Package: libmd Version: 0.3 Revision: 3 Description: MD2 MD4 MD5 SHA-1 RIPEMD-160 message digests License: Restrictive/Distributable DescDetail: << Libmd is a cryptographic message digest library. It implements various message digest algorithms. This library was originaly port of FreeBSD libmd. Today it's mostly rewritten and enhanced, but still BSD libmd compatible. << DescUsage: << Programs wishing to link aginst libmd should '#include ' and link against the static library 'libmd.a' with some variation of: CFLAGS='-I%p/include/libmd' LDFLAGS=-L%p/lib << Conflicts: openssl-dev (<= 0.9.6g-3) DescPackaging: << OpenSSL also installs a md5.3 man file, managed with update-alternatives. Various licenses: RIPEMD-160, MD4 & MD2 - Restrictive MDX - BEER-WARE MD5 & SHA - Public domain - MIT << DescPort: << Updates config.guess, patches out some hardcoded /usr dirs in and /share for man. Installs only the headers, libmd.a, man files and docs. The .so files are not built, programs should statically link against libmd.a. If anyone really needs a libmd.dylib this can be revisited. << HomePage: Source: mirror:custom:%n-%v.tar.bz2 CustomMirror: << Primary: eur-CZ: asi-JP: << Source-MD5: 1db1795b7e87bbda542e4c33b6ce5566 Patch: %n.patch UpdateConfigGuess: true ConfigureParams: --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' InstallScript: << make install BUILDROOT=%i mv %i/share/man/man3/md5.3 %i/share/man/man3/md5.3.%n << DocFiles: << README INSTALL TODO md2.copyright md4.copyright md5.copyright << PostInstScript: << update-alternatives --install %p/share/man/man3/md5.3 md5.3 %p/share/man/man3/md5.3.libmd 65 << PreRmScript: << if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then update-alternatives --remove md5.3 %p/share/man/man3/md5.3.libmd fi << Maintainer: Carsten Klapp