% EETITLEPAGE DOCUMENT-STYLE OPTION - Version 2.22 released 21 July 1993
% EETITLEPAGE DOCUMENT-STYLE OPTION - Version 2.21 released 5 July 1991
% EETITLEPAGE DOCUMENT-STYLE OPTION - Version 2.2 released 20 November 1990
% EETITLEPAGE DOCUMENT-STYLE OPTION - Version 2.1 released 20 June 1989
% FILE: eethetitle.sty
% Modifications: 4-10-87 PEC, 12-1-88 RLO, 2-28-89 RLO
% Fixed the centering problem of absone 7-4-91 Ken
% Modify the approval page based on the 7/92 version of Thesis Manual,
%                            6-17-93, Wen-Lin Hsieh
% THESIS modification
%    for LaTeX version 2.08
% Copyright (C) 1985 by Leslie Lamport

\def\type{Thesis}              % Sets default document type to be a thesis
\def\degree{MASTER OF SCIENCE} % Sets default degree to be a MS, 6/17/93
\def\major{Electrical Engineering} % Sets default major to be ELEN, 6/17/93
 \let\footnotesize\small       % Local definitions to make \thanks produce
 \let\footnoterule\relax       % \normalsize footnotes with no separating rule.
 \vskip 5truept                % To adjust centering.
   \vskip -2em                 % Adjust vertical position. 
   {\uppercase{#1} \par}       % Set title in \normal size.
   \vskip 4.5em                % Vertical space after title. 6em --> 4.5em, 6/17/93
   {\lineskip .75em            % Author  
     \begin{tabular}[t]{c} A \type\\ by\\ \uppercase{#2}
   \vskip 5em                  % Vertical space after author.
   {\singlespace Submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of\\ Texas A\&M
     University\\ in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
     degree of \\ \uppercase{#3}\smallskip}
   \vskip 8em                  % Vertical space, 6-->8, 6/17/93
   {#4 \par}                   % Date
   \vskip 6.5em                  % Vertical space, 5-->6.5, 6/17/93
   {Major Subject: #5}
\end{center} \par
\setcounter{footnote}{0}       % Footnotes start at zero again.

\apprlineup 0pt
\vskip -3em    % 6/17/1993
\vspace*{\apprlineup}              %%%%%%%  To adjust cpproval line.
  {\uppercase{#1} \par}
  \vskip 1.5em % 5em-->1.5em, 6/17/93
  {\lineskip .75em
    \begin{tabular}[t]{c} A \type\\ by\\ \uppercase{#2}
    \vskip 2em % 6/17/93
   {\singlespace Submitted to Texas A\&M University\\
      in partial fulfillment of the requirements\\ for the
     degree of \\ \degree}
\vskip .5em    % 6/17/93
\@@line{Approved as to style and content by:\hfil}
\vskip .7truein
\@@line{\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#3}\hss}
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Chair of Committee)\hss}}}\hfil
\vskip .38truein
\@@line{\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#4}\hss}
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Member)\hss}}\hfil
\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#5}\hss}
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Member)\hss}}}
\vskip .43truein
\@@line{\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#6}\hss}
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Member)\hss}}\hfil
\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#7}\hss}
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Head of Department)\hss}}}
\vskip 2em       % 6/17/93
\vskip 2em       % 6/17/93 
\centerline{Major Subject: \major}}   % 6/17/93 

\vskip -3em  % 6/17/93
\vspace*{\apprlineup}              %%%%%%%  To adjust cpproval line.
  {\uppercase{#1} \par}
  \vskip 1.5em     % 6/17/93 
  {\lineskip .75em
    \begin{tabular}[t]{c} A \type\\ by\\ \uppercase{#2}
    \vskip 2em % 6/17/93
   {\singlespace Submitted to Texas A\&M University\\
      in partial fulfillment of the requirements\\ for the
     degree of \\ \degree}
\vskip .5em  % 6/17/93
{Approved as to style and content by:\hfil}
\vskip .7truein
\@@line{\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#3}\hss}
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Chair of Committee)\hss}}\hfil
\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#4}\hss}
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Member)\hss}}}
\vskip .38truein
\@@line{\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#5}\hss}
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Member)\hss}}\hfil
\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#6}\hss}
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Member)\hss}}}
\vskip .43truein
\@@line{\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#7}\hss}
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Member)\hss}}\hfil
\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#8}\hss}
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Head of Department)\hss}}}
\vskip 2em  % 6/17/93
\vskip 2em   % 6/17/93
\centerline{Major Subject: \major}}   % 6/17/93

\vskip -3em  % 6/17/93
\vspace*{\apprlineup}              %%%%%%%  To adjust cpproval line.
  {\uppercase{#1} \par}
  \vskip 1.5em  %  6/17/93
  {\lineskip .75em
    \begin{tabular}[t]{c} A \type\\ by\\ \uppercase{#2}
    \vskip 2em % 6/17/93
   {\singlespace Submitted to Texas A\&M University\\
      in partial fulfillment of the requirements\\ for the
     degree of \\ \degree}
\vskip .5em   % 6/17/93
{Approved as to style and content by:\hfil}
\vskip .7truein
%\@@line{\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
%       \smallskip
%       \hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#3}\hss}
%       \hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Co-Chair of Committee)\hss}}}\hfil
%\vskip .38truein
%\@@line{\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
%       \smallskip
%       \hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#4}\hss}
%       \hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Co-Chair of Committee)\hss}}\hfil
%\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
%       \smallskip
%       \hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#5}\hss}
%       \hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Member)\hss}}}
%\vskip .43truein
%\@@line{\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
%       \smallskip
%       \hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#6}\hss}
%       \hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Member)\hss}}\hfil
%\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
%       \smallskip
%       \hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#7}\hss}
%       \hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Head of Department)\hss}}}
%\vskip .93truein
\@@line{\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#3}\hss}
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Co-Chair of Committee)\hss}}\hfil
\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#4}\hss}
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Co-Chair of Committee)\hss}}}
\vskip .38truein
\@@line{\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#5}\hss}
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Member)\hss}}\hfil
\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#6}\hss}
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Member)\hss}}}
\vskip .43truein
	%\hbox to 2.5truein{}
	%\hbox to 2.5truein{}}\hfil
\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#7}\hss}
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Head of Department)\hss}}\hfil}
	%\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Head of Department)\hss}}}
\vskip 2em   % 6/17/93
\vskip 2em  % 6/17/93
\centerline{Major Subject: \major}}  % 6/17/93

\vskip -3em   % 6/17/93
\vspace*{\apprlineup}              %%%%%%%  To adjust cpproval line.
  {\uppercase{#1} \par}
  \vskip 1.5em    % 6/27/93
  {\lineskip .75em     
    \begin{tabular}[t]{c} A \type\\ by\\ \uppercase{#2}
    \vskip 2em % 6/17/93
   {\singlespace Submitted to Texas A\&M University\\
      in partial fulfillment of the requirements\\ for the
     degree of \\ \degree}
\vskip .5em   % 6/17/93
{Approved as to style and content by:\hfil}
\vskip .7truein
\@@line{\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#3}\hss}
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Co-Chair of Committee)\hss}}\hfil
\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#4}\hss}
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Co-Chair of Committee)\hss}}}
\vskip .38truein
\@@line{\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#5}\hss}
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Member)\hss}}\hfil
\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#6}\hss}
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Member)\hss}}}
\vskip .43truein
\@@line{\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#7}\hss}
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Member)\hss}}\hfil
\vbox{\hrule height .7pt
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss {#8}\hss}
	\hbox to 2.5truein{\hss (Head of Department)\hss}}}
\vskip 2em   % 6/17/93
\vskip 2em   % 6/17/93
\centerline{Major Subject: \major}}

\null\vskip 2em\begin{center}}


%{ABSTRACT\\ \vskip 1em
%#1\\ #2. (#3)\\ #4, B.S., #5\\ Chair of Advisory Committee: #6}
%\vskip 1.5em
%\indent #7
% Thesis mod
{ABSTRACT\\ \vskip 1em
#1. (#2)\\ #3, #4\\ Chair of Advisory Committee: #5}
\vskip 1em
\hspace*{\parindent} #6

%%% The following revision causes some problem, therefore, we comment those new
%%% revisions and recover the old stuff. ----- Ken 7-4-91
%    the problem is the ugly linebreaks involving the period and the end of
%    the title and the (DATE)
%    the goal is to typeset "TITLE. (DATE)" without breaking ". (DATE)"
%    at any place across a line
%   begin by setting the strings "TITLE." and "TITLE. (DATE)" into
%   temporary boxes.
%%\setbox\@tempboxb\hbox{#1. (#2)}
%   next, make a crude estimate of how many lines TeX will use to set this.
%   this simplistic calculation ignores the effect of TeX glue and might
%   fail in borderline cases where the line is just a few points longer
%   or shorter than the hsize.
%   estimate:   #lines = ( width of box ) / ( current hsize )
%%\dimen0=\wd\@tempboxb \divide\dimen0 by \hsize
%%\dimen2=\wd\@tempboxc \divide\dimen2 by \hsize
%   if "TEXT. (DATE)" requires more lines than just "TEXT.", then we might
%   as well force a line break and typeset "TEXT.\\(DATE)" and not even
%   give TeX a chance to mess with ". (DATE)"  If they look like the same
%   number of lines,  set "TEXT. (DATE)" and hope for the best
%%    \setbox\@tempboxb\hbox{#1.\\(#2)}
%%    \setbox\@tempboxb\hbox{#1. (#2)}
%   now back to the original abstract macro.  this time, grab the text
%   from the \@tempboxb that we set above.
%%{ABSTRACT\\ \vskip 1em
%%\unhbox\@tempboxb\\ #3, #4\\ Chair of Advisory Committee: #5}
%\vskip 1em
%%\hspace*{\parindent} #6

%{ABSTRACT\\ \vskip 1em
%#1\\ #2. (#3)\\ #4, B.S., #5\\ \centerline{\hbox{\singlespace
%       Co--Chairs of Advisory Committee: \vtop{
%       \hbox{#6}
%       \hbox{#7}}}}}
%\vskip 1.5em
%\indent #8
% Thesis mod
{ABSTRACT\\ \vskip 1em
#1. (#2)\\ #3, #4\\ \centerline{\hbox{\singlespace
	Co--Chairs of Advisory Committee: \vtop{
\vskip 1em
\hspace*{\parindent} #7

\vskip .2truein

\null\vskip 7.5em
\centerline{To #1}

% thesis mod - all of this next section is no longer needed in eethesis
%\null\vskip 2em
%\centerline{TABLE OF CONTENTS}
%\vskip .25truein
%\@@line{CHAPTER \hfil Page}
%\vskip .2truein\singlespace}
%\null\vskip 2em
%\centerline{TABLE OF CONTENTS~~(Continued)}
%\vskip .25truein
%\@@line{CHAPTER \hfil Page}
%\vskip .2truein\singlespace}
%\def\chapterno#1{\hbox to 0.45truein{\hfill #1}}
%\def\sectionno#1{\hbox to 0.25truein{\hfill #1}}
%\def\leaderfill{\leaders\hbox to 1em{\hss.\hss}\hfil}
%\def\threeover{\hskip 1in}
%\def\fourover{\hskip 1.4in}
%\def\tochapone#1#2{\advance \scount by 1
%       \@@line{\chapterno{\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\scount}}
%       ~~~~~~\uppercase{#1}\leaderfill 
%       $#2$\kern 6pt}\bigskip\sscount=64}
%\def\tochaptwo#1#2#3{\advance \scount by 1
%   \@@line{\chapterno{\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\scount}}
%   ~~~~~~\uppercase{#1}\hfil}
%   \@@line{\chapterno{}~~~~~~
%   \uppercase{#2}\leaderfill $#3$\kern 6 pt}\bigskip
%   \sscount=64}
%\def\tochapthree#1#2#3#4{\advance \scount by 1
%    \@@line{\chapterno{\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\scount}}
%    ~~~~~~\uppercase{#1}\hfil}
%    \@@line{\chapterno{}~~~~~~~\uppercase{#2}\hfil}
%    \@@line{\chapterno{}~~~~~~~\uppercase{#3}
%    \leaderfill $#4$\kern 6 pt}\bigskip
%    \sscount=64}
%    \@@line{\chapterno{}
%    ~~~~~~\uppercase{#1}\leaderfill $#2$\kern 6 pt}\bigskip}
%\def\tocsubsectone#1#2{\advance \sscount by 1
%    \@@line{\threeover\sectionno{\char\sscount.}~~#1
%    \leaderfill $#2$\kern 6 pt}
%    \smallskip}
%\def\tocsubsectwo#1#2#3{\advance \sscount by 1
%    \@@line{\threeover\sectionno{\char\sscount.}~~#1\hfil}
%    \@@line{\threeover\sectionno{}~~{#2}\leaderfill $#3$\kern 6 pt}
%    \smallskip}
%\def\tocsubsecthree#1#2#3#4{\advance \sscount by 1
%    \@@line{\threeover\sectionno{\char\sscount.}~~#1\hfil}
%    \@@line{\threeover\sectionno{}~~{#2}\hfil}
%    \@@line{\threeover\sectionno{}~~{#3}\leaderfill $#4$\kern 6 pt}
%    \smallskip}
%    \@@line{\fourover~~#1 \leaderfill $#2$\kern 6 pt}\smallskip}
%    \@@line{\fourover~~#1\hfil}
%    \@@line{\fourover~~#2 \leaderfill $#3$\kern 6 pt}\smallskip}
%    \@@line{\fourover~~#1\hfil}
%    \@@line{\fourover~~#2\hfil}
%    \@@line{\fourover~~#3 \leaderfill $#4$\kern 6 pt}\smallskip}
%\null\vskip 2em
%\centerline{TABLE OF CONTENTS}
%\vskip .25truein
%\@@line {\hfil Page}
%\vskip .2truein\singlespace}
%\null\vskip 2em
%\centerline{TABLE OF CONTENTS~~(Continued)}
%\vskip .25truein
%\@@line {\hfil Page}
%\vskip .2truein\singlespace}
%\def\tocsectionone#1#2{\advance \scount by 1
%    \@@line{\chapterno{\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\scount.}}
%    ~~~~~~\uppercase{#1}\leaderfill $#2$\kern 6 pt}\bigskip
%    \sscount=64}
%\def\tocsectiontwo#1#2#3{\advance \scount by 1
%    \@@line{\chapterno{\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\scount.}}
%    ~~~~~~\uppercase{#1}\hfil}
%    \@@line{\chapterno{}~~~~~~~\uppercase{#2}
%    \leaderfill $#3$\kern 6 pt}\bigskip
%    \sscount=64}
%\def\tocsectionthree#1#2#3#4{\advance \scount by 1
%    \@@line{\chapterno{\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\scount.}}
%    ~~~~~~\uppercase{#1}\hfil}
%    \@@line{\chapterno{}~~~~~~~\uppercase{#2}\hfil}
%    \@@line{\chapterno{}~~~~~~~\uppercase{#3}
%    \leaderfill $#4$\kern 6 pt}\bigskip
%    \sscount=64}
%\null\vskip 2em
%\centerline{LIST OF TABLES}
%\@@line{~~Table \hfil Page}\medskip\singlespace}
%\null\vskip 2em
%\centerline{LIST OF TABLES~~(Continued)}
%\@@line{~~Table \hfil Page}\medskip\singlespace}
%\def\tabno#1{\hbox to .5truein{\hfil #1}}
%\def\tableone#1#2{\advance \tabcount by 1
%    \@@line{\tabno{\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\tabcount.}}
%    ~~~{#1}\leaderfill $#2$\kern 6 pt}\medskip}
%\def\tabletwo#1#2#3{\advance \tabcount by 1
%    \@@line{\tabno{\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\tabcount.}}
%    ~~~{#1}\hfil}
%    \@@line{\tabno{}~~~~{#2}\leaderfill{#3}\kern 6 pt}\medskip}
%\null\vskip 2em
%\centerline{LIST OF FIGURES}
%\@@line{Figure \hfil Page}\medskip\singlespace}
%\null\vskip 2em
%\centerline{LIST OF FIGURES~~(Continued)}
%\@@line{Figure \hfil Page}\medskip\singlespace}
%\def\figno{\hbox to .22truein{\hfil {$\the\figcount$}}}
%\def\figureone#1#2{\advance \figcount by 1
% \@@line{\ \ {\figno}.~~~{#1}\leaderfill{#2}\kern6pt}\medskip}
%\def\figuretwo#1#2#3{\advance \figcount by 1
% \@@line{\ \ {\figno}.~~~{#1}\hfill}
% \@@line{\ \ {}~~~~~~~~{#2}\leaderfill{#3}\kern6pt}\medskip}
%    \advance \chaptercount by 1 
%    \centerline{
%       CHAPTER~~\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\chaptercount}}
%    \bigskip
%    \centerline{\uppercase{#1}}
%    \nobreak\smallskip
%    \sectioncount=64}
%    \advance \chaptercount by 1 
%    \centerline{
%       CHAPTER~~\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\chaptercount}}
%    \bigskip
%    \centerline{\uppercase{#1}}
%    \centerline{\uppercase{#2}}
%    \nobreak\smallskip
%    \sectioncount=64}
%     % --- Note: sectioncount is  initialized  to  the  ---
%     % ---       ACSII equivalent of the character 'A'. ---
%    \advance \sectcount by 1 
%    \centerline{
%       {\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\sectcount}.}~~{\uppercase{#1}}}
%    \nobreak
%    \centerline{\uppercase{#2}}
%    \nobreak\bigskip
%    \sectioncount=64}
%    \advance \sectcount by 1 
%    \centerline{
%       {\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\sectcount}.}~~{\uppercase{#1}}}
%    \nobreak\bigskip
%    \sectioncount=64}
%\def\myno#1{\hbox to 0.3truein{#1\hfill}}
%\def\subsectwo#1#2{\advance \sectioncount by 1 \bigbreak\medskip\singlespace
%    \leftline{\myno{\char\sectioncount.}~~#1}
%    \nobreak
%    \leftline{\myno{}~~#2}
%    \nobreak\medskip\doublespace}
%\def\subsectone#1{\advance \sectioncount by 1 \bigbreak\medskip
%    \leftline{\myno{\char\sectioncount.}~~#1}
%    \nobreak\medskip}
%\def\gbigbreak{\par \ifdim\lastskip<\bigskipamount \removelastskip 
%    \penalty-500\bigskip\fi}
%    \centerline{#1}
%    \nobreak
%    \centerline{#2}
%    \nobreak\medskip\nobreak\doublespace}
%    \centerline{#1}
%    \nobreak\medskip\nobreak}
%    \addcontentsline{toc}{appendix}{\null \hspace{3.5em}#1}
%    \centerline{\uppercase{#1}}
%    \bigskip
%    \centerline{\uppercase{#2}}
%    \centerline{\uppercase{#3}}
%    \nobreak\bigskip}

%\def\figpage#1#2{\singlespace  %\pageinsert
%\begin{figure}\vskip1pc   %\endinsert
%\advance \figurecount by 1
%\centerline{#2}\endfigure   %\endinsert
%\advance \figurecount by 1
%\advance \tablecount by 1
%\centerline{TABLE~ \uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\tablecount.}}
%\advance \tablecount by 1
%\centerline{TABLE~ \uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\tablecount.}}