# Copyright (C) 1998-09  Stephane Galland <galland@arakhne.org>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.


=head1 NAME

Bib2HTML::Parser::Parser - A parser for BibTeX files.


use Bib2HTML::Parser::Parser ;

my $gen = Bib2HTML::Parser::Parser->new() ;


Bib2HTML::Parser::Parser is a Perl module, which parses
a source file to recognize the BibTeX tokens.


=head2 Initialization

To create a parser, say something like this:

    use Bib2HTML::Parser::Parser;

    my $parser = Bib2HTML::Parser::Parser->new() ;

...or something similar.
The constructor could take 1 arg:


=item * show_bibtex (boolean)

indicates if the BibTeX code will be generated inside
a verbatim area. This flag permits to this parser
to store (or not) the initial value of each field.
Caution about the memory space.


This section contains only the methods in Parser.pm itself.



package Bib2HTML::Parser::Parser;

@ISA = ('Exporter');
@EXPORT = qw();
@EXPORT_OK = qw();

use strict;
use Exporter;
use Carp ;
use File::Basename ;
use File::Spec ;

use Bib2HTML::General::Misc ;
use Bib2HTML::General::Error ;
use Bib2HTML::General::Verbose ;

use Bib2HTML::Parser::BibScanner ;

use Bib2HTML::Translator::TeX ;
use Bib2HTML::Translator::BibTeXEntry ;

# Global vars

# Version number of the parser
my $VERSION = "2.1" ;

# Constructor

sub new(;$) : method {
  my $proto = shift;
  my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
  my $parent = ref($proto) && $proto ;

  my $self ;
  if ( $parent ) {
    %{$self} = %{$parent} ;
    bless( $self, $class );
  else {
    $self = { 'CONTENT' => {},
	      'FILE_PREAMBLES' => '',
	      'SHOW_BIBTEX' => $_[0],
	    } ;
    bless( $self, $class );
    $self->clearcontent() ;
  return $self;

# Getter/setter functions


=item * content()

Replies the content of the documentation
read by the parser.

sub content() : method {
  my $self = shift ;
  return $self->{'CONTENT'} ;


=item * clearcontent()

Destoys the readed content and sets it
to the empty.

sub clearcontent() : method {
  my $self = shift ;
  $self->{'CONTENT'} = { } ;

# Main parsing functions


=item * parse()

Parses the files.
Takes 1 arg:


=item * file_list (array ref)

is an array that contains the names of the files and the
directories from which the parser must read the bibtex entries.


sub parse(\@) : method {
  my $self = shift ;
  $self->clearcontent() ;
  # Evaluate the TeX expressions
  if ( ( $self->{'FILE_PREAMBLES'} ) &&
       ( exists( $self->{'FILE_PREAMBLES'}{'tex'} ) ) &&
       ( $self->{'FILE_PREAMBLES'}{'tex'} ) ) {
    Bib2HTML::General::Verbose::two( "Evaluate the user's LaTeX definitions...\n" ) ;
    my $trans = Bib2HTML::Translator::TeX->new( $self->{'FILE_PREAMBLES'}{'filename'} ) ;
    $trans->translate( $self->{'FILE_PREAMBLES'}{'tex'},
		       $self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'} ) ;
  # Evaluate each file
  if ( isarray( $_[0] ) ) {
    foreach my $file (@{$_[0]}) {
      $self->readfile( $file ) ;
  else {
    $self->readfile( $_[0] ) ;
  # Save the TeX entries
  if ( $self->{'SHOW_BIBTEX'} ) {
    $self->save_bibtex_entries() ;
  # Evalute TeX expressions
  $self->tex_translation() ;
  # Expand the crossref fields
  $self->expand_crossref() ;

  return $self->content() ;


=item * readfile()

Reads the content of a file.
Takes 1 arg:


=item * name (string)

is the name of the file to read.


sub readfile($) : method {
  my $self = shift ;
  my $filename = $_[0] || confess( 'you must supply the filename' ) ;

  # Read the file content
  Bib2HTML::General::Verbose::two( "Read $filename..." ) ;
  my $scanner = new Bib2HTML::Parser::BibScanner() ;
  if ($self->{'CONTENT'}) {
      my $content = $scanner->scanentries($filename) ;
      # Merge the constants
      if ($content->{'constants'}) {
	  foreach my $constant (keys %{$content->{'constants'}}) {
	      if (exists $self->{'CONTENT'}{'constants'}{"$constant"}) {
		  Bib2HTML::General::Error::warm( "multiple definition for the constant '".
						  extract_line_from_location($content->{'constants'}{"$constant"}{'location'})) ;
	      $self->{'CONTENT'}{'constants'}{"$constant"} = $content->{'constants'}{"$constant"} ;
      # Merge the preambles
      if ($content->{'preambles'}) {
	  push @{$self->{'CONTENT'}{'preambles'}}, @{$content->{'preambles'}} ;
      # Merge the comments
      if ($content->{'comments'}) {
	  push @{$self->{'CONTENT'}{'comments'}}, @{$content->{'comments'}} ;
      # Merge the red content to the previous content
      if ($content->{'entries'}) {
	  foreach my $entry (keys %{$content->{'entries'}}) {
	      if (exists $self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}{"$entry"}) {
		  Bib2HTML::General::Error::warm( "multiple definition for the entry '".
						  extract_line_from_location($content->{'entriess'}{"$entry"}{'location'})) ;
	  $self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}{"$entry"} = $content->{'entries'}{"$entry"} ;
  else {
      $self->{'CONTENT'} = $scanner->scanentries($filename) ;


=item * read_preambles()

Read some LaTeX commands from a file.
There commands are defined previously
any command from the BibTeX files.
Takes 1 arg:


=item * file (string)


sub read_preambles($) : method {
  my $self = shift ;
  $self->{'FILE_PREAMBLES'} = '' ;
  if ( $_[0] ) {
    Bib2HTML::General::Verbose::two( "Reading the user's LaTeX definitions...\n" ) ;
    if ( ( -f $_[0] ) &&
	 ( -r $_[0] ) ) {
      my $tex = '' ;
      local *FILE_PREAMBLE ;
      open( *FILE_PREAMBLE, "< $_[0]" )
	or Bib2HTML::General::Error::syserr( "$_[0]: $!" ) ;
      while ( my $line = <FILE_PREAMBLE> ) {
	$tex .= $line ;
      close( *FILE_PREAMBLE ) ;
      $tex =~ s/^[ \t\n\r]+// ;
      $tex =~ s/[ \t\n\r]+$// ;
      if ( $tex ) {
	$self->{'FILE_PREAMBLES'} = {} ;
	$self->{'FILE_PREAMBLES'}{'tex'} = $tex ;
	$self->{'FILE_PREAMBLES'}{'filename'} = $_[0] ;
    else {
      Bib2HTML::General::Error::syserr( "unable to find or read the preamble file '$_[0]'" ) ;


=item * expand_crossref()

Expands crossref fields.

sub expand_crossref() : method {
  my $self = shift ;

  Bib2HTML::General::Verbose::two( "Expand crossref fields...\n" ) ;

  foreach my $entry (keys %{$self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}}) {

    if ( exists $self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}{"$entry"}{'fields'}{'crossref'} ) {

      my $parent = $self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}{"$entry"}{'fields'}{'crossref'} ;
      if ( exists $self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}{"$parent"} ) {

	foreach my $field (keys %{$self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}{"$parent"}{'fields'}}) {
	  if ( ! exists $self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}{"$entry"}{'fields'}{"$field"} ) {
	    $self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}{"$entry"}{'fields'}{"$field"} =
	      $self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}{"$parent"}{'fields'}{"$field"} ;

      else {
	my $filename = extract_file_from_location( $self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}{"$entry"}{'location'} ) ;
	my $lineno = extract_line_from_location( $self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}{"$entry"}{'location'} ) ;
	Bib2HTML::General::Error::warm( "unable to find the entry '$parent' required for ".
					"the crossref from '$entry'",
					$filename, $lineno ) ;




=item * tex_translation()

Translates TeX expressions

sub tex_translation() : method {
  my $self = shift ;

  # Evaluate @preamble
  Bib2HTML::General::Verbose::two( "Evaluate TeX expressions for the preambles...\n" ) ;

  foreach my $preamble (@{$self->{'CONTENT'}{'preambles'}}) {
    if ( $preamble->{'tex'} ) {
      my $trans = Bib2HTML::Translator::TeX->new( extract_file_from_location( $preamble->{'location'} ) ) ;
      $trans->translate( $preamble->{'tex'},
			 extract_line_from_location( $preamble->{'location'} ) ) ;

  # Evaluate @string
  Bib2HTML::General::Verbose::two( "Evaluate TeX expressions for the constants...\n" ) ;
  my $be = new Bib2HTML::Translator::BibTeXEntry() ;
  foreach my $const (keys %{$self->{'CONTENT'}{'constants'}}) {
    $self->{'CONTENT'}{'constants'}{$const}{'text'} = $be->expand_bibtex_vars($self->{'CONTENT'}{'constants'}{$const}{'text'},
									      $self->{'CONTENT'}{'constants'}) ;

  # Evaluate @preamble
  Bib2HTML::General::Verbose::two( "Evaluate TeX expressions for the preambles...\n" ) ;

  # Evaluate entries' fields
  foreach my $entry (keys %{$self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}}) {

    Bib2HTML::General::Verbose::two( "Evaluate TeX expressions for '$entry'...\n" ) ;
    my $filename = extract_file_from_location( $self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}{$entry}{'location'} ) ;
    my $lineno = extract_line_from_location( $self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}{$entry}{'location'} ) ;
    my $trans = Bib2HTML::Translator::TeX->new( $filename ) ;

    foreach my $field (keys %{$self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}{$entry}{'fields'}}) {

      if ( ! bibtex_ignore_field_parsing( $field ) ) {

	# Translate the TeX code of this field into HTML source code
	Bib2HTML::General::Verbose::three( "\ttreat field '$field'" ) ;

	my $text = $be->expand_bibtex_vars($self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}{$entry}{'fields'}{$field},
					   $self->{'CONTENT'}{'constants'} ) ;

	$self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}{$entry}{'fields'}{$field} = $trans->translate( $text,
										     $lineno ) ;

      else {
	# Do not translate the TeX code of this field into HTML source code
	# Simply remove the
	if ( $self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}{$entry}{'fields'}{$field} =~ /^{(.*)}$/) {
	  $self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}{$entry}{'fields'}{$field} = "$1" ;





=item * save_bibtex_entries()

Saves the original text for the BibTeX entries

sub save_bibtex_entries() : method {
  my $self = shift ;

  Bib2HTML::General::Verbose::two( "Save the BibTeX original values for futher verbatim...\n" ) ;

  # Evaluate entries' fields
  foreach my $entry (keys %{$self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}}) {

    foreach my $field (keys %{$self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}{$entry}{'fields'}}) {

      $self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}{$entry}{'original-fields'}{$field} =
	$self->{'CONTENT'}{'entries'}{$entry}{'fields'}{$field} ;






(c) Copyright 1998-09 St�phane Galland <galland@arakhne.org>, under GPL.

=head1 AUTHORS


=item *

Conceived and initially developed by St�phane Galland E<lt>galland@arakhne.orgE<gt>.


=head1 SEE ALSO
