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\TUBhead 2, 1, February 1981<

\subsecnn Addresses of authors\\2-2<

\sec General Delivery<
\subsec Robert~Welland\\{Site Coordinators}\\3-3<
\subsec Richard~Palais\\Chairman's report\\3-5<
\subsec Robert~Morris\\{Report on the January 1981
	TUG Steering Committee meeting}\\5-6<
\subsec Samuel~B.~Whidden\\{1980 TUG Treasurer's report}\\6-6<
\subsec Robert~Morris\\{Informal TUG session}\\6-7<
\subsec Robert~Morris\\A position on {\TeX} maintenance\\7-8<
\subsec Samuel~B.~Whidden\\{\TeX} support\\9-10<
\subsec Scott~Kim\\{Update on Pascal \MF}\\10-10<

\sec Interface Software<
\subsec David~Fuchs\\Erratum: {The format of {\TeX}'s DVI files}\\11-11<
\subsec Ignacio~Zabala\\{\TeX-Pascal and Pascal compilers
	(a status report)}\\11-12<
\subsec David~Fuchs\\{{\TeX} Font Metric files}\\12-16<
\subsec Phil~Sherrod \and Alan~Wright\\{\TeX} support programs\\17-19<
\subsec C.\thinspace L.~Lawson, I.~Zabala \and M.~D\'\i az\\
	{Brief functional characterization of the procedures in
	the {\TeX}/Pascal compilation~unit, {\tt SYSDEP}}\\20-31<
\subsec C.\thinspace L.~Lawson, I.~Zabala \and M.~D\'\i az\\
	{Detailed specifications of procedures in
	the {\TeX}/Pascal compilation unit, {\tt SYSDEP}}\\32-47<
\subsec Barry~Doherty\\Output devices: {A new column}\\48-48<

\sec Site Reports<
\subsecnn {}\\ <
\subsite IBM Group<
\subsec Eagle~Berns\\{Status of {\TeX} on the Stanford 370/3033
\subsite DEC 20<
\subsec Barry~Doherty \and Barbara~Beeton\\{AMS site report}\\48-49<
\subsite VAX/UNIX<
\subsec Janet~Incerpi\\{The status of {\VAX}/{\TeX} at Brown}\\49-50<
\subsite CDC Cyber<
\subsec T.\thinspace D.~Hodge\\{Report from the North Star, or,
	{\TeX} at the University of Minnesota}\\51-51<
\subsite Univac 1100<
\subsec Ralph~Stromquist\\{{\TeX} is available for Univac 1100 systems}\\51-51<
\subsite Nord 100<
\subsec Helge~Totland\\{Report on the use of {\TeX} at Computas A/S,
	Norway; Nord 100 computer: 16 bit ``big mini''}\\51-52<

\sec Warnings \& Limitations<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Disappearing digits; {Undisciplined uppercase}\\53-53<

\sec Macros<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\How to prepare a file for publication in {\TUB}\\53-54<
\subsec Max~D\'\i az\\{\TeX} macro package\\55-55<
\subsec Arthur~M.~Keller\\Anatomy of a {\TeX} macro package\\56-86<
\subsec Lynne~A.~Price \and Patrick~Milligan\\
	{{\tt NOFILL} program with Pascal source}\\87--97<
\subsec Lynne~A.~Price\\List macros\\98-110<
\subsec Lynne~A.~Price\\Table of contents macros\\111-118<
\subsec Patrick~Milligan \and Lynne~A.~Price\\Utility macros\\119-121<
\subsec Lynne~A.~Price\\Hebrew letter (with source)\\122-124<
\subsec Lynne~A.~Price\\Two slides\\125-126<

\sec Letters<
\subsec David~Eck\\Report from an early {\AmSTeX} user\\127-127<
\subsec Graeme Hirst\\ \\127-127<

\sec Miscellaneous<
\subsecnn Appendix A.\ \ {Output samples from a paper by David Eck}\\128-135<

\sec Supplements<
\subsub {\TeX} Errata<
\subsub TUG membership list<




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\TUBhead 2, 2, July 1981<

\subsecnn Addresses of officers, authors and others\\2-2<
\subsecnn Official announcements\\3-3<

\sec General Delivery<
\subsec Robert~Welland\\Editor's remarks\\3-3<
\subsec Michael~Spivak\\Chairman's report\\3-4<
\subsec Robert~Morris\\Report on the {May} 1981
	{TUG Steering Committee meeting}\\4-5<
\subsec Samuel~B.~Whidden\\{TUG Treasurer's report}\\5-5<
\subsec Robert~Morris\\{Proposal for institutional support of TUG}\\5-6<
\subsec Barry~Doherty\\{Report: {\TeX} Implementors' Workshop,
	Stanford, 14--15 May 1981}\\6-7<
\subsecnn Workshop attendees\\8-8<
\subsec Tom~Pierce\\{Preliminary announcement: TUG meeting,
	Cincinnati, January 1982}\\8-8<
\subsec Patrick~Milligan\\{Ask not what TUG can do for you,
	ask what you can do for~TUG!}\\9-10<
\subsec Patrick~Milligan\\A proposal for a machine independent
	tape interchange standard\\10-12<

\sec Software<
\subsec David~Fuchs\\{The format of {\TeX}'s DVI files, Version~I}\\12-16<
\subsec Ignacio~Zabala\\{Some feedback from PTEX installations}\\16-19<
\subsec Frank~M.~Liang\\{\TeX} and hyphenation\\19-20<
\subsec Kent~S.~Harris \and Robert~M.~McClure\\{\TeX} on small machines\\21-24<

\sec Output Devices<
\subsec David~Fuchs\\{Output device news flash (APS-5 and
\subsecnn Summary of computing equipment and output devices\\25-25<
\subsec Luis~Trabb-Pardo\\{Imagen (Canon LBP-10)}\\26-27<

\sec Site Reports<
\subsecnn {}\\ <
\subsite CDC Cyber<
\subsec Thea~Hodge \and Michael~Frisch\\{{\TeX} under the North Star}\\28-28<
\subsite DEC 10 \& 20<
\subsec Phil~Sherrod\\{DECSystem-10/20 Implementation Workshop
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\{AMS site report}\\29-29<
\subsec Patrick~Milligan\\
	{{\TeX} at the 1981 Spring DECUS U.S.\ Symposium}\\29-29<
\subsec Rachel~Schwab\\{{\TeX} at NIH}\\29-30<
\subsite Univac 1100<
\subsec Bill~Kelly\\{An implementation report for the Univac 1100}\\30-33<
\subsite VAX/VMS<
\subsec Monte~Nichols\\{Availability of Oregon Software
	implementation of {\TeX} for the {\VAX}/VMS}\\33-34<
\subsec Barry~Smith\\{{\TeX} for {\VAX}/VMS}\\34-34<

\sec Fonts<
\subsec Barry~C.\thinspace W.~Doherty\\{TUG Font Committee}\\34-35<
\subsec Thomas~B.~Hickey\\{The status of {\MF} at OCLC}\\35-38<
\subsec William~J.~LeVeque\\Font development at the {\AMS}\\39-40<
\subsec Ronald~Whitney\\{\tt TPHON}\\40-40<
\subsec Barry~Doherty \and Ronald~Whitney\\Proofmode and magnification\\40-42<

\sec Warnings \& Limitations<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Uppercase update; {Fickle fonts}\\42-43<

\sec Macros<
\subsec Lynne~Price\\{Greetings from the Editor}\\43-43<
\subsecnn Macros on microfiche\\43-43<
\subsec Patrick~Milligan\\Erratum: {\tt NOFILL} program\\43-44<
\subsec Patrick~Milligan\\
	{\TeX} macros for automatic font code allocation\\44-45<
\subsec Brendan~McKay\\A macro menagerie\\46-49<
\subsec Michael~Spivak\\Macro madness\\50-54<
\subsec Max~D\'\i az\\F\'acil {\TeX}\\Appendix A<

\sec Problems<
\subsec Lynne~Price\\{Greetings from the Editor}\\54-54<
\subsecnn Problems from the {\TeX}arcana course\\54-56<
\subsec Johnny~Stovall\\Balancing columns of text and translation\\57-57<
\subsec Michael~Spivak\\Input-dependent macro redefinition\\57-57<

\sec Letters<
\subsec Lynne~Price\\ \\57-58<

\sec Dreamboat<
\subsec Lynne~Price\\ \\58-58<

\sec Miscellaneous<
\subsub Instructions for submitting {\TUB} articles on magnetic tape<
\subsub Membership application and order form<

\sec Supplements<
\subsub {\TeX} and {\MF} Errata; TUG membership list<




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\TUBhead 2, 3, November 1981<

\subsecnn Addresses of officers, authors and others\\2-2<
\subsecnn Official announcements\\3-3<

\sec General Delivery<
\subsec Michael~Spivak\\{Message from the Chairman}\\3-4<
\subsec Samuel~B.~Whidden\\{TUG Treasurer's report}\\4-4<
\subsec Donald~Knuth\\The current state of things\\5-6<
\subsec Tom~Pierce\\{{\TUG} Winter 1982 meeting,
	January 11--12, 1982, Cincinnati, Ohio}\\7-7<

\sec Software<
\subsec Arthur~Samuel\\Pascal-coded {\TeX} errata\\7-8<
\subsec David~Fuchs\\{The format of PXL files}\\8-12<

\sec Output Devices<
\subsec John~Sauter\\{Sample of output from an IDS-640}\\13-13<
\subsec Rilla~Thedford\\Output device index\\14-14<
\subsec Jim~Mooney\\{A Varian output driver in {\VAX}/VMS Fortran}\\14-15<
\subsec Timothy~Murphy\\Diabolic {\TeX}\\15-21<

\sec Site Reports<
\subsec David~Fuchs\\{News from the home front (Stanford)}\\21-22<
\subsite CDC Cyber<
\subsec Michael~Frisch\\{{\TeX} under the North Star}\\22-23<
\subsite DEC 20<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\A {\TUB} tour:
	{Excerpts from the {\TeX}nician's log}\\23-25<
\subsite HP 3000<
\subsec Lance~Carnes\\{{\TeX} for the HP3000}\\25-26<
\subsite IBM Group<
\subsec Susan~Plass\\{{\TeX} for the IBM 370}\\26-27<
\subsec Jeffrey~S.~Rosenschein\\{{\TeX} in Israel}\\27-28<
\subsec David~Rodgers\\{{\TeX} at the University of Michigan,
	summary of progress}\\28-29<
\subsite VAX/UNIX<
\subsec Robert~Morris\\{{\VAX} on UNIX}\\29-29<
\subsec Calvin~Jackson\\{{\TeX} at CalTech}\\29-32<
\subsec Janet~Incerpi\\{The status of {\VAX}/{\TeX} at Brown}\\32-32<
\subsite VAX/VMS<
\subsec Monte~C.~Nichols\\{{\VAX}/VMS site report}\\32-32<
\subsec John~Blair\\{Enhancements of {\VAX}/VMS {\TeX} at Calma}\\32-34<
\subsec John~Sauter\\``Poor man's'' {\TeX}\\34-35<

\sec Fonts<
\subsec Ronald~Whitney\\Font update\\35-35<

\sec Warnings \& Limitations<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Don't just {\tt\char`\\let} {\TeX} hang,
	{\tt\char`\\raise} or {\tt\char`\\lower} it\\35-35<

\sec Macros<
\subsec Lynne~Price\\Editor's introduction\\36-36<
\subsecnn {\TUB} macro index\\36-37<
\subsec Timothy~Murphy\\{Bubbles:
	A {\TeX}tension in search of a {\TeX}pert}\\37-38<
\subsec Michael~F.~Plass\\Charting your grammar with {\TeX}\\39-56<
\subsec Monte~Nichols, Barbara~Beeton\\Chemical notation using {\TeX}\\57-58<

\sec Problems<
\subsec Lynne~Price\\ \\58-61<
%\subseci \qquad Balancing columns of text and translation
%		({\sl Johnny Stovall\/})\\ <
%\subseci \qquad Input-dependent macro redefinition ({\sl Mike Spivak\/})\\ <
%\subseci \qquad A macro that prints its name ({\sl Anthony Siegman\/})\\ <
%\subseci \qquad Testing the equivalence of strings\\ <
\subsecc Balancing columns of text and translation
		({\sl Johnny Stovall\/})\newline
        {Input-dependent macro redefinition ({\sl Mike Spivak\/})}\newline
        {A macro that prints its name ({\sl Anthony Siegman\/})}\newline
        {Testing the equivalence of strings}<
\subsecnn Problems from the {\TeX}arcana class:
	{Answers}, and another problem\\61-65<

\sec Letters et alia<
\subsec J.\thinspace M.~Cole\\ \\66-66<
\subsec Michael~Sannella\\Formatting a book with {\TeX}:
	{Experiences} and observations\\66-74<

\sec Miscellaneous<
\subsecnn Instructions for submitting {\TUB} articles on magnetic tape\\ <
\subsecnn Membership application and order form\\ <

\sec Supplements<
\subsub {{\TeX} and {\MF} Errata}<
\subsub {TUG membership list}<
