/* * Copyright 1989 Software Research Associates, Inc., Tokyo, Japan * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided * that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of Software Research Associates not be used * in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software * without specific, written prior permission. Software Research Associates * makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * SOFTWARE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS * SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, * IN NO EVENT SHALL SOFTWARE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Author: Erik M. van der Poel * Software Research Associates, Inc., Tokyo, Japan * erik@sra.co.jp */ #include <stdio.h> #include "SFinternal.h" #include "xstat.h" #include <X11/StringDefs.h> #include <X11/Xaw/Scrollbar.h> #include <X11/Xaw/Cardinals.h> #define SF_DEFAULT_FONT "9x15" #ifdef ABS #undef ABS #endif #define ABS(x) (((x) < 0) ? (-(x)) : (x)) typedef struct { char *fontname; } TextData, *textPtr; int SFcharWidth, SFcharAscent, SFcharHeight; int SFcurrentInvert[3] = { -1, -1, -1 }; static GC SFlineGC, SFscrollGC, SFinvertGC, SFtextGC; static XtResource textResources[] = { {XtNfont, XtCFont, XtRString, sizeof (char *), XtOffset(textPtr, fontname), XtRString, SF_DEFAULT_FONT}, }; static XFontStruct *SFfont; static int SFcurrentListY; static XtIntervalId SFscrollTimerId; SFinitFont() { TextData *data; data = XtNew(TextData); XtGetApplicationResources(selFileForm, (XtPointer) data, textResources, XtNumber(textResources), (Arg *) NULL, ZERO); SFfont = XLoadQueryFont(SFdisplay, data->fontname); if (!SFfont) { SFfont = XLoadQueryFont(SFdisplay, SF_DEFAULT_FONT); if (!SFfont) { char sbuf[256]; (void) sprintf(sbuf, "XsraSelFile: can't get font %s", SF_DEFAULT_FONT); XtAppError(SFapp, sbuf); } } SFcharWidth = (SFfont->max_bounds.width + SFfont->min_bounds.width) / 2; SFcharAscent = SFfont->max_bounds.ascent; SFcharHeight = SFcharAscent + SFfont->max_bounds.descent; } SFcreateGC() { XGCValues gcValues; XRectangle rectangles[1]; gcValues.foreground = SFfore; SFlineGC = XtGetGC( selFileLists[0], (XtGCMask) GCForeground | 0, &gcValues ); SFscrollGC = XtGetGC( selFileLists[0], (XtGCMask) 0, &gcValues ); gcValues.function = GXinvert; gcValues.plane_mask = (SFfore ^ SFback); SFinvertGC = XtGetGC( selFileLists[0], (XtGCMask) GCFunction | GCPlaneMask | 0, &gcValues ); gcValues.foreground = SFfore; gcValues.background = SFback; gcValues.font = SFfont->fid; SFtextGC = XCreateGC( SFdisplay, XtWindow(selFileLists[0]), (unsigned long) GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFont | 0, &gcValues ); rectangles[0].x = SFlineToTextH + SFbesideText; rectangles[0].y = 0; rectangles[0].width = SFcharsPerEntry * SFcharWidth; rectangles[0].height = SFupperY + 1; XSetClipRectangles( SFdisplay, SFtextGC, 0, 0, rectangles, 1, Unsorted ); } SFclearList(n, doScroll) int n; int doScroll; { SFDir *dir; SFcurrentInvert[n] = -1; XClearWindow(SFdisplay, XtWindow(selFileLists[n])); XDrawSegments(SFdisplay, XtWindow(selFileLists[n]), SFlineGC, SFsegs, 2); if (doScroll) { dir = &(SFdirs[SFdirPtr + n]); if ((SFdirPtr + n < SFdirEnd) && dir->nEntries && dir->nChars) { XawScrollbarSetThumb( selFileVScrolls[n], (float) (((double) dir->vOrigin) / dir->nEntries), (float) (((double) ((dir->nEntries < SFlistSize) ? dir->nEntries : SFlistSize)) / dir->nEntries) ); XawScrollbarSetThumb( selFileHScrolls[n], (float) (((double) dir->hOrigin) / dir->nChars), (float) (((double) ((dir->nChars < SFcharsPerEntry) ? dir->nChars : SFcharsPerEntry)) / dir->nChars) ); } else { XawScrollbarSetThumb(selFileVScrolls[n], (float) 0.0, (float) 1.0); XawScrollbarSetThumb(selFileHScrolls[n], (float) 0.0, (float) 1.0); } } } static SFdeleteEntry(dir, entry) SFDir *dir; SFEntry *entry; { register SFEntry *e; register SFEntry *end; int n; int idx; idx = entry - dir->entries; if (idx < dir->beginSelection) { dir->beginSelection--; } if (idx <= dir->endSelection) { dir->endSelection--; } if (dir->beginSelection > dir->endSelection) { dir->beginSelection = dir->endSelection = -1; } if (idx < dir->vOrigin) { dir->vOrigin--; } XtFree(entry->real); end = &(dir->entries[dir->nEntries - 1]); for (e = entry; e < end; e++) { *e = *(e + 1); } if (!(--dir->nEntries)) { return; } n = dir - &(SFdirs[SFdirPtr]); if ((n < 0) || (n > 2)) { return; } XawScrollbarSetThumb( selFileVScrolls[n], (float) (((double) dir->vOrigin) / dir->nEntries), (float) (((double) ((dir->nEntries < SFlistSize) ? dir->nEntries : SFlistSize)) / dir->nEntries) ); } static SFwriteStatChar(name, last, statBuf) char *name; int last; struct stat *statBuf; { name[last] = SFstatChar(statBuf); } static int SFstatAndCheck(dir, entry) SFDir *dir; SFEntry *entry; { struct stat statBuf; char save; int last; /* * must be restored before returning */ save = *(dir->path); *(dir->path) = 0; if (!SFchdir(SFcurrentPath)) { last = strlen(entry->real) - 1; entry->real[last] = 0; entry->statDone = 1; if ( (!stat(entry->real, &statBuf)) #ifdef S_IFLNK || (!lstat(entry->real, &statBuf)) #endif /* ndef S_IFLNK */ ) { if (SFfunc) { char *shown; shown = NULL; if (SFfunc(entry->real, &shown, &statBuf)) { if (shown) { int len; len = strlen(shown); entry->shown = XtMalloc( (unsigned) (len + 2) ); (void) strcpy(entry->shown, shown); SFwriteStatChar( entry->shown, len, &statBuf ); entry->shown[len + 1] = 0; } } else { SFdeleteEntry(dir, entry); *(dir->path) = save; return 1; } } SFwriteStatChar(entry->real, last, &statBuf); } else { entry->real[last] = ' '; } } *(dir->path) = save; return 0; } static SFdrawStrings(w, dir, from, to) register Window w; register SFDir *dir; register int from; register int to; { register int i; register SFEntry *entry; int x; x = SFtextX - dir->hOrigin * SFcharWidth; if (dir->vOrigin + to >= dir->nEntries) { to = dir->nEntries - dir->vOrigin - 1; } for (i = from; i <= to; i++) { entry = &(dir->entries[dir->vOrigin + i]); if (!(entry->statDone)) { if (SFstatAndCheck(dir, entry)) { if (dir->vOrigin + to >= dir->nEntries) { to = dir->nEntries - dir->vOrigin - 1; } i--; continue; } } XDrawImageString( SFdisplay, w, SFtextGC, x, SFtextYoffset + i * SFentryHeight, entry->shown, strlen(entry->shown) ); if (dir->vOrigin + i == dir->beginSelection) { XDrawLine( SFdisplay, w, SFlineGC, SFlineToTextH + 1, SFlowerY + i * SFentryHeight, SFlineToTextH + SFentryWidth - 2, SFlowerY + i * SFentryHeight ); } if ( (dir->vOrigin + i >= dir->beginSelection) && (dir->vOrigin + i <= dir->endSelection) ) { SFcompletionSegs[0].y1 = SFcompletionSegs[1].y1 = SFlowerY + i * SFentryHeight; SFcompletionSegs[0].y2 = SFcompletionSegs[1].y2 = SFlowerY + (i + 1) * SFentryHeight - 1; XDrawSegments( SFdisplay, w, SFlineGC, SFcompletionSegs, 2 ); } if (dir->vOrigin + i == dir->endSelection) { XDrawLine( SFdisplay, w, SFlineGC, SFlineToTextH + 1, SFlowerY + (i + 1) * SFentryHeight - 1, SFlineToTextH + SFentryWidth - 2, SFlowerY + (i + 1) * SFentryHeight - 1 ); } } } SFdrawList(n, doScroll) int n; int doScroll; { SFDir *dir; Window w; SFclearList(n, doScroll); if (SFdirPtr + n < SFdirEnd) { dir = &(SFdirs[SFdirPtr + n]); w = XtWindow(selFileLists[n]); XDrawImageString( SFdisplay, w, SFtextGC, SFtextX - dir->hOrigin * SFcharWidth, SFlineToTextV + SFaboveAndBelowText + SFcharAscent, dir->dir, strlen(dir->dir) ); SFdrawStrings(w, dir, 0, SFlistSize - 1); } } SFdrawLists(doScroll) int doScroll; { int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { SFdrawList(i, doScroll); } } static SFinvertEntry(n) register int n; { XFillRectangle( SFdisplay, XtWindow(selFileLists[n]), SFinvertGC, SFlineToTextH, SFcurrentInvert[n] * SFentryHeight + SFlowerY, SFentryWidth, SFentryHeight ); } static unsigned long SFscrollTimerInterval() { static int maxVal = 200; static int varyDist = 50; static int minDist = 50; int t; int dist; if (SFcurrentListY < SFlowerY) { dist = SFlowerY - SFcurrentListY; } else if (SFcurrentListY > SFupperY) { dist = SFcurrentListY - SFupperY; } else { return (unsigned long) 1; } t = maxVal - ((maxVal / varyDist) * (dist - minDist)); if (t < 1) { t = 1; } if (t > maxVal) { t = maxVal; } return (unsigned long) t; } static void SFscrollTimer(p, id) XtPointer p; XtIntervalId *id; { SFDir *dir; int save; int n; n = (int) p; dir = &(SFdirs[SFdirPtr + n]); save = dir->vOrigin; if (SFcurrentListY < SFlowerY) { if (dir->vOrigin > 0) { SFvSliderMovedCallback(selFileVScrolls[n], n, dir->vOrigin - 1); } } else if (SFcurrentListY > SFupperY) { if (dir->vOrigin < dir->nEntries - SFlistSize) { SFvSliderMovedCallback(selFileVScrolls[n], n, dir->vOrigin + 1); } } if (dir->vOrigin != save) { if (dir->nEntries) { XawScrollbarSetThumb( selFileVScrolls[n], (float) (((double) dir->vOrigin) / dir->nEntries), (float) (((double) ((dir->nEntries < SFlistSize) ? dir->nEntries : SFlistSize)) / dir->nEntries) ); } } if (SFbuttonPressed) { SFscrollTimerId = XtAppAddTimeOut(SFapp, SFscrollTimerInterval(), SFscrollTimer, (XtPointer) n); } } static int SFnewInvertEntry(n, event) register int n; register XMotionEvent *event; { register int x, y; register int new; static int SFscrollTimerAdded = 0; x = event->x; y = event->y; if (SFdirPtr + n >= SFdirEnd) { return -1; } else if ( (x >= 0) && (x <= SFupperX) && (y >= SFlowerY) && (y <= SFupperY) ) { register SFDir *dir = &(SFdirs[SFdirPtr + n]); if (SFscrollTimerAdded) { SFscrollTimerAdded = 0; XtRemoveTimeOut(SFscrollTimerId); } new = (y - SFlowerY) / SFentryHeight; if (dir->vOrigin + new >= dir->nEntries) { return -1; } return new; } else { if (SFbuttonPressed) { SFcurrentListY = y; if (!SFscrollTimerAdded) { SFscrollTimerAdded = 1; SFscrollTimerId = XtAppAddTimeOut(SFapp, SFscrollTimerInterval(), SFscrollTimer, (XtPointer) n); } } return -1; } } /* ARGSUSED */ void SFenterList(w, n, event) Widget w; register int n; register XEnterWindowEvent *event; { register int new; /* sanity */ if (SFcurrentInvert[n] != -1) { SFinvertEntry(n); SFcurrentInvert[n] = -1; } new = SFnewInvertEntry(n, (XMotionEvent *) event); if (new != -1) { SFcurrentInvert[n] = new; SFinvertEntry(n); } } /* ARGSUSED */ void SFleaveList(w, n, event) Widget w; register int n; XEvent *event; { if (SFcurrentInvert[n] != -1) { SFinvertEntry(n); SFcurrentInvert[n] = -1; } } /* ARGSUSED */ void SFmotionList(w, n, event) Widget w; register int n; register XMotionEvent *event; { register int new; new = SFnewInvertEntry(n, event); if (new != SFcurrentInvert[n]) { if (SFcurrentInvert[n] != -1) { SFinvertEntry(n); } SFcurrentInvert[n] = new; if (new != -1) { SFinvertEntry(n); } } } /* ARGSUSED */ void SFvFloatSliderMovedCallback(w, n, fnew) Widget w; int n; float *fnew; { int new; new = (*fnew) * SFdirs[SFdirPtr + n].nEntries; SFvSliderMovedCallback(w, n, new); } /* ARGSUSED */ void SFvSliderMovedCallback(w, n, new) Widget w; int n; int new; { int old; register Window win; SFDir *dir; dir = &(SFdirs[SFdirPtr + n]); old = dir->vOrigin; dir->vOrigin = new; if (old == new) { return; } win = XtWindow(selFileLists[n]); if (ABS(new - old) < SFlistSize) { if (new > old) { XCopyArea( SFdisplay, win, win, SFscrollGC, SFlineToTextH, SFlowerY + (new - old) * SFentryHeight, SFentryWidth + SFlineToTextH, (SFlistSize - (new - old)) * SFentryHeight, SFlineToTextH, SFlowerY ); XClearArea( SFdisplay, win, SFlineToTextH, SFlowerY + (SFlistSize - (new - old)) * SFentryHeight, SFentryWidth + SFlineToTextH, (new - old) * SFentryHeight, False ); SFdrawStrings(win, dir, SFlistSize - (new - old), SFlistSize - 1); } else { XCopyArea( SFdisplay, win, win, SFscrollGC, SFlineToTextH, SFlowerY, SFentryWidth + SFlineToTextH, (SFlistSize - (old - new)) * SFentryHeight, SFlineToTextH, SFlowerY + (old - new) * SFentryHeight ); XClearArea( SFdisplay, win, SFlineToTextH, SFlowerY, SFentryWidth + SFlineToTextH, (old - new) * SFentryHeight, False ); SFdrawStrings(win, dir, 0, old - new); } } else { XClearArea( SFdisplay, win, SFlineToTextH, SFlowerY, SFentryWidth + SFlineToTextH, SFlistSize * SFentryHeight, False ); SFdrawStrings(win, dir, 0, SFlistSize - 1); } } /* ARGSUSED */ void SFvAreaSelectedCallback(w, n, pnew) Widget w; int n; int pnew; { SFDir *dir; int new; dir = &(SFdirs[SFdirPtr + n]); new = dir->vOrigin + (((double) pnew) / SFvScrollHeight) * dir->nEntries; if (new > dir->nEntries - SFlistSize) { new = dir->nEntries - SFlistSize; } if (new < 0) { new = 0; } if (dir->nEntries) { float f; f = ((double) new) / dir->nEntries; XawScrollbarSetThumb( w, f, (float) (((double) ((dir->nEntries < SFlistSize) ? dir->nEntries : SFlistSize)) / dir->nEntries) ); } SFvSliderMovedCallback(w, n, new); } /* ARGSUSED */ void SFhSliderMovedCallback(w, n, new) Widget w; int n; float *new; { SFDir *dir; int save; dir = &(SFdirs[SFdirPtr + n]); save = dir->hOrigin; dir->hOrigin = (*new) * dir->nChars; if (dir->hOrigin == save) { return; } SFdrawList(n, SF_DO_NOT_SCROLL); } /* ARGSUSED */ void SFhAreaSelectedCallback(w, n, pnew) Widget w; int n; int pnew; { SFDir *dir; int new; dir = &(SFdirs[SFdirPtr + n]); new = dir->hOrigin + (((double) pnew) / SFhScrollWidth) * dir->nChars; if (new > dir->nChars - SFcharsPerEntry) { new = dir->nChars - SFcharsPerEntry; } if (new < 0) { new = 0; } if (dir->nChars) { float f; f = ((double) new) / dir->nChars; XawScrollbarSetThumb( w, f, (float) (((double) ((dir->nChars < SFcharsPerEntry) ? dir->nChars : SFcharsPerEntry)) / dir->nChars) ); SFhSliderMovedCallback(w, n, &f); } } /* ARGSUSED */ void SFpathSliderMovedCallback(w, client_data, new) Widget w; XtPointer client_data; float *new; { SFDir *dir; int n; XawTextPosition pos; int SFdirPtrSave; SFdirPtrSave = SFdirPtr; SFdirPtr = (*new) * SFdirEnd; if (SFdirPtr == SFdirPtrSave) { return; } SFdrawLists(SF_DO_SCROLL); n = 2; while (SFdirPtr + n >= SFdirEnd) { n--; } dir = &(SFdirs[SFdirPtr + n]); pos = dir->path - SFcurrentPath; if (!strncmp(SFcurrentPath, SFstartDir, strlen(SFstartDir))) { pos -= strlen(SFstartDir); if (pos < 0) { pos = 0; } } XawTextSetInsertionPoint(selFileField, pos); } /* ARGSUSED */ void SFpathAreaSelectedCallback(w, client_data, pnew) Widget w; XtPointer client_data; int pnew; { int new; float f; new = SFdirPtr + (((double) pnew) / SFpathScrollWidth) * SFdirEnd; if (new > SFdirEnd - 3) { new = SFdirEnd - 3; } if (new < 0) { new = 0; } f = ((double) new) / SFdirEnd; XawScrollbarSetThumb( w, f, (float) (((double) ((SFdirEnd < 3) ? SFdirEnd : 3)) / SFdirEnd) ); SFpathSliderMovedCallback(w, (XtPointer) NULL, &f); } Boolean SFworkProc() { register SFDir *dir; register SFEntry *entry; for (dir = &(SFdirs[SFdirEnd - 1]); dir >= SFdirs; dir--) { if (!(dir->nEntries)) { continue; } for ( entry = &(dir->entries[dir->nEntries - 1]); entry >= dir->entries; entry-- ) { if (!(entry->statDone)) { (void) SFstatAndCheck(dir, entry); return False; } } } SFworkProcAdded = 0; return True; }