The files in the archive THESIS1f.ZIP include the following supported macros and files for LaTeX2e: THESIS.DTX LaTeX-style files THESIS and THEMA. in DOC option format. THESIS.CLS LaTeX2e-class file THESIS. THEMA.CLS LaTeX2e-class file THEMA. THESIS.STY Compatibility mode. THEMA.STY dto. THESIS.DVI Documentation in dvi format. INSTALL.01 Driver for Installing the package. LOCAL.01 Input to the local LaTeX-guide ``local.tex''. TEST01a.TEX Example input text for THESIS. TEST01b.TEX Example input text for THEMA. MAKENDX.DTX LaTeX-package MAKENDX in DOC option format. MAKENDX.STY The package MAKENDX. MAKENDX.IST The MakeIndex format file. MAKENDX.DVI Documentation in dvi format. INSTALL.NDX Driver for Installing the package. LOCALNDX.TEX Input to the local LaTeX-guide ``local.tex''. MAKENDX.BAT Batch file for DOS-USERS README.01 this file Run `LaTeX install.01' and `LaTeX install.ndx' for installing the packages. Needs the `docstrip' utility. Updates are available via anonymous ftp to host `' or from CTAN. ___ wenzel matiaske | / /_/-Berlin | mail: Technical University Berlin | Dept. of Economics, WW6 | Uhlandstr. 4-5, D-10623 Berlin | phone: +49 30 314-22574 | email: