/* This file is part of the hacked version of the ghostview package */ /* which is distributed under the terms of the gnu license. The */ /* modification referred to above is by Tanmoy Bhattacharya, */ /* <tanmoy@qcd.lanl.gov> on Nov 17, 1994. Neither the modification, */ /* nor the original program provides any warranty. */ #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <memory.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "pdf.h" #ifdef NOMEMMOVE #define memmove memcpy #endif static struct tagtable { double xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax; struct tagtable *next; int page; } *tagstart=NULL, *tagcurrent=NULL; void pdf_process(char buf[]) {char *pointer=buf; while (*pointer&&(pointer=strstr(pointer,"\n%%[pdfinfo:\n"))) { char *rectptr=strstr(pointer,"/Rect "); char *pageptr=strstr(pointer,"/Page "); char *endptr=strstr(pointer,"%%]\n"); char *lnkptr=strstr(pointer,"\n[/LNK "); if (lnkptr && lnkptr<endptr && rectptr) { rectptr += strlen("/Rect "); while (isspace(*rectptr)) rectptr++; if (*rectptr++ == '[') { if(!tagstart) { tagcurrent = tagstart = malloc(sizeof(struct tagtable)); if(!tagcurrent) { strcat(buf,"\nGhostview: Unable to malloc!\n"); } } else if (tagcurrent) { tagcurrent->next = malloc(sizeof(struct tagtable)); tagcurrent = tagcurrent->next;} if(!tagcurrent) { strcat(buf,"\nGhostview: Something seriously wrong!\n"); } else { tagcurrent->next = NULL; if (pageptr) { pageptr += strlen("/Page "); if(sscanf(pageptr,"%d",&tagcurrent->page) != 1) { strcat(buf,"\nGhostview: Incorrect page specification\n"); tagcurrent->page = -1; } else tagcurrent->page--; } else tagcurrent->page = -1; if (sscanf(rectptr,"%lf %lf %lf %lf",&tagcurrent->xmin, &tagcurrent->ymin, &tagcurrent->xmax, &tagcurrent->ymax) != 4) { strcat(buf,"\nGhostview: Incorrect rect specification\n"); fprintf(stderr,"error: %s\n",rectptr); tagcurrent->xmin=0; tagcurrent->ymin=0; tagcurrent->xmax=0; tagcurrent->ymax=0; } } } } if (endptr) { endptr += strlen("%%]\n"); memmove(pointer,endptr,strlen(endptr)+1); } else pointer++; } } void pdf_clear(void) {tagcurrent=tagstart=NULL;} int pdf_page(int x, int y) {struct tagtable *pointer=tagstart; while(tagcurrent&&pointer){ if (x<=pointer->xmax && x >=pointer->xmin && y<=pointer->ymax && y >=pointer->ymin) return pointer->page; pointer = pointer->next; } return -1; }