -steal for glpOpenWindow() to allow drawing into an
	  existing window (no "Visual" syncronization yet).
	GL_EXT_vertex_array done on the level of cpp.

0.53:	Correct vertex_array detection in
	Add more vertex_array constants (and move the definition earlier).
	Exchange (default) arguments for glp*: move display after window
	  (should not break old stuff, since there was/is no way to query
	   the display and window).
	New function $d = glpDisplay() (croaks on failure).
	Make glpOpenWindow() return the window handle.
	New functions with signatures
 void glpMoveResizeWindow(int x, int y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, Window w, Display* display);
 void glpMoveWindow(int x, int y, Window w, Display* display);
 void glpResizeWindow(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, Window w, Display* display);
	  (w and display are optional).