Package: cfengine Version: 2.1.15 Revision: 1 Depends: db43-ssl-shlibs | db43-shlibs, openssl097-shlibs, daemonic BuildDepends: db43-ssl | db43, openssl097-dev Source: Source-MD5: f03de82709f84c3d6d916b6e557321f9 ConfigureParams: --mandir=%i/share/man --infodir=%p/share/info --libexecdir=%p/lib --sysconfdir=%p/etc/%n --localstatedir=%p/var/%n --with-berkeleydb=%p --with-workdir=%p/var/%n --with-openssl=%p Patch: %n.patch InstallScript: << make install prefix=%i mkdir -p %i/var/%n/inputs mkdir %i/var/%n/outputs mkdir %i/var/%n/modules << DocFiles: ChangeLog AUTHORS COPYING NEWS INSTALL README DaemonicName: %n DaemonicFile: << %n server %n server %p/sbin/cfservd %p/var/%n/inputs/cfservd.conf << Description: System configuration and adminstration agent DescDetail: << Cfengine, or the configuration engine is an autonomous agent and a middle to high level policy language and agent for building expert systems to administrate and configure large computer networks. Cfengine is designed to be a part of a computer immune system. It is ideal for cluster management and has been adopted for use all over the world in small and huge organizations alike. << License: GPL Maintainer: Matthew Flanagan Homepage: