%                                                             ljour1.ref
% LJour1 vers. 1.0, LaTeX style file for Springer journals with
% one-column layout: Reference card
% (c) Springer-Verlag HD
% Please use style cljour1.
\textwidth 12cm \textheight 18.5cm

{\large\bf LJour1: reference card\hfill version 1.0}
\noindent This is a list of commands provided by the \LaTeX{} style file
{\it LJour1}. For a complete description of these commands please refer
to the user's guide.

{\bf Using the style file}
\verb|tex &cljour1 <filename>| or \verb|tex &pljour1 <filename>|

{\it Documentstyle}
\verb|cljour1| or \verb|pljour1|

{\it Styleoptions}
referee\hfill footinfo\hfill leqno\hfill bibay\hfill deutsch\hfill%
german\hfill francais\hfill amssymb

{\bf The beginning of an article}
\documentstyle[<style options>]{<docstyle>}
<macro definitions>
\journalname{<name of journal>}
\renewcommand{\abstractname}{<heading for abstract>.}
\renewcommand{\subclassname}{{\it <heading>.}}
\title{<title of article>}
\titlerunning{<short form of title>}
\subtitle{<subtitle of article>}
\author{<name of first author>\inst{<number>}
\and <name of second author>\inst{<number>} ...}
\authorrunning{<name of first author> et al.}
\institute{<first address> \and <second address>}
\thanks{<text of footnote>}
\thanks{{\it Present address:\/} <address>}
\date{Received <date>; accepted <date>}
\begin{abstract}  <abstract>  \end{abstract}
\keywords{<keyword -- keyword -- ...>}
\transtitle{<title in English>}
\begin{transsummary} <English translation of summary>
\transkey  {<key words in English>}

{\it Footnote mark separator}


{\bf Headings}
\section{<title of section>}
\subsection{<title of subsection>}
\subsubsection{<title of subsection>}
\paragraph{<title of paragraph>}

{\bf Special typefaces}
{\Bbb <symbol>}
{\sc <text>}

{\bf Footnotes}


{\bf Lists}
\item[<label>] <text>

{\bf Paragraphs in small print}
\begin{petit}   <text>   \end{petit}

{\bf Mini-environments}
\begin{<name of environment>}[<optional material>]
<text for that environment>
\end{<name of environment>}

{\it Defining new environments}

{\bf Listings of computer programs}



{\bf Figures}
{\it One figure}
\picplace{<height> cm}

{\it Two figures side by side}
\firstcaption{<legend of first figure>}
\secondcaption{<legend of second figure>}

{\it Two figures side by side with legend one below the other}
\picplace{<height> cm}
\caption{<legend of first figure>}
\caption{<legend of second figure>}

{\bf Tables}
{\it Coded with \LaTeX}
\caption[ ]{<table caption>}
\begin{tabular}{<alignment specs>}
<input for table>

{\it Not coded with \LaTeX}
\caption[]{<text of caption>}
\picplace{<height> cm}

{\bf Acknowledgements}
\verb|\begin{acknowledgements} <text>

{\bf Appendices}

{\bf References}

{\it By number or by letter and number}
<bibliographic entries>
For details please see \LaTeX{} manual.

{\it Author-year system}
\bibitem{}{<key>}{<citation>} <bibliographic entry>

{\large\bf\hfill Springer International}