2.1  2009-11-05   * Bugfix: removed the buggy check for an appropriate version of 

		  * Bugfix: 'thicklens' now also works with plain* lenses

		  * Different minor bugfixes

		  * Minor enhancements

		  * New psstyle 'OptComp' which sets general parameters for all optical
		    components. Appropriate parameters 'addtoOptComp' and 'newOptComp'
		    were also introduced.

		  * New parameters:
		    - 'label' allows a more condensed change of several label parameters
		    - 'innerlabel'
		    - 'compshift'
		    - 'bsstyle'
		    - 'connjoin'
		    - 'newBeam' and 'addtoBeam' to allow for local changes 
		      of the internal beam style.

		  * New component: 'optfiberpolarizer'

		  * Changed 'fibercollimator' so that it uses two, three or four nodes.

		  * Changed documentation to use 'pst-doc' class.

2.0  2008-07-27	  * Added fiber-optical components

     		  * Added support for components with internal refraction (e.g. prisms)

     		  * Added support for arbitrary connection types (fiber and beam mixed).
		    Components can be connected directly at definition time or later.

		  * Added new free-ray objects
		     - \optdiode
		     - \pentaprism
		     - \rightangleprism
		     - \doveprism
		     - \optprism

		  * Added support for supplementary nodes for electric connections 
		    (parameter extnode)

		  * Bugfix: renamed macro \detector to \optdetector to avoid conflicts
		    with pst-circ which also define a macro \detector.
		    If pst-circ is loaded before pst-optexp the macro is not overwritten.

1.2  2008-06-17   * Great emprovement of the TeX and Postscript code.

		  * New macros \newOptexpDipole, \newOptexpDipoleNolabel and
		    \newOptexpTripole which allow very convenient definition
		    of new components.

		  * Enhancement of the lens design. Now much more types of lenses
		    with two different curvatures and thick lenses are possible.
		    The new parameters lensradiusleft, lensradiusright and lens
		    are introduced.
		    Unfortunately complete backward compatibility for the case 
		    where the lens is defined using only lenswidth and lensheight 
		    was not possible. Using the old behaviour is possible only 
		    by setting lenstype explicitly which in turn does not allow you
		    to use the new features.

		  * Added curved mirrors (new parameter mirrorradius).

		  * Added binary gratings (new parameter optgridtype).

1.1  2007-09-06   * Considerably enhanced labeling of the components.
                    Added new parameter 'labelref' which specifies the
		    reference coordinate system for the label positioning
		    and the rotation of the label. Default is labelref=relgrav,
		    the label point is rotated together with the component, but
		    the label text itself is not rotated.

		  * parameter labelrelative is now obsolete, and replaced by 
		    labelref=relative. It will be removed in future versions.

		  * parameter polwidth, bswidth, iwidth and owidth are now obsolete, 
		    and replaced by polsize, bssize, innerheight and outerheight for 
		    consistency reasons. They will be removed in future versions.

		  * macro \polarisation was changed to \polarization for consistency. 
		    The old notation is obsolete and will be removed in future versions.

                  * fixed bug: filling of all components with 'fillstyle'
                    is now possible.

                  * added some liftpen=1 in the code to fix the look of 
		    the lenses and the optgrid.

1.0  2007-07-18   first CTAN version