
Unicode hyphenation patterns for Sanskrit and Prakrit in Devanagari,
Bengali, Kannada, Malayalam and Telugu scripts.

Created:         April 1st, 2005
First release:  June 8th, 2006
Revised:         (not yet)
Version:         0.1

Created by Yves Codet with Jonathan Kew's help.

These patterns are meant for XeTeX, a Unicode variant of TeX. After being
compiled into a format, these patterns can be activated with the command:


In LaTeX, if your document is entirely in Sanskrit or Prakrit, you can write
the command in your preamble, for instance:




उद्दिष्टः समाहितचित्तस्य योगः । कथं व्युत्थितचित्तोऽपि योगयुक्तः स्यादित्येतदारभ्यते ।



If there is another language in your source file, you can define a new
font instance and a new command, for instance:


\setromanfont{Code2000}                                              % font
% "Code2000" with French hyphenation called by "Babel"
\newcommand{\sk}[1]{{\language=\sanskrit\devanagarifont{#1}}}     % the
% same font with Sanskrit hyphenation called by the command
% "\language=\sanskrit"


\sk{उद्दिष्टः समाहितचित्तस्य योगः । कथं व्युत्थितचित्तोऽपि योगयुक्तः
स्यादित्येतदारभ्यते ।}

La pratique de celui qui a l’esprit concentré vient d'être décrite.
Comment celui qui a l’esprit dispersé doit-il mener la sienne?
C’est ce sujet qui va être abordé.



I never use plainTeX, so I don't know how to do the same with it. If a
plainTeX user is willing to send me the equivalents of the above, I'll be

Please send corrections and suggestions to:

These hyphenation patterns are under the LaTeX Project Public License.