system environment/kernel

kmod-openafs - Pull in OpenAFS kernel modules

License: GPL
Vendor: Scientific Linux
Pull in kernel modules for the current SL release, and (maybe) the previous one.


kmod-openafs- [2 KiB] Changelog by Kevin M. Hill (2016-06-15):
- Update to current afs version
kmod-openafs-1.6.20-1.SL69.sl6.noarch [2 KiB] Changelog by Pat Riehecky (2017-03-23):
- Update to current afs version
kmod-openafs-1.6.17-1.SL68.el6.noarch [2 KiB] Changelog by Kevin M. Hill (2016-06-13):
- Updated for SL 6.8
kmod-openafs-1.6.13-1.SL67.el6.noarch [2 KiB] Changelog by Pat Riehecky (2015-07-27):
- Updated for SL 6.7
kmod-openafs-1.6.10-1.SL66.el6.noarch [2 KiB] Changelog by Pat Riehecky (2014-10-20):
- Updated for SL 6.6
kmod-openafs- [2 KiB] Changelog by Pat Riehecky (2013-11-25):
- Updated for SL 6.5
kmod-openafs-1.6.2-5.SL64.el6.noarch [2 KiB] Changelog by Pat Riehecky (2013-04-24):
- Had a minor flip flop with version numbers.... no actual code changes
  just a build change

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6