0.30  2010-01-01 - add the subroutine /tx@ProjThreeD from pst-3d
                   to get rid of the dependency
0.29  2009-10-06 add option SphericalCoorType
0.28  2009-07-28 add option showgrid for sphere, paraboloid and cylinder
0.27  2008-11-12 add routine for scalar and vector product
0.26  2007-01-03 add routine for vector length
0.25  2007-12-22 add code for special rotating (Darrell Lamm)
0.24  2007-08-30 add code for special node calculating
0.23  2007-08-18 add coorType 0,1,2,3 code for convertTo2D
		 - add code IIIDCylinder and cylindrical coordinates
		 - add code for \psBox and \psCylinder
0.22  2006-01-11 add code for left-Handed coor (experimental)
0.21  2005-10-10 add code for 3D sphere
0.20  2005-01-14 add rotPoint subroutine with RotSequenz option
0.11  2005-01-11 add rotPoint subroutine

pst-3dplot.tex --------
1.90  2010-02-18  - enable the comma option
                  - fix bug with tx@addDict for AlgParser
1.89  2010-01-28  - enable coordinates for calculations
1.88  2009-11-24  - new optional argument CoorOffset
1.87  2009-11-12  - fix problem with \def\pst@par{} for objects
                  - new boolean CheckCoor=true
1.86  2009-10-06  - add option SphericalCoorType for different Handling
		    of spherical coordinates  
1.85  2009-08-14  - add option Hincrement for \psCylinder, preset to 0.5 
1.84  2009-07-28  - add option showgrid for sphere, paraboloid 
                    and cylinder
                  - fix bug with \psBox
1.83  2008-11-18  - fix for a missing \if@IIIDlabels for x labels
1.82  2008-11-12  - rewrote \pstThreeDCircle to allow non perpendicular vectors
                    for the circle plane
1.81  2008-04-05  - rename the internal variablesIIID to prevent clash
		    with other packages
		  - change name off for planecorr to none
1.80  2008-02-08  - do not define the algebraic option, use the
                    one from pstricks-add
1.79  2008-01-03  - add option algebraic for 3d plots
		  - fix bug with ellipse phi=f(alpha)!
1.78  2007-10-11  - fix bug in \parametricPlotThreeD
		  - add option Debug=false|true for addtional
		    comments written into the log file
		  - add extended rotation stuff (Darrell Lamm)
1.77  2007-10-03  - fix trailing spaces in \pstThreeDNode
1.76  2007-08-30  - add optional argument nodeType for different setting
                    the node depending to a line and a plain
1.75  2007-08-18  - add optional argument coorType for different
		    types of coordinates
		  - add \psCylinder and \psBox with inside/outside view
		  - fix bug with the subticks option
1.74  2007-06-12  - fix bug with the optional argument of plane
                  - fix typo for pstParaboloid
	          - add macro pstIIIDCylinder
		  - add cylindrical coordinates
		  - revert Changes to the hidden line support
1.73  2007-02-12  better support for hidden lines of a box
1.72  2006-02-07  - allow negative direction for ellipse
                  - add code for left-Handed coor (experimental
		    and not documented)
1.71  2005-11-10  - latest xcolor needs ...={[cmyk]{.3,.4,.1,0}}
                  - fix a bug with Dx
		  - new macro for pstThreeDSphere which needs no pst-vue3d
1.70  2005-10-16  fixes a bug with \pst@tempa
1.69  2005-09-25  - add macro \pstParaboloid
                  - some modifications to the code
1.68  2005-08-02  fix a bug in \pstRotIIIDPoint
1.67  2005-07-23  add an option zCoor, to plot Lines like const=f(x,y)
1.66  2005-06-21  use the trig macros of trig.sty to prevent wrong values
                  for sin/cos(90) and 270 degrees
1.65  2005-02-24  set \def\pst@linetype{2} to prevent a undefined macro
1.64  2005-02-21  fix bug in pstThreeDPlaneGrid with the start
		  values, which should be in pt
1.63  2005-02-19  spurious blank
1.62  2005-02-16  some modifications to \pstThreeDEllipse
1.61  2005-02-08  spurious blanks in drawStyle
1.60  2005-02-03  whitespace and bug in parametric
1.59  2005-01-25  changes \variablesIIID
1.58  2005-01-18  more tests for the rotating option
1.57  2005-01-15  make showCoor run with the new rotate options
1.56  2005-01-14  option RotSequenz now available for all macros
1.55  2005-01-11  options RotX RotY RotZ now available for all macros
1.54  2005-01-03  pstRotPointIIID as a real TeX solution and fix a spurious blank
                  in ThreeDBox
1.53  2005-01-03  pstRotPointIIID returns the 3D coordinates of the rotated point.
1.52  2004-12-05  uncomment the moveto in psThreeDPlot, change all \edef to \def
1.51  2004-12-03  bugfix in parametricplotThreeD, use \pst@dima instead of \pst@cnta
1.50  2004-11-24  spurious blank in \pstThreeDBox
1.49  2004-11-18  mostly rewrite \parametricplot
1.48  2004-11-16  drawStyle was ignored
1.47  2004-11-16  change the subprocedure for specialplot
1.46  2004-11-16  change the subprocedure for quick plot
1.45  2004-11-15  some more tweaks to parametricplotThreeD
1.44  2004-11-15  bugfix in parametricplotThreeD
1.43  2004-11-07  bugfix in parametric plot  
1.42  2004-11-04  added macro \psPlaneGrid  
1.41  2004-10-31  modification to \psplane (Torsten Suhling)
1.40  2004-10-31  use pst-xkey