%                                                            ljour1.mac
% LaTeX package LJour1 1.0: main style file for one column journals
% (c) Springer-Verlag HD
% It is for use with: LATEX VERSION 2.09 <25 March 1992>
% and the NFSS from F. Mittelbach and R. Schoepf
% Please report all errors via e-mail to SPRINGER@vax.ntp.springer.de
% or to the address mentioned on page 2 of the documentation
% This is sprbegch.tex
% changes to LaTeX for Springer styles begin herewith
\def\@optiondef#1{\expandafter\def\csname sp@#1\endcsname{}}
\typeout{Springer Style error.  \space See documentation for
 explanation.^^J \space\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces Type \space H <return>
 \space for immediate help.}\errmessage{#1}}
\typeout{Springer Style Warning. \space See documentation for
 explanation.^^J \space\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces Type \space H <return>
 \space for immediate help.}\errmessage{#1}}
% This is document.tex
% checks whether style specified in \documentstyle and style used as
% formatfile are the same
  \@ifundefined{springerstylefile}{\input \@tempx.sty\relax}%
     \typeout{This is \springerstylefile.}%
    \@springererr{Style '\springerstylefile' is preloaded}{Please
     check your input.}\fi
    \let\@elt\input \@optionfiles \let\@elt\relax
% Checks whether options specified to \documentstyle are allowed with
% current style (e.g. are listed in the dataset options.tex)
         {\@springerwarn{Option '\@tempa' not tested with
                        \springerstylefile, this may not work}%
                       {Press return to continue, but keep your
                        fingers crossed.}}%
     \@elt \@tempa.sty\relax}}{\csname ds@\@tempa\endcsname}%
% This is options.tex
% it contains the table of options tested with the package
% Use \@optiondef{NAME} to enable the option NAME.
% This is articl10.tex
% load article style and substyle
% disable \@options before and enable it after all.
  \typeout{Loading article style and art10 substyle}
  \let\@tempy\@options \let\@options\relax
  \let\@tempi\input \def\input#1\relax{}
  \@tempi art10.sty
  \@tempi article.sty
%             This is misc.xxx
% It defines various commands not available in "plain LaTeX"
\def\E{{\rm e}}
\def\I{{\rm i}}
% Frame for paste-in figures or tables
\def\picplace#1{\vbox{\hrule\@height 0.4pt\@width\hsize
\hbox to\hsize{\vrule\@width 0.4pt\@height#1\hfil
\vrule\@width 0.4pt\@height#1}\hrule\@height 0.4pt\@width\hsize}}
%             This is referee.tex
% It defines the style option "referee"
\newif\if@referee \@refereefalse
\typeout{A referee's copy will be produced.}%
\setbox\refereebox=\vbox to0pt{\vskip0.5cm%
  \hbox to\textwidth{\normalsize\tt\hrulefill\lower0.5ex
        \hbox{\kern5pt referee's copy\kern5pt}\hrulefill}\vss}%
% This is ucgreek
% the definition of versal greek characters
%             This is vector.tex
% It redefines the plain TeX \vec command
% and adds a \tens command for tensors


%             This is defaults.tex
% It sets the switches for twoside printing, numbering
% of equations and kind of citation.
\@twosidetrue                       % twoside is default
\newif\if@bibay    \@bibayfalse     % citation with numbers
                                    % is default
\newif\if@numart   \@numartfalse    % numbering with chapternumbers
                                    % is default
%             This is layout.lj1
% It defines various sizes and settings for journals
\parskip=0pt plus 1pt
\abovedisplayskip=3 mm plus6pt minus 4pt
\belowdisplayskip=3 mm plus6pt minus 4pt
\abovedisplayshortskip=0.0 mm plus6pt
\belowdisplayshortskip=2 mm plus4pt minus 4pt
\newdimen\betweenumberspace          % dimension for space between
\betweenumberspace=3.33pt            % number and text of titles.
\newdimen\aftertext                  % dimension for space after
\aftertext=5pt                       % text of title.
\newdimen\headlineindent             % dimension for space between
\headlineindent=1.166cm              % number and text of headings.
% Figures and tables are processed in small print
\labelsep=5pt                        % measures for lists
        \itemsep=\parskip \advance\itemsep by -\parsep}
        \labelwidth\leftmarginii\advance\labelwidth by -\labelsep
        \itemsep=\parskip \advance\itemsep by -\parsep}
\abovedisplayskip=3 mm plus6pt minus 4pt
\belowdisplayskip=3 mm plus6pt minus 4pt
\abovedisplayshortskip=0.0 mm plus6pt
\belowdisplayshortskip=2 mm plus4pt minus 4pt
\abovedisplayskip 8.5pt plus 3pt minus 4pt%
\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
\abovedisplayshortskip \z@ plus2pt%
\belowdisplayshortskip 4pt plus2pt minus 2pt
\topsep 4pt plus 2pt minus 2pt\parsep\parskip
\abovedisplayskip 6pt plus 2pt minus 4pt%
\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
\abovedisplayshortskip \z@ plus 1pt%
\belowdisplayshortskip 3pt plus 1pt minus 2pt
\topsep 3pt plus 1pt minus 1pt\parsep\parskip
% This is texte.tex
% it defines various texts and their translations
% called up with documentstyle options
\def\keywordname{{\bf Keywords.}}
\def\contriblistname{List of contributors}
\def\listfigurename{List of Figures}
\def\listtablename{List of Tables}
\def\mailname{{\it Correspondence to\/}:}
\def\noteaddname{Note added in proof}
\def\subclassname{{\it Subject Classifications.}}
% Names of theorem like environments are already defined
% but must be translated if another language is chosen
% French section
\def\ds@francais{\typeout{On parle francais.}%
 \def\contentsname{Table des mati\`eres}%
 \def\keywordname{{\bf Mots-cl\'e.}}
 \def\contriblistname{List of contributors}
 \def\listfigurename{Liste des figures}%
 \def\listtablename{Liste des tables}%
 \def\noteaddname{Note ajout\'ee \`a l'\'epreuve}%
% German section
\def\ds@deutsch{\typeout{Man spricht deutsch.}%
 \def\keywordname{{\bf Schl\"usselw\"orter.}}
 \def\contriblistname{List of contributors}
%             This is headjour.tex
% Titles for journals are redefined
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{3}           % depth of the highest-level
                                      % sectioning command
%  definition of \chapter
%  not allowed with this springer style
\def\chapter#1{\@springererr{Command \string\chapter \space
                        is not allowed with this Style File}%
                       {Please remove command \string\chapter.}%
\def\@sect#1#2#3#4#5#6[#7]#8{\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth
   \refstepcounter{#1}\edef\@svsec{\csname the#1%
   \@tempskipa #5\relax
    \ifdim \@tempskipa>\z@
      \begingroup #6\relax
        \@hangfrom{\hskip #3\relax\@svsec}{%
        \hyphenpenalty \@M%
        \interlinepenalty \@M #8\par}%
     \csname #1mark\endcsname{#7}\addcontentsline
       {toc}{#1}{\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth \else
                    \protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}\fi
     \def\@svsechd{#6\hskip #3\relax
                \@svsec #8\hskip\aftertext\ignorespaces
                    \csname #1mark\endcsname
                         {toc}{#1}{\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth \else
                           \protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}\fi
% measures and setting of sections
    {-21dd plus-4pt minus-4pt}{10.5dd plus 4pt
    {-21dd plus-4pt minus-4pt}{10.5dd plus 4pt
    {-21dd plus-4pt minus-4pt}{10.5dd plus 4pt
    {-21dd plus-4pt minus-4pt}{-1pt}{\normalsize\it}}
%  definition of \subparagraph
%  not allowed with springer styles
\def\subsubparagraph#1{\@springererr{Command \string\subparagraph \space
                        is not allowed with this Style File}%
                       {Please remove command \string\subparagraph.}%
%  definition of \part
%  not allowed with springer styles
\def\part#1{\@springererr{Command \string\part \space
                        is not allowed with this Style File}%
                       {Please remove command \string\part.}%
%             This is toc.xxx
% it modifies the appearence of the table of contents
 \fi\chapter*{\contentsname \@mkboth{{\contentsname}}{{\contentsname}}}

   \addvspace{1.8em plus\p@}%  % space above part line
     \parindent \z@
     \rightskip \z@ plus 5em
     \bf\boldmath        % set line in boldface
     \leavevmode          % TeX command to enter horizontal mode.
     \nobreak             % Never break after part entry


 \vskip 1.0em plus 1pt \@tempdima 1.5em \begingroup
 \parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
 \parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
 \leavevmode \advance\leftskip\@tempdima \hskip -\leftskip
 \leaders\hbox{$\m@th \mkern \@dotsep mu.\mkern
 \@dotsep mu$}\hfill
 \nobreak\hbox to\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}\par
 \penalty\@highpenalty \endgroup}



% This is kopf.xxx
% it does the whole head of a contribution extending the
% \maketitle command.
% LaTeX does not provide a command to enter the authors institute
% addresses. The \institute command is defined here.






 \hbox to\instindent{\hss$^{\theinst}$\enspace}\ignorespaces}%
   \hbox to\instindent{\hss$^{\theinst}$\enspace}\ignorespaces



   \or \dagger\or \ddagger\or
   \mathchar "278\or \mathchar "27B\or \|\or **\or \dagger\dagger
   \or \ddagger\ddagger \else\@ctrerr\fi\relax}




       {\typeout{Missing \expandafter\string\csname#1\endcsname}%
        \csname #1\endcsname{#2}}

%\ch@ckobl{thesaurus}{missing; you have not inserted them}
\ch@ckobl{date}{the date of receipt and acceptance should be inserted
\ch@ckobl{title}{A title should be given}
\ch@ckobl{author}{Name(s) and initial(s) of author(s) should be given}
\ch@ckobl{institute}{Address(es) of author(s) should be given}
   \newpage \@maketitle
 \def\\{ }\def\inst##1{\unskip}\def\thanks##1{\unskip}%
 \advance\instindent by-\headlineindent
    \typeout{Names of authors too long for running head. Please supply}%
    \typeout{a shorter form with \string\authorrunning\space prior to
    Authors suppressed due to excessive length}%
    \typeout{Title too long for running head. Please supply}%
    \typeout{a shorter form with \string\titlerunning\space prior to
    Title suppressed due to excessive length}%

\hbox to0pt{\vbox{\baselineskip=10dd\hrule\hbox
\hbox{\bf\@journalname\ Manuscript-Nr.}
\hbox{(will be inserted by hand later)}

 \rm\vbox to0pt{}\vskip-8mm
 {\Large \bf\boldmath
  \rightskip=0pt plus 4cm
   {\em\ignorespaces\@headnote\par}\vskip 3.5mm
  \@title \par}\vskip 3.5mm\relax
   \vskip .05cm
   \rightskip=0pt plus 3cm
   \noindent\ignorespaces\@subtitle \par\vskip .4cm
 \lineskip .5em
                 \unskip{} \andname\
                 \unskip, \andname\
 \vskip .4cm \noindent\@date
 \vskip .5cm}

% Define `abstract' environment

% Define `transsummary' environment
{\bf Summary.}]}

% Define \transtitle, (\trans-)\keywords and \subclass
{\bf Keywords. }\ignorespaces#1\par}
%             This is runnhead.j
% It redefines the headings of a text. There are two
% pagestyles possible: "\pagestyle{headings}" and
% "\pagestyle{myheadings}". The later is the default.
      \thesection.\hskip\betweenumberspace\fi ##1}}}}
\else \def\ps@headings{\let\@mkboth\markboth
      \thesection.\hskip\betweenumberspace\fi ##1}}}}
%             This is theorem.xxx
% It redefines the "\newtheorem" command.
% Usage now:
%     \newtheorem{env_nam}{caption}[within]{cap_font}{body_font}
% or  \newtheorem{env_nam}[numbered_like]{caption}{cap_font}{body_font}
% or  \newtheorem*{env_nam}{caption}{cap_font}{body_font}
% New is "cap_font" and "body_font". It stands for
% fontdefinition of the caption and the text itself.
% "\newtheorem*" gives a theorem without number.
% A defined newthoerem environment is used as described
% by Lamport.



% definition of \newtheorem with number


\def\@xnthm#1#2[#3]#4#5{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
   \expandafter\xdef\csname the#1\endcsname{\expandafter\noexpand
     \csname the#3\endcsname \@thmcountersep \@thmcounter{#1}}%
   \expandafter\xdef\csname #1name\endcsname{#2}%
   \global\@namedef{#1}{\@thm{#1}{\csname #1name\endcsname}{#4}{#5}}%

\def\@ynthm#1#2#3#4{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
   \expandafter\xdef\csname the#1\endcsname{\@thmcounter{#1}}%
   \expandafter\xdef\csname #1name\endcsname{#2}%
   \global\@namedef{#1}{\@thm{#1}{\csname #1name\endcsname}{#3}{#4}}%

  \@ifundefined{c@#2}{\@latexerr{No theorem environment `#2' defined}\@eha}%
  {\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
  \expandafter\xdef\csname #1name\endcsname{#3}%
  \global\@namedef{#1}{\@thm{#2}{\csname #1name\endcsname}{#4}{#5}}%


\def\@xthm#1#2#3#4{\@begintheorem{#2}{\csname the#1\endcsname}{#3}{#4}%


                 \item[\hskip\labelsep{#3#1\ #2\@thmcounterend}]#4}

      \item[\hskip\labelsep{#4#1\ #2\ (#3)\@thmcounterend}]#5}

% definition of \newtheorem* without number


\def\@Ynthm#1#2#3#4{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
   {\global\@namedef{#1}{\@Thm{\csname #1name\endcsname}{#3}{#4}}%
    \expandafter\xdef\csname #1name\endcsname{#2}%





      \item[\hskip\labelsep{#3#1\ (#2)\@thmcounterend}]}

% definition of divers theorem environments

%             This is figure.xxx
% It redefines the captions for "figure" and "table"
% environments.
% There are two new kind of captions: "\firstcaption"
% and "\secondcaption" for captions set side by side.
% Usage for the new commands: like "\caption".

  the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}\begingroup
    \@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}\par



  the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}\begingroup
    \@maketwocaptions{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}%

  the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}\begingroup
    \@maketwocaptions{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}\par

   \parbox[t]{.46\textwidth}{{\bf #1.} #2}}



\long\def\@makecaption#1#2{\if\@captype\fig@type\vskip 10pt\fi
   \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{{\bf #1.} #2}%
 \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize {\bf #1.} #2\par
 \else \hbox to\hsize{\hfil\unhbox\@tempboxa\hfil}\fi
%             This is bibjour.xxx
% It redefines the "bibliography" environment.
% Usage: \begin{thebibliography}[label]{title}
%        where "title" is the text of the title which will be
%        typeset, e.g. "References" or "Bibliography". It must
%        be given.
%        together with "bibay" style option (e.g.
%          \documentstyle[bibay]{article}):
%        \bibitem{label}{key}{referenced text}
%             for author-year-citation
%        without style option (as described by Lamport):
%        \bibitem[label]{key}
%        \bibitem{key}
%        \cite{key}  (as described by Lamport)

% definition of \begin{thebibliography}


   \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em}

   \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em}


% definition of \bibitem and \cite
           {\def\protect####1{\string ####1\space}\immediate
           {\@citea\def\@citea{,\penalty\@m\ }\@ifundefined
           {b@\@citeb}{{\bf ?}\@warning
           {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}}%
           \hbox{\csname b@\@citeb\endcsname}}}%
    \def\@cite##1##2{{##1\if@tempswa , ##2\fi}}%
       {\def\protect##1{\string ##1\space}\immediate
\def\@bibitem#1{\item\if@filesw \immediate\write\@auxout
       {\@citea\def\@citea{,\penalty\@m\ }\@ifundefined
       {b@\@citeb}{{\bf ?}\@warning
       {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}}%
       \hbox{\csname b@\@citeb\endcsname}}}%
\def\@cite#1#2{[{#1\if@tempswa , #2\fi}]}
%             This is fonotej.xxx
% It redefines how footnotes will be typeset.
% Usage like described by Lamport.

 \hrule width\footnoterulewidth
 \kern 2.6\p@}

\long\def\@makefntext#1{\@setpar{\@@par\@tempdima \hsize
         \advance\@tempdima-15pt\parshape \@ne 15pt \@tempdima}\par
         \parindent 15pt\noindent \hbox to \z@{%
         \hss\hss$^{\@thefnmark}$ }#1}
% This is footinfo.tex
% it provides an informatory line on every page
% \thetime, \thedate and \timstamp are macros to include
% time, date (or both) of the TeX run in the document
\divide\count255 by 60\relax
\multiply\count255 by-60\relax
\advance\count255 by\time
\edef\thetime{\thetime\ifnum\count255<10 0\fi\the\count255}
\edef\thedate{\number\day-\ifcase\month\or Jan\or Feb\or Mar\or
             Apr\or May\or Jun\or Jul\or Aug\or Sep\or Oct\or
             Nov\or Dec\fi-\number\year}
\def\timstamp{\hbox to\hsize{\tt\hfil\thedate\hfil\thetime\hfil}}}
% \footinfo generates a info footline on every page containing
% pagenumber, jobname, macroname, and timestamp
   \def\@oddfoot{\footnotesize\tt Page: \thepage\hfil job: \jobname\hfil
                 macro: \SpringerMacroPackageNameA\hfil
                 date/time: \thedate/\thetime}%
   \typeout{You ordered a foot-info line. }}
   \typeout{Foot-info has been disabled. }}
%             This is environ.xxx
% It defines the environment for acknowledgements.
%                            and noteadd
% Usage e.g.: \begin{acknowledgement}
%                Text
%             \end{acknowledgement}
% Define `abstract' environment
% Define `noteadd' environment
%             This is item.xxx
% It redefines the kind of label for "itemize", "enumerate"
% and "description" environment. The last is extended by
% an optional parameter. Its length is used for overall
% indentation.

% labels of enumerate


% labels of itemize

\def\labelitemi{\bf --}
\def\labelitemii{\bf --}

% labels of description
\def\descriptionlabel#1{\hspace\labelsep #1\hfil}

% make indentations changeable

        \labelwidth\leftmargini\advance\labelwidth by -\labelsep
        \itemsep=\parskip \advance\itemsep by -\parsep}}
        \labelwidth\leftmarginii\advance\labelwidth by -\labelsep
        \itemsep=\parskip \advance\itemsep by -\parsep}}
% adjusted environment "description"
% if an optional parameter (at the first two levels of lists)
% is present, its width is considered to be the widest mark
% throughout the current list.
          \itemindent-\leftmargin \let\makelabel\descriptionlabel}}}
%             This is typeset.xxx
% It defines last text of every article.
\def\typeset{\small\noindent This article was processed by the author
             using the \LaTeX{} style file {\it\springerstylefile\/}
             from Springer-Verlag.\par}

  \if@filesw \immediate\closeout\@mainaux
  \def\global\@namedef##1##2{}\def\newlabel{\@testdef r}%
 \def\bibcite{\@testdef b}\@tempswafalse \makeatletter\input \jobname.aux
  \if@tempswa \@@warning{Label(s) may have changed.  Rerun to get
  cross-references right}\fi\fi\endgroup\deadcycles\z@\@@end}

%             This is numberj.xxx
% It redefines the kind of numeration for figures,
% tables and equations like they should appear in
% journals.