Info2: << Package: qgis%type_pkg[-nopgsql]%type_pkg[-nograss] Type: -nopgsql (boolean), -nograss (boolean) Version: 0.6.0 Revision: 5 Description: Qt/X11-based GIS License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: BABA Yoshihiko DescDetail: << Quantum GIS (QGIS) is a Geographic Information System (GIS) that runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, and Windows. QGIS supports vector, raster, and database formats. QGIS is licensed under the GNU Public License. Some of the major features include: 1 Support for spatially enabled PostGIS tables 2 Support for shapefiles, ArcInfo coverages, Mapinfo, and other formats supported by OGR 3 Raster support for a large number of formats 4 Identify features 5 Display attribute tables 6 Select features 7 GRASS Digitizing 8 Feature labeling << DescUsage: Just type 'qgis' at the command prompt inside an X environment. # Dependencies. Depends: << x11, qt3-shlibs (>=3.1.2), libgeos2-shlibs (>=2.0), gdal-shlibs (>=1.2.3) | gdal-nopgsql-shlibs (>=1.2.3), proj (>=4), (%type_raw[-nopgsql] = .) postgresql80 (>=8.0.2-13) | (%type_raw[-nopgsql] = .) postgresql80-ssl (>=8.0.2-13), (%type_raw[-nopgsql] = .) postgresql80-shlibs (>=8.0.2-13) | (%type_raw[-nopgsql] = .) postgresql80-ssl-shlibs (>=8.0.2-13), (%type_raw[-nograss] = .) grass60 (>=6.0.0-4) | (%type_raw[-nograss] = .) grass60-nopgsql (>=6.0.0-4) | (%type_raw[-nograss] = .) grass60-nogdal (>=6.0.0-4) | (%type_raw[-nograss] = .) grass60-nopgsql-nogdal (>=6.0.0-4), (%type_raw[-nograss] = .) grass60-shlibs (>=6.0.0-4) | (%type_raw[-nograss] = .) grass60-nopgsql-shlibs (>=6.0.0-4) | (%type_raw[-nograss] = .) grass60-nogdal-shlibs (>=6.0.0-4) | (%type_raw[-nograss] = .) grass60-nopgsql-nogdal-shlibs (>=6.0.0-4) << BuildDepends: << qt3 (>=3.1.2), libgeos2 (>=2.0), gdal-dev (>=1.2.3), (%type_raw[-nopgsql] = .) postgresql80-dev (>=8.0.2-13) | (%type_raw[-nopgsql] = .) postgresql80-ssl-dev (>=8.0.2-13), (%type_raw[-nograss] = .) grass60-dev (>=6.0.0-4) | (%type_raw[-nograss] = .) grass60-nopgsql-dev (>=6.0.0-4) | (%type_raw[-nograss] = .) grass60-nogdal-dev (>=6.0.0-4) | (%type_raw[-nograss] = .) grass60-nopgsql-nogdal-dev (>=6.0.0-4) << # Unpack Phase. Source: mirror:sourceforge:/qgis/qgis-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: ee3f94201837c5aef204e30250991295 # Patch Phase. # Patch for PostGIS-1.0 Support PatchScript: patch -p0 < %a/qgis.patch # Compile Phase. GCC: 3.3 SetCPPFLAGS: -I%p/lib/grass/include SetLDFLAGS: -L%p/lib/grass/lib SetDYLD_LIBRARY_PATH: -L%p/lib/grass/lib ConfigureParams: --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' --with-x --with-x-includes=/usr/X11/include --with-x-libraries=/usr/X11/lib --with-qtdir=%p --with-gdal=%p/bin/gdal-config --with-geos=%p/bin/geos-config (%type_raw[-nopgsql] = -nopgsql) --without-postgresql (%type_raw[-nopgsql] = .) --with-postgresql=%p/bin (%type_raw[-nograss] = -nograss) --without-grass (%type_raw[-nograss] = .) --with-grass=%p/lib/grass CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -xe ./configure %c make << # Install Phase. InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING README TODO doc/*.html doc/*.css doc/*.pdf doc/*/*.html doc/*/*.css doc/*/*.png doc/*/*/*.html doc/*/*/*.png doc/*/*/*.pdf DescPort: << DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is used in libtool to include %p/lib/grass-6.0 << # End of Info2 <<