Nicola L.C. Talbot ( Jpgfdraw Home page: ABOUT JPGFDRAW ============== Jpgfdraw is a graphics application written in Java. You can use Jpgfdraw to: * Construct shapes using lines, moves and cubic Bezier segments. * Edit shapes by changing the defining control points. * Incorporate text and bitmap images (for annotation and background effects). * Extract the parameters for TeX's \parshape command and for \shapepar (defined in the shapepar package). * Construct frames for use with the flowfram package. * Pictures can be saved in Jpgfdraw's native binary format (JDR) or native ascii format (AJR) or can be exported as: - a pgfpicture environment for use in LaTeX documents with the pgf package - a LaTeX2e package based on the flowfram package - an encapsulated postscript file - a PNG image file - SVG image file * Alternative text can be specified to use when exporting to a LaTeX file (e.g. if the text contains symbols or if it should be set in maths mode). * Mappings can be used to specify what LaTeX font declarations should be used when exporting to a LaTeX file. Upgrading from Versions prior to 0.5b ===================================== Please note that earlier versions didn't correctly render some text areas, so images created in earlier versions may appear slightly different when you upgrade. ABOUT JDRVIEW ============= Jdrview is a Java application for viewing JDR or AJR files. It is primarily intended as a convenient way of viewing images created when developing applications that create JDR or AJR files. (The JDR and AJR formats are documented in jpgfdraw.pdf) ABOUT JDRUTILS ============== Jdrutils is a suite of command line applications for converting to or from AJR or JDR files. This consists of: ajr2jdr : AJR to JDR converter ajr2tex : AJR to TeX converter (creates pgfpicture environment) eps2jdr : EPS to JDR converter (still experimental) jdr2ajr : JDR to AJR converter jdr2eps : JDR to EPS converter jdr2png : JDR to PNG converter jdr2svg : JDR to SVG converter jdr2tex : JDR to TeX converter (creates pgfpicture environment) There currently isn't a command line tool to convert AJR/JDR files to a LaTeX package based on the flowfram package. This can only be done via Jpgfdraw's export tool. See the jdrutils documentation for further details. REQUIREMENTS: ============ The J2SE Runtime environment (JRE). This can be downloaded from: LICENCE: ======= This material is subject to the GNU General Public License. See the file LICENSE for details. The jh.jar package is part of JavaHelp, see for details of that licence. Important Note For KDE Users ============================ Please note the following bugs: They are beyond my control, so if you use jpgfdraw (or indeed any Java application) running on KDE, please save your work regularly in the event that you have to kill the application. I have only tested with Java version 1.5.0_09. It is possible the latest version of Java has fixed these problems.