
=head1 NAME

Pedigree::ChildlessNode - an abortion in a pedigree


use Pedigree::ChildlessNode;

$node = new Pedigree::ChildlessNode(I<%params>);

$node->DrawNode(I<$xidst>, I<$ydist>, I<$belowtextfont>, I<$abovetextfont>,

$node->PrintLegend(I<$land>, I<@fields>);


This package contains data about a "childlessness" node.  This node
is not numbered in pedigree.

=over 4


# Define the package                                               #

package Pedigree::ChildlessNode;
use Pedigree;
use strict;
our @ISA=('Pedigree::PersonNode');

#    new                                                           #


=item B<new>(I<%params>);

Construct a new node from the given parameters.  


sub new {
    my ($class,%params)=@_;
    my $self=$class->SUPER::new(%params);
    if (!ref($self)) {
	return 0;

    # These nodes are NOT numbered in pedigrees


    return $self;


#    DrawNode                                                      #


=item B<DrawNode>(I<$xdist>, I<$ydist>, I<$belowtextfont>, I<$abovetextfont>,

Output the command to draw this node.  The parameters are
distances between the nodes (in cm) and fields for abovetext (not used
here).  We only print the Comment field below the node, and draw this
node higher than other nodes.


sub DrawNode {
    my $self=shift;
    my ($xdist, $ydist, $belowtextfont, $abovetextfont, @fieldsfornode) = @_;
    my $result = '\rput('.($xdist*$self->GetAbsX()).", ".
    my @opts=('belowtextrp=t');
    if ($self->{'Comment'}) {
	push @opts,
	'belowtext={'."$belowtextfont ".$self->{'Comment'}.'}';
    if ($self->Type() eq 'infertile') {
	push @opts, 'infertile';
    if (scalar @opts) {
	$result .= join(', ',@opts);
    $result .= ']{'.$self->Id()."}}\n";
    return $result;

#    PrintLegend                                                   #


=item B<PrintLegend>(I<$lang>, I<@fields>);

This subroutine does nothing since childlessness has no legend.


sub PrintLegend {


#    THE END                                                       #




The calling program should define B<$main::DEBUG> and set it to 0
or 1.

=head1 SEE ALSO

pedigree(1),  Pedigree(3)

=head1  AUTHOR

Boris Veytsman, Leila Akhmadeeva, 2007

