KWIC index for TeXhax V92, issues 01--22 created Fri Dec 11 16:42:31 GMT 1992 by 0.10: * available (texhax.10) 0.10: xdvik * available (texhax.14) 0.11: * released (texhax.20) 0.2: mfpic * on fileserv/niord (texhax.22) 0.4: gnu font utilities * available (texhax.08) 0.9: * released (texhax.03) 1.1: re: version * of ``my'' font naming scheme available (texhax.08) 1.1: version * of ``my'' font naming scheme available (texhax.08) 1.1: lucida for tex version * available (texhax.11) 1.2: version * of sauter files (any point size computer modern) (texhax.07) 1.2: filenames for fonts version * available (texhax.15) 1.2: lucida (math) version * available (texhax.20) 1.3: sauter parameter files version * available (texhax.10) 1.4: version * of sauter parameter files available (texhax.14) 14pt: * styles for latex (texhax.07) 15-19: advanced tex course in the netherlands, june *, 92 at low cost. (texhax.02) 17th: fonts - need * century font set (texhax.11) 17th: re: fonts - need * century font set (texhax.12) 2.0: eplain * on fileserv/niord (texhax.06) 2.0: eplain * released (texhax.06) 2.0: tr2latex * on fileserv/niord (texhax.09) 2.05: bibclean * on fileserv/niord (texhax.21) 2.05: bibclean * released (texhax.21) 2.1: eplain * released (texhax.07) 2.10: latex *: when? (texhax.16) 2.10: re: latex *: when? (texhax.17) 2.15: new version (*) of texsis released (texhax.16) 2.2: tr2latex version * on fileserv/niord (texhax.09) 2.2: eplain * available (texhax.20) 3.14: please help: "how to succesfully make tex * on hp9000/720 ?" (texhax.09) 3.2: itrans * on fileserv/niord (texhax.22) 3.6g: new version of supertabular (*) (texhax.14) 386/486: cweb for * systems running dos (texhax.07) 5.490o: dvipsk * available (texhax.14) 5.495a: dvipsk * available (texhax.19) 5.851c: web2c * available (texhax.10) \bbb: * (texhax.21) \bgroup: re: problem with * \egroup in the definition of an environment (texhax.01) \bigsqcap: *, how to get (texhax.07) \egroup: re: problem with \bgroup * in the definition of an environment (texhax.01) \font: why does * freeze \jobname? (texhax.09) \jobname: why does \font freeze *? (texhax.09) \thispagestyle: latex: * for "page of floats"? (texhax.20) access: span * to fileserv/niord (texhax.12) acquiring: * tex (texhax.08) adobe's: * carousel (texhax.14) advanced: * tex course in the netherlands, june 15-19, 92 at low cost. (texhax.02) afm: tfm to * (texhax.22) african: * computer fonts available (texhax.07) alignment: dcolumn.sty -- decimal * in tabular and array (texhax.04) ams: * fonts in latex (texhax.11) amsfonts: * for textures posted to e-math (texhax.01) ancient: seeking character set for * greek (texhax.03) ancient: re: * greek; catcodes; underscores. (texhax.07) and/or: macros for formatting scripts for plays * film (texhax.18) announcement: dcolumn.sty * -- correction and apologies (texhax.05) announcement: *: new e-mail discussion list (texhax.22) announcing: * (texhax.03) announcing: * tex--xet.change (texhax.14) announcing: * litprog -- literate programming discussion list (texhax.15) another: yet * new version of supertabular (texhax.14) any: version 1.2 of sauter files (* point size computer modern) (texhax.07) apologies: dcolumn.sty announcement -- correction and * (texhax.05) appropriate: bibtex entry type * for reprints (texhax.08) archive: tex v3.141 now in the aston * (texhax.07) array: dcolumn.sty -- decimal alignment in tabular and * (texhax.04) asme: bibtex style file for * papers - follow up (texhax.15) asme: bibtex style file for * publications (texhax.15) aston: tex v3.141 now in the * archive (texhax.07) astronomy: desktop and electronic publishing in * and space sciences (texhax.12) astrosym: * on fileserv/niord (texhax.11) availability: * of mac versions of tex/latex, dvialw, dvips etc. (texhax.13) bars: change * in latex (texhax.15) behaviour: weird * of floats in latex. (texhax.16) behaviour: re: weird * of floats in latex (texhax.17) beta: hyphenation patterns for catalan ready for * testing (texhax.08) between: translations * mac and unix texts (texhax.18) between: translations * mac and unix texts (texhax.19) bib: harvard * styles in tex (texhax.21) bibclean: * 2.05 on fileserv/niord (texhax.21) bibclean: * 2.05 released (texhax.21) bibix: * project (texhax.02) bibliographic: harvard family of * styles on fileserv (texhax.04) bibliographic: output from * database services as (la)tex input? (texhax.08) bibliographic: re: output from * databases services into (la)tex ... (texhax.09) bibliography: harvard style * and stanford university thesis style (texhax.15) bibtex: * entry type appropriate for reprints (texhax.08) bibtex: * help wanted (texhax.11) bibtex: * is driving me nuts (texhax.12) bibtex: * question (texhax.13) bibtex: re: * is driving me nuts (texhax.13) bibtex: * style file for asme papers - follow up (texhax.15) bibtex: * style file for asme publications (texhax.15) boxes: possible tex bug discovered -- * and rules (texhax.01) boxes: re: possible tex bug discovered -- * and rules (texhax.03) boxes: epsf figure * (texhax.22) bug: possible tex * discovered -- boxes and rules (texhax.01) bug: re: possible tex * discovered -- boxes and rules (texhax.03) call: * for papers (texhax.10) canon: dvican (* lbp8 lasers) (texhax.11) carousel: adobe's * (texhax.14) cass.tex: cassette label macros - * (texhax.15) cassette: * label macros - cass.tex (texhax.15) catalan: hyphenation patterns for * ready for beta testing (texhax.08) catcodes: re: ancient greek; *; underscores. (texhax.07) century: fonts - need 17th * font set (texhax.11) century: re: fonts - need 17th * font set (texhax.12) change: * bars in latex (texhax.15) character: seeking * set for ancient greek (texhax.03) checkers: tex/latex compatible spell * (texhax.19) checkers: other spell * (texhax.20) checkers: spell * and pk file conversion (texhax.20) checkers: tex/latex spell * (texhax.20) chicago: * manual of style files on fileserv/niord (texhax.16) chinese: japanese & * latex and postscript (texhax.21) color: * text using dvips (texhax.06) compatible: tex/latex * spell checkers (texhax.19) compiled: ms-dos * versions of zip/unzip on fileserv/niord (texhax.12) computer: african * fonts available (texhax.07) computer: version 1.2 of sauter files (any point size * modern) (texhax.07) concrete: * fonts (texhax.20) conversion: spell checkers and pk file * (texhax.20) correction: dcolumn.sty announcement -- * and apologies (texhax.05) correction: * to pc version of tex (texhax.09) cost: advanced tex course in the netherlands, june 15-19, 92 at low *. (texhax.02) course: advanced tex * in the netherlands, june 15-19, 92 at low cost. (texhax.02) announcing * (texhax.03) cweb: * for 386/486 systems running dos (texhax.07) database: output from bibliographic * services as (la)tex input? (texhax.08) databases: re: output from bibliographic * services into (la)tex ... (texhax.09) dcolumn.sty: * -- decimal alignment in tabular and array (texhax.04) dcolumn.sty: * announcement -- correction and apologies (texhax.05) decimal: dcolumn.sty -- * alignment in tabular and array (texhax.04) definition: re: problem with \bgroup \egroup in the * of an environment (texhax.01) defs: mode * for nec silentwriter 2 90??? (texhax.01) delay: 4 second * on startup (texhax.18) delay: re: 4 second * on startup (texhax.19) delay: re: 4 second * on startup (texhax.19) delay: re: 4 second * on startup (texhax.21) desktop: * and electronic publishing in astronomy and space sciences (texhax.12) diagramf: * on fileserv/niord (texhax.11) dirac: * slash notation revisited (texhax.17) discovered: possible tex bug * -- boxes and rules (texhax.01) discovered: re: possible tex bug * -- boxes and rules (texhax.03) discussion: announcing litprog -- literate programming * list (texhax.15) discussion: announcement: new e-mail * list (texhax.22) document: * identification in latex (texhax.02) document: re: * identification in latex (texhax.02) document: important: problem with letter * style: latex release of jan 92 (texhax.04) documentation: english language * for texshell (texhax.03) documentation: pphlp (vms * tool) on fileserv/niord (texhax.15) documents: problems formatting tex * (texhax.16) documents: re: problems formatting tex * (texhax.16) does: why * \font freeze \jobname? (texhax.09) dos: cweb for 386/486 systems running * (texhax.07) dot-matrix: * printers, drivers for pc (texhax.11) dot-matrix: * printers, drivers for pc (texhax.12) dot-matrix: re: * printers, drivers for pc, re: pc version of tex (texhax.12) double-column: robust * format (texhax.14) double-column: re: robust * format (texhax.15) download: * fonts from unix (texhax.12) drawer: glenn l. swonk's latex tree * (texhax.10) driver: printer * (texhax.20) drivers: question about dvi * (texhax.08) drivers: dot-matrix printers, * for pc (texhax.11) drivers: dot-matrix printers, * for pc (texhax.12) drivers: re: dot-matrix printers, * for pc, re: pc version of tex (texhax.12) driving: bibtex is * me nuts (texhax.12) driving: re: bibtex is * me nuts (texhax.13) duplex: page-selection on * postscript printer (texhax.22) dvgt: * on fileserv/niord (texhax.22) dvi: question about * drivers (texhax.08) dvi: * previewing on tektronix? (texhax.11) dvi: * -> videocomp (?) (texhax.22) dvialw: availability of mac versions of tex/latex, *, dvips etc. (texhax.13) dvican: * (canon lbp8 lasers) (texhax.11) dvidvi: new version of * for vms on fileserv (texhax.05) dvihp: * for laserjet ii (texhax.20) dvimswin: * (texhax.02) dviout: using * on vms, hints, horror stories, etc. (texhax.10) dvips: color text using * (texhax.06) dvips: availability of mac versions of tex/latex, dvialw, * etc. (texhax.13) dvipsk: * 5.490o available (texhax.14) dvipsk: * 5.495a available (texhax.19) e-mail: announcement: new * discussion list (texhax.22) e-math: amsfonts for textures posted to * (texhax.01) * update (texhax.04) easy: re: eps inclusion in oztex the * way !! (texhax.03) electronic: desktop and * publishing in astronomy and space sciences (texhax.12) endfloat.sty: * available at fileserv/niord (texhax.06) english: * language documentation for texshell (texhax.03) entry: bibtex * type appropriate for reprints (texhax.08) environment: re: problem with \bgroup \egroup in the definition of an * (texhax.01) environment: eqnarray * (texhax.06) eplain: * 2.0 on fileserv/niord (texhax.06) eplain: * 2.0 released (texhax.06) eplain: * 2.1 released (texhax.07) eplain: * 2.2 available (texhax.20) eps: re: * inclusion in oztex the easy way !! (texhax.03) epsf: * figure boxes (texhax.22) eqnarray: * environment (texhax.06) etc: using dviout on vms, hints, horror stories, *. (texhax.10) etc: availability of mac versions of tex/latex, dvialw, dvips *. (texhax.13) euler: * latex style? (texhax.09) euler: * with latex? (texhax.09) euler: re: * with latex? (texhax.11) eurotex: * 92, prague (texhax.10) eurotex: * 92 (texhax.11) exactly: re: not * a submission ... (texhax.12) exists: free tex for pc * ? (texhax.09) exp: translating * files to tex or latex (texhax.17) expansion: latex "macro *" (texhax.22) extended: ibm * graphic fonts (texhax.02) facility: indexing * for tex (texhax.02) facility: re: indexing * for tex (texhax.05) family: harvard * of bibliographic styles on fileserv (texhax.04) faq: use of the * posting (was: latex hyphenation problems) (texhax.12) few: looking for a * things (texhax.12) figure: epsf * boxes (texhax.22) figures: overlaying postscript * with latex fragments (texhax.12) figures: overlaying postscript * with latex fragments (texhax.19) file: bibtex style * for asme papers - follow up (texhax.15) file: bibtex style * for asme publications (texhax.15) file: transformation of pk * resolution (or location of unusual fonts) (texhax.19) file: spell checkers and pk * conversion (texhax.20) filenames: * for fonts version 1.2 available (texhax.15) files: version 1.2 of sauter * (any point size computer modern) (texhax.07) files: pk * for postscript fonts (texhax.09) files: tfm * for postscript fonts (texhax.09) files: sauter parameter * version 1.3 available (texhax.10) files: seminar * on fileserv/niord (texhax.10) files: looking for * (texhax.12) files: version 1.4 of sauter parameter * available (texhax.14) files: chicago manual of style * on fileserv/niord (texhax.16) files: translating exp * to tex or latex (texhax.17) fileserv: harvard family of bibliographic styles on * (texhax.04) fileserv: new version of dvidvi for vms on * (texhax.05) fileserv/niord: endfloat.sty available at * (texhax.06) fileserv/niord: eplain 2.0 on * (texhax.06) fileserv/niord: sfware programs available on * (texhax.06) fileserv/niord: include preprocessor available on * (texhax.07) fileserv/niord: update to styles at * (texhax.08) fileserv/niord: pstricks available on * (texhax.09) fileserv/niord: tr2latex 2.0 on * (texhax.09) fileserv/niord: tr2latex version 2.2 on * (texhax.09) fileserv/niord: seminar files on * (texhax.10) fileserv/niord: astrosym on * (texhax.11) fileserv/niord: diagramf on * (texhax.11) fileserv/niord: rtf2tex on * (texhax.11) fileserv/niord: spfontware updates on * (texhax.11) fileserv/niord: stmary on * (texhax.11) fileserv/niord: xetal on * (texhax.11) fileserv/niord: xypic on * (texhax.11) fileserv/niord: float on * (texhax.12) fileserv/niord: ms-dos compiled versions of zip/unzip on * (texhax.12) fileserv/niord: span access to * (texhax.12) fileserv/niord: style updates on * (texhax.12) fileserv/niord: pphlp (vms documentation tool) on * (texhax.15) fileserv/niord: chicago manual of style files on * (texhax.16) fileserv/niord: new version of sfptopk on * (texhax.20) fileserv/niord: bibclean 2.05 on * (texhax.21) fileserv/niord: dvgt on * (texhax.22) fileserv/niord: itrans 3.2 on * (texhax.22) fileserv/niord: mfpic 0.2 on * (texhax.22) film: macros for formatting scripts for plays and/or * (texhax.18) first-ever: * scottish uk-tug meeting (march, 1993) (texhax.22) float: * on fileserv/niord (texhax.12) floats: weird behaviour of * in latex. (texhax.16) floats: re: weird behaviour of * in latex (texhax.17) floats: latex: \thispagestyle for "page of *"? (texhax.20) follow: bibtex style file for asme papers - * up (texhax.15) font: gnu * utilities 0.4 available (texhax.08) font: re: version 1.1 of ``my'' * naming scheme available (texhax.08) font: version 1.1 of ``my'' * naming scheme available (texhax.08) font: fonts - need 17th century * set (texhax.11) font: re: fonts - need 17th century * set (texhax.12) font: new release of the gnu * utilities (texhax.17) fonts: ibm extended graphic * (texhax.02) fonts: african computer * available (texhax.07) fonts: pk files for postscript * (texhax.09) fonts: tfm files for postscript * (texhax.09) fonts: * - need 17th century font set (texhax.11) fonts: ams * in latex (texhax.11) fonts: download * from unix (texhax.12) fonts: re: * - need 17th century font set (texhax.12) fonts: filenames for * version 1.2 available (texhax.15) fonts: transformation of pk file resolution (or location of unusual *) (texhax.19) fonts: concrete * (texhax.20) fonts/dvips: math in postscript * (texhax.15) format: two-column * (texhax.13) format: robust double-column * (texhax.14) format: re: robust double-column * (texhax.15) formatting: resume * (texhax.03) formatting: weave * (texhax.15) formatting: problems * tex documents (texhax.16) formatting: re: problems * tex documents (texhax.16) formatting: macros for * scripts for plays and/or film (texhax.18) fragments: overlaying postscript figures with latex * (texhax.12) fragments: overlaying postscript figures with latex * (texhax.19) free: * tex for pc exists ? (texhax.09) freeze: why does \font * \jobname? (texhax.09) further: * on japanese and tex... (texhax.14) glenn: * l. swonk's latex tree drawer (texhax.10) gnu: * font utilities 0.4 available (texhax.08) gnu: new release of the * font utilities (texhax.17) graphic: ibm extended * fonts (texhax.02) greek: seeking character set for ancient * (texhax.03) greek: re: ancient *; catcodes; underscores. (texhax.07) hackers: re: tex * request (texhax.15) hackers: tex * request (texhax.15) harvard: * family of bibliographic styles on fileserv (texhax.04) harvard: * style bibliography and stanford university thesis style (texhax.15) harvard: * bib styles in tex (texhax.21) help: need mf *! (texhax.07) help: please *: "how to succesfully make tex 3.14 on hp9000/720 ?" (texhax.09) help: bibtex * wanted (texhax.11) help: table macro packages and * (texhax.22) hints: using dviout on vms, *, horror stories, etc. (texhax.10) horror: using dviout on vms, hints, * stories, etc. (texhax.10) hp9000/720: please help: "how to succesfully make tex 3.14 on * ?" (texhax.09) hypenation: latex * problems (texhax.10) hyphen: info about * (texhax.07) hyphenation: * patterns for catalan ready for beta testing (texhax.08) hyphenation: use of the faq posting (was: latex * problems) (texhax.12) ibm: * extended graphic fonts (texhax.02) ideas: keeping latex's * of recto/verso in line with reality (texhax.21) identification: document * in latex (texhax.02) identification: re: document * in latex (texhax.02) iii: hp lj * si, mode_def (texhax.03) important: *: problem with letter document style: latex release of jan 92 (texhax.04) include: * preprocessor available on fileserv/niord (texhax.07) inclusion: re: eps * in oztex the easy way !! (texhax.03) index: tex macro * (texhax.13) indexing: * facility for tex (texhax.02) indexing: re: * facility for tex (texhax.05) info: * about hyphen (texhax.07) info: * on publishers using tex/latex (texhax.16) info: re: * on publishers using (la)tex (texhax.19) ini: plain.tex won't * !!! (texhax.12) input: output from bibliographic database services as (la)tex *? (texhax.08) installation: tex * questions (texhax.07) interruption: * and rearrangement of service (texhax.15) into: re: output from bibliographic databases services * (la)tex ... (texhax.09) issue: tex and tug news latest * (texhax.22) itrans: * 3.2 on fileserv/niord (texhax.22) jan: important: problem with letter document style: latex release of * 92 (texhax.04) japanese: latex or tex in * (texhax.12) japanese: re: latex or tex in * (texhax digest v92 #012) (texhax.13) japanese: re: latex or tex in * (texhax.13) japanese: further on * and tex... (texhax.14) japanese: * & chinese latex and postscript (texhax.21) june: advanced tex course in the netherlands, * 15-19, 92 at low cost. (texhax.02) keeping: * latex's ideas of recto/verso in line with reality (texhax.21) la)tex: output from bibliographic database services as (* input? (texhax.08) la)tex: re: output from bibliographic databases services into (* ... (texhax.09) la)tex: re: info on publishers using (* (texhax.19) la)tex: re: polish (* (texhax.21) la)tex: re: summary on polish (* (texhax.21) label: cassette * macros - cass.tex (texhax.15) landscape: * in latex (texhax.07) language: a tex * problem (texhax.03) language: english * documentation for texshell (texhax.03) laserjet: dvihp for * ii (texhax.20) lasers: dvican (canon lbp8 *) (texhax.11) latest: tex and tug news * issue (texhax.22) latex's: keeping * ideas of recto/verso in line with reality (texhax.21) latex: document identification in * (texhax.02) latex: questions about * (texhax.02) latex: re: document identification in * (texhax.02) latex: pageheader with * (texhax.03) latex: trademark symbol under *?? (texhax.03) latex: important: problem with letter document style: * release of jan 92 (texhax.04) latex: re: trademark symbol under *?? (texhax.06) latex: * updates, as of march 18, 1992. (texhax.07) latex: 14pt styles for * (texhax.07) latex: landscape in * (texhax.07) latex: euler * style? (texhax.09) latex: euler with *? (texhax.09) latex: * hypenation problems (texhax.10) latex: glenn l. swonk's * tree drawer (texhax.10) latex: ams fonts in * (texhax.11) latex: mathtime and * (texhax.11) latex: re: euler with *? (texhax.11) latex: * (texhax.12) latex: * or tex in japanese (texhax.12) latex: overlaying postscript figures with * fragments (texhax.12) latex: problems with pictex in * (texhax.12) latex: re: * (texhax.12) latex: use of the faq posting (was: * hyphenation problems) (texhax.12) latex: re: * or tex in japanese (texhax digest v92 #012) (texhax.13) latex: re: * or tex in japanese (texhax.13) latex: re: problems with pictex in * (texhax.13) latex: change bars in * (texhax.15) latex: * 2.10: when? (texhax.16) latex: weird behaviour of floats in *. (texhax.16) latex: * s/w (texhax.17) latex: re: * 2.10: when? (texhax.17) latex: re: weird behaviour of floats in * (texhax.17) latex: translating exp files to tex or * (texhax.17) latex: magnification in * (texhax.19) latex: overlaying postscript figures with * fragments (texhax.19) latex: *: \thispagestyle for "page of floats"? (texhax.20) latex: magnification in * (texhax.20) latex: re: magnification in * (texhax.20) latex: japanese & chinese * and postscript (texhax.21) latex: re: magnification in * (texhax.21) latex: * "macro expansion" (texhax.22) latex: * for the mac? (texhax.22) law: structure/style of * publications (texhax.09) lbp8: dvican (canon * lasers) (texhax.11) letter: important: problem with * document style: latex release of jan 92 (texhax.04) line: keeping latex's ideas of recto/verso in * with reality (texhax.21) list: announcing litprog -- literate programming discussion * (texhax.15) list: announcement: new e-mail discussion * (texhax.22) literate: announcing litprog -- * programming discussion list (texhax.15) litprog: announcing * -- literate programming discussion list (texhax.15) location: transformation of pk file resolution (or * of unusual fonts) (texhax.19) logo: tex + postscript * (texhax.16) lollipop: new macro package: * tex (texhax.20) lollipop: * v0.93 (texhax.21) looking: * for skip montanaro (texhax.07) looking: * for a few things (texhax.12) looking: * for files (texhax.12) low: advanced tex course in the netherlands, june 15-19, 92 at * cost. (texhax.02) lucida: * tfm/vf's for tex (texhax.09) lucida: * for tex version 1.1 available (texhax.11) lucida: * (math) version 1.2 available (texhax.20) mac: availability of * versions of tex/latex, dvialw, dvips etc. (texhax.13) mac: translations between * and unix texts (texhax.18) mac: translations between * and unix texts (texhax.19) mac: latex for the *? (texhax.22) macro: tex * index (texhax.13) macro: new * package: lollipop tex (texhax.20) macro: latex "* expansion" (texhax.22) macro: table * packages and help (texhax.22) macros: cassette label * - cass.tex (texhax.15) macros: * for formatting scripts for plays and/or film (texhax.18) magnification: * in latex (texhax.19) magnification: * in latex (texhax.20) magnification: re: * in latex (texhax.20) magnification: re: * in latex (texhax.21) make: please help: "how to succesfully * tex 3.14 on hp9000/720 ?" (texhax.09) makeindex: the unix * program (texhax.17) manual: chicago * of style files on fileserv/niord (texhax.16) march: latex updates, as of * 18, 1992. (texhax.07) march: first-ever scottish uk-tug meeting (*, 1993) (texhax.22) math: * in postscript fonts/dvips (texhax.15) math: lucida (*) version 1.2 available (texhax.20) mathtime: * and latex (texhax.11) meeting: first-ever scottish uk-tug * (march, 1993) (texhax.22) metapost: * (texhax.08) metapost: * (texhax.08) mfpic: * 0.2 on fileserv/niord (texhax.22) microfilming: regulations for theses: * (texhax.12) mode: * defs for nec silentwriter 2 90??? (texhax.01) mode_def: hp lj iii si, * (texhax.03) mode_def: * for nec silentwriter2 s60p ?? (texhax.06) moderator's: * note (texhax.07) modern: version 1.2 of sauter files (any point size computer *) (texhax.07) * 0.9 released (texhax.03) * 0.10 available (texhax.10) * 0.11 released (texhax.20) montanaro: looking for skip * (texhax.07) ms-dos: * compiled versions of zip/unzip on fileserv/niord (texhax.12) naming: re: version 1.1 of ``my'' font * scheme available (texhax.08) naming: version 1.1 of ``my'' font * scheme available (texhax.08) nec: mode defs for * silentwriter 2 90??? (texhax.01) nec: mode_def for * silentwriter2 s60p ?? (texhax.06) netherlands: advanced tex course in the *, june 15-19, 92 at low cost. (texhax.02) new: * version of dvidvi for vms on fileserv (texhax.05) new: * version of supertabular (3.6g) (texhax.14) new: yet another * version of supertabular (texhax.14) new: * version (2.15) of texsis released (texhax.16) new: * release of the gnu font utilities (texhax.17) new: * macro package: lollipop tex (texhax.20) new: * version of sfptopk on fileserv/niord (texhax.20) new: announcement: * e-mail discussion list (texhax.22) news: tex and tug * latest issue (texhax.22) not: re: * exactly a submission ... (texhax.12) not: re: small suggestion -- * a submission (texhax.13) not: small suggestion -- * a submission (texhax.13) notation: dirac slash * revisited (texhax.17) note: moderator's * (texhax.07) nuts: bibtex is driving me * (texhax.12) nuts: re: bibtex is driving me * (texhax.13) other: * spell checkers (texhax.20) output: * from bibliographic database services as (la)tex input? (texhax.08) output: re: * from bibliographic databases services into (la)tex ... (texhax.09) overlaying: * postscript figures with latex fragments (texhax.12) overlaying: * postscript figures with latex fragments (texhax.19) oztex: * (texhax.01) oztex: re: eps inclusion in * the easy way !! (texhax.03) package: new macro *: lollipop tex (texhax.20) packages: table macro * and help (texhax.22) page: latex: \thispagestyle for "* of floats"? (texhax.20) page-selection: * on duplex postscript printer (texhax.22) pageheader: * with latex (texhax.03) papers: call for * (texhax.10) papers: bibtex style file for asme * - follow up (texhax.15) parameter: sauter * files version 1.3 available (texhax.10) parameter: version 1.4 of sauter * files available (texhax.14) patterns: hyphenation * for catalan ready for beta testing (texhax.08) pictex: problems with * in latex (texhax.12) pictex: re: problems with * in latex (texhax.13) plain.tex: * won't ini !!! (texhax.12) plays: macros for formatting scripts for * and/or film (texhax.18) please: * help: "how to succesfully make tex 3.14 on hp9000/720 ?" (texhax.09) point: version 1.2 of sauter files (any * size computer modern) (texhax.07) polish: re: * (la)tex (texhax.21) polish: re: summary on * (la)tex (texhax.21) possible: * tex bug discovered -- boxes and rules (texhax.01) possible: re: * tex bug discovered -- boxes and rules (texhax.03) posted: amsfonts for textures * to e-math (texhax.01) posting: use of the faq * (was: latex hyphenation problems) (texhax.12) postscript: pk files for * fonts (texhax.09) postscript: tfm files for * fonts (texhax.09) postscript: overlaying * figures with latex fragments (texhax.12) postscript: math in * fonts/dvips (texhax.15) postscript: tex + * logo (texhax.16) postscript: overlaying * figures with latex fragments (texhax.19) postscript: japanese & chinese latex and * (texhax.21) postscript: page-selection on duplex * printer (texhax.22) pounds: * signs in slitex (texhax.10) pphlp: * (vms documentation tool) on fileserv/niord (texhax.15) prague: eurotex 92, * (texhax.10) preprocessor: include * available on fileserv/niord (texhax.07) previewing: dvi * on tektronix? (texhax.11) printer: * driver (texhax.20) printer: page-selection on duplex postscript * (texhax.22) printers: dot-matrix *, drivers for pc (texhax.11) printers: dot-matrix *, drivers for pc (texhax.12) printers: re: dot-matrix *, drivers for pc, re: pc version of tex (texhax.12) program: the unix makeindex * (texhax.17) programming: announcing litprog -- literate * discussion list (texhax.15) programs: sfware * available on fileserv/niord (texhax.06) project: bibix * (texhax.02) pstricks: * available on fileserv/niord (texhax.09) publications: structure/style of law * (texhax.09) publications: bibtex style file for asme * (texhax.15) publishers: info on * using tex/latex (texhax.16) publishers: re: info on * using (la)tex (texhax.19) publishing: desktop and electronic * in astronomy and space sciences (texhax.12) questions: * about latex (texhax.02) questions: tex installation * (texhax.07) ready: hyphenation patterns for catalan * for beta testing (texhax.08) reality: keeping latex's ideas of recto/verso in line with * (texhax.21) rearrangement: interruption and * of service (texhax.15) recto/verso: keeping latex's ideas of * in line with reality (texhax.21) regulations: * for theses (texhax.09) regulations: * for theses (texhax.11) regulations: re: * for theses (texhax.11) regulations: * for theses: microfilming (texhax.12) release: important: problem with letter document style: latex * of jan 92 (texhax.04) release: new * of the gnu font utilities (texhax.17) released: 0.9 * (texhax.03) released: eplain 2.0 * (texhax.06) released: eplain 2.1 * (texhax.07) released: new version (2.15) of texsis * (texhax.16) released: 0.11 * (texhax.20) released: bibclean 2.05 * (texhax.21) reprints: bibtex entry type appropriate for * (texhax.08) request: re: tex hackers * (texhax.15) request: tex hackers * (texhax.15) resolution: transformation of pk file * (or location of unusual fonts) (texhax.19) resume: * formatting (texhax.03) revisited: dirac slash notation * (texhax.17) robust: * double-column format (texhax.14) robust: re: * double-column format (texhax.15) rtf2tex: * on fileserv/niord (texhax.11) rules: possible tex bug discovered -- boxes and * (texhax.01) rules: re: possible tex bug discovered -- boxes and * (texhax.03) running: cweb for 386/486 systems * dos (texhax.07) s/w: latex * (texhax.17) s60p: mode_def for nec silentwriter2 * ?? (texhax.06) sauter: version 1.2 of * files (any point size computer modern) (texhax.07) sauter: * parameter files version 1.3 available (texhax.10) sauter: version 1.4 of * parameter files available (texhax.14) scheme: re: version 1.1 of ``my'' font naming * available (texhax.08) scheme: version 1.1 of ``my'' font naming * available (texhax.08) sciences: desktop and electronic publishing in astronomy and space * (texhax.12) scientific: * word (texhax.10) scottish: first-ever * uk-tug meeting (march, 1993) (texhax.22) scripts: macros for formatting * for plays and/or film (texhax.18) second: 4 * delay on startup (texhax.18) second: re: 4 * delay on startup (texhax.19) second: re: 4 * delay on startup (texhax.19) second: re: 4 * delay on startup (texhax.21) seeking: * character set for ancient greek (texhax.03) seminar: * files on fileserv/niord (texhax.10) service: interruption and rearrangement of * (texhax.15) services: output from bibliographic database * as (la)tex input? (texhax.08) services: re: output from bibliographic databases * into (la)tex ... (texhax.09) set: seeking character * for ancient greek (texhax.03) set: fonts - need 17th century font * (texhax.11) set: re: fonts - need 17th century font * (texhax.12) sfptopk: new version of * on fileserv/niord (texhax.20) sfware: * programs available on fileserv/niord (texhax.06) sgml: * and tex (texhax.17) shsu: re: problems at * (texhax.20) signs: pounds * in slitex (texhax.10) silentwriter: mode defs for nec * 2 90??? (texhax.01) silentwriter2: mode_def for nec * s60p ?? (texhax.06) size: version 1.2 of sauter files (any point * computer modern) (texhax.07) skip: looking for * montanaro (texhax.07) slash: dirac * notation revisited (texhax.17) slitex: pounds signs in * (texhax.10) small: * suggestion -- not a submission (texhax.13) small: re: * suggestion -- not a submission (texhax.13) space: desktop and electronic publishing in astronomy and * sciences (texhax.12) span: * access to fileserv/niord (texhax.12) spell: tex/latex compatible * checkers (texhax.19) spell: * checkers and pk file conversion (texhax.20) spell: other * checkers (texhax.20) spell: tex/latex * checkers (texhax.20) spfontware: * updates on fileserv/niord (texhax.11) stanford: harvard style bibliography and * university thesis style (texhax.15) startup: 4 second delay on * (texhax.18) startup: re: 4 second delay on * (texhax.19) startup: re: 4 second delay on * (texhax.19) startup: re: 4 second delay on * (texhax.21) stmary: * on fileserv/niord (texhax.11) stories: using dviout on vms, hints, horror *, etc. (texhax.10) storm: texhax * (texhax.10) structure/style: * of law publications (texhax.09) style: important: problem with letter document *: latex release of jan 92 (texhax.04) style: euler latex *? (texhax.09) style: * updates on fileserv/niord (texhax.12) style: bibtex * file for asme papers - follow up (texhax.15) style: bibtex * file for asme publications (texhax.15) style: harvard * bibliography and stanford university thesis style (texhax.15) style: harvard style bibliography and stanford university thesis * (texhax.15) style: chicago manual of * files on fileserv/niord (texhax.16) styles: harvard family of bibliographic * on fileserv (texhax.04) styles: 14pt * for latex (texhax.07) styles: update to * at fileserv/niord (texhax.08) styles: harvard bib * in tex (texhax.21) submission: re: not exactly a * ... (texhax.12) submission: re: small suggestion -- not a * (texhax.13) submission: small suggestion -- not a * (texhax.13) succesfully: please help: "how to * make tex 3.14 on hp9000/720 ?" (texhax.09) suggestion: re: small * -- not a submission (texhax.13) suggestion: small * -- not a submission (texhax.13) summary: re: * on polish (la)tex (texhax.21) supertabular: new version of * (3.6g) (texhax.14) supertabular: yet another new version of * (texhax.14) swonk's: glenn l. * latex tree drawer (texhax.10) symbol: trademark * under latex?? (texhax.03) symbol: re: trademark * under latex?? (texhax.06) systems: cweb for 386/486 * running dos (texhax.07) table: * macro packages and help (texhax.22) tabular: dcolumn.sty -- decimal alignment in * and array (texhax.04) tektronix: dvi previewing on *? (texhax.11) testing: hyphenation patterns for catalan ready for beta * (texhax.08) tex: possible * bug discovered -- boxes and rules (texhax.01) tex: advanced * course in the netherlands, june 15-19, 92 at low cost. (texhax.02) tex: indexing facility for * (texhax.02) tex: a * language problem (texhax.03) tex: re: possible * bug discovered -- boxes and rules (texhax.03) tex: * question about underscore (texhax.04) tex: re: indexing facility for * (texhax.05) tex: * installation questions (texhax.07) tex: * v3.141 now in the aston archive (texhax.07) tex: acquiring * (texhax.08) tex: correction to pc version of * (texhax.09) tex: free * for pc exists ? (texhax.09) tex: lucida tfm/vf's for * (texhax.09) tex: pc version of * (texhax.09) tex: please help: "how to succesfully make * 3.14 on hp9000/720 ?" (texhax.09) tex: lucida for * version 1.1 available (texhax.11) tex: re: pc version of * (texhax.11) tex: latex or * in japanese (texhax.12) tex: re: dot-matrix printers, drivers for pc, re: pc version of * (texhax.12) tex: * macro index (texhax.13) tex: re: latex or * in japanese (texhax digest v92 #012) (texhax.13) tex: re: latex or * in japanese (texhax.13) tex: further on japanese and *... (texhax.14) tex: * hackers request (texhax.15) tex: re: * hackers request (texhax.15) tex: * + postscript logo (texhax.16) tex: problems formatting * documents (texhax.16) tex: re: problems formatting * documents (texhax.16) tex: sgml and * (texhax.17) tex: translating exp files to * or latex (texhax.17) tex: new macro package: lollipop * (texhax.20) tex: harvard bib styles in * (texhax.21) tex: * and tug news latest issue (texhax.22) tex: * for a 386 pc (texhax.22) tex--xet.change: announcing * (texhax.14) tex/latex: availability of mac versions of *, dvialw, dvips etc. (texhax.13) tex/latex: info on publishers using * (texhax.16) tex/latex: * compatible spell checkers (texhax.19) tex/latex: * spell checkers (texhax.20) texshell: english language documentation for * (texhax.03) texsis: new version (2.15) of * released (texhax.16) text: color * using dvips (texhax.06) texts: translations between mac and unix * (texhax.18) texts: translations between mac and unix * (texhax.19) textures: amsfonts for * posted to e-math (texhax.01) tfm: * files for postscript fonts (texhax.09) tfm: * to afm (texhax.22) tfm/vf's: lucida * for tex (texhax.09) theequation: * (texhax.17) theses: regulations for * (texhax.09) theses: re: regulations for * (texhax.11) theses: regulations for * (texhax.11) theses: regulations for *: microfilming (texhax.12) theses: typesetting for * (texhax digest v92 #009) (texhax.12) thesis: harvard style bibliography and stanford university * style (texhax.15) things: looking for a few * (texhax.12) times.sty: problem with * (texhax.14) times.sty: re: `*' (texhax digest v92 #014) (texhax.15) tool: pphlp (vms documentation *) on fileserv/niord (texhax.15) tr2latex: * 2.0 on fileserv/niord (texhax.09) tr2latex: * version 2.2 on fileserv/niord (texhax.09) trademark: * symbol under latex?? (texhax.03) trademark: re: * symbol under latex?? (texhax.06) transformation: * of pk file resolution (or location of unusual fonts) (texhax.19) translating: * exp files to tex or latex (texhax.17) translations: * between mac and unix texts (texhax.18) translations: * between mac and unix texts (texhax.19) tree: glenn l. swonk's latex * drawer (texhax.10) tug: tex and * news latest issue (texhax.22) two-column: * format (texhax.13) type: bibtex entry * appropriate for reprints (texhax.08) typesetting: * for theses (texhax digest v92 #009) (texhax.12) uk-tug: first-ever scottish * meeting (march, 1993) (texhax.22) under: trademark symbol * latex?? (texhax.03) under: re: trademark symbol * latex?? (texhax.06) underscore: tex question about * (texhax.04) underscores: re: ancient greek; catcodes; *. (texhax.07) university: harvard style bibliography and stanford * thesis style (texhax.15) unix: download fonts from * (texhax.12) unix: the * makeindex program (texhax.17) unix: translations between mac and * texts (texhax.18) unix: translations between mac and * texts (texhax.19) unusual: transformation of pk file resolution (or location of * fonts) (texhax.19) update: * (texhax.04) update: * to styles at fileserv/niord (texhax.08) updates: latex *, as of march 18, 1992. (texhax.07) updates: spfontware * on fileserv/niord (texhax.11) updates: style * on fileserv/niord (texhax.12) use: * of the faq posting (was: latex hyphenation problems) (texhax.12) utilities: gnu font * 0.4 available (texhax.08) utilities: new release of the gnu font * (texhax.17) v0.93: lollipop * (texhax.21) v3.141: tex * now in the aston archive (texhax.07) version: new * of dvidvi for vms on fileserv (texhax.05) version: * 1.2 of sauter files (any point size computer modern) (texhax.07) version: * 1.1 of ``my'' font naming scheme available (texhax.08) version: re: * 1.1 of ``my'' font naming scheme available (texhax.08) version: correction to pc * of tex (texhax.09) version: pc * of tex (texhax.09) version: tr2latex * 2.2 on fileserv/niord (texhax.09) version: sauter parameter files * 1.3 available (texhax.10) version: lucida for tex * 1.1 available (texhax.11) version: re: pc * of tex (texhax.11) version: re: dot-matrix printers, drivers for pc, re: pc * of tex (texhax.12) version: * 1.4 of sauter parameter files available (texhax.14) version: new * of supertabular (3.6g) (texhax.14) version: yet another new * of supertabular (texhax.14) version: filenames for fonts * 1.2 available (texhax.15) version: new * (2.15) of texsis released (texhax.16) version: lucida (math) * 1.2 available (texhax.20) version: new * of sfptopk on fileserv/niord (texhax.20) versions: ms-dos compiled * of zip/unzip on fileserv/niord (texhax.12) versions: availability of mac * of tex/latex, dvialw, dvips etc. (texhax.13) videocomp: dvi -> * (?) (texhax.22) vms: new version of dvidvi for * on fileserv (texhax.05) vms: using dviout on *, hints, horror stories, etc. (texhax.10) vms: pphlp (* documentation tool) on fileserv/niord (texhax.15) way: re: eps inclusion in oztex the easy * !! (texhax.03) weave: * formatting (texhax.15) web2c: * 5.851c available (texhax.10) weird: * behaviour of floats in latex. (texhax.16) weird: re: * behaviour of floats in latex (texhax.17) when: latex 2.10: *? (texhax.16) when: re: latex 2.10: *? (texhax.17) why: * does \font freeze \jobname? (texhax.09) won't: plain.tex * ini !!! (texhax.12) word: scientific * (texhax.10) xdvik: * 0.10 available (texhax.14) xetal: * on fileserv/niord (texhax.11) xypic: * on fileserv/niord (texhax.11) yet: * another new version of supertabular (texhax.14) zip/unzip: ms-dos compiled versions of * on fileserv/niord (texhax.12)