%			tb0584.cnt



\TUBhead 5, 1, May 1984<

\subsecnn Addresses of officers, authors and others\\2-2<
\subsecnn Official announcements\\3-3<

\sec General Delivery<
\subsec Pierre~MacKay\\Message from the {President}\\4-4<
\subsec Donald~E.~Knuth.\\{\TeX} incunabula\\4-11<
\subsec Samuel~B.~ Whidden.\\{TUG} 1983 financial report
		with comparisons\\12-13<
\subsecnn Preliminary program\Dash {August} 1984 {Stanford} meeting\\13-14<

\sec Software<
\subsec G.~Canzii, F.~Genolini \and D.~Lucarella
		\\Hyphenation of {Italian} words\\14-15<
\subsecnn Hyphenation exception log\\15-15<

\sec Output Devices<
\subsecnn Chart: {Output} devices and computers\\16-16<
\subsecnn Index to sample output from various devices\\17-17<
\subsec Goffredo~Haus\\How to tame your phototypesetter by {\TeX}\\17-17<
\subsec Han~Noot\\{DVI}-code to the {Harris} 7500\\18-21<

\sec Site Reports<
\subsec David~Fuchs\\News from the {\TeX} {Project}\\22-23<
\subsite CDC Cyber<
\subsec Benedict~L\o fstedt\\{CDC} {\TeX} at {RECAU}\\23-23<
\subsite IBM Group<
\subsec Dean~Guenther, Alan~Hagen-Wittbecker \and Janene~Winter
	\\{\TeX} at {Washington} {State} {University}\\24-5<
\subsite Data General<
\subsec Bart~Childs\\Data {General} site report\\26-26<
\subsite Prime<
\subsec Bart~Childs\\Prime site report\\26-26<
\subsite UNIX<
\subsec Richard~Furuta\\Unix {\TeX} site report\\27-28<
\subsec D.~L.~Rodgers, J.~J.~Sterken \and P.~Grosso
		\\{\TeX} 1.0 on {Sun} workstations\\28-29<
\subsite \VAX/VMS<
\subsec Monte~C.~Nichols\\{\VAX}/{VMS} site report\\29-30<
\subsec David~Kellerman \and Barry~Smith\\Notice to {\VAX}/{VMS} users\\30-30<

\sec Fonts<
\subsecnn Metafont {Generic} {Font} file format\\31-33<
\subsecnn Gray fonts for {Metafont} proofs\\34-35<
\subsec Georgia~K.~M.~Tobin\\The {OCLC} {Roman} family of fonts\\36-46<

\sec ``{\sixbf small}'' \TeX<
\subsec Lance~Carnes\\Table of ``small'' {\TeX} implementations\\47-47<

\sec Warnings \& Limitations<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\{\tt\bs relax} and watch the numbers\\48-48<

\sec Macros<
\subsec Susan~Daniels\\The {HP} {\TeX} macros\\49-66<

\sec Letters et alia<
\subsec Don~Knuth\\Comments on quality in publishing\\67-67<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn Classified\\67-67<
\subsecnn Textset, {Inc.}\\68-68<

\sec Miscellaneous<
\subsecnn {\TeX}82 Order Form\\69-70<
\subsecnn Membership application and order form\\71-72<

\sec Supplements<
\subsub The \TeX book: Errata and changes<
\subsub TUG membership list<





\TUBhead 5, 2, November 1984<

\subsecnn Addresses of officers, authors and others\\74-74<
\subsecnn Official announcements\\75-75<

\sec General Delivery<
\subsec Pierre~MacKay\\Message from the {President}\\76-76<
\subsec Robert~Welland\\Report of the {Publications} {Committee}\\77-77<
\subsec Arthur~Keller\\Report of the {Special} {Projects} {Committee}\\77-78<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Submitting items to {\TUB}\\78-78<
\subsec Richard~Southall\\First principles of typographic design
			for document production\\79-90<

\sec Software<
\subsec Helmut~J\"urgensen\\Editor's introduction\\91-91<

\sec \TeX tensions<
\subsec Jacques~D\'esarm\'enien\\How to run {\TeX} in a {French}
		{Hyphenation}, fonts, typography\\91-102<
\subsec Bernd~Schulze\\German hyphenation and 
		{\it Umlaut\/}s in {\TeX}\\103-104<

\sec Fonts<
\subsec Donald~E.~Knuth\\A course on {\MF} programming\\105-118<
\subsec John~D.~Hobby \and Gu~Guoan\\A {Chinese} meta-font\\119-136<

\sec Output Devices<
\subsecnn Chart: {Output} devices and computers\\137-137<
\subsecnn Index to sample output from various devices\\138-138<
\subsec Tom~Rokicki\\{\tt Dvi\_QMS}: an example of a driver\\138-139<
\subsec Tom~Rokicki\\{\tt\char`\\special}\\139-140<

\sec Site Reports<
\subsec David Fuchs\\News from the {\TeX} {Project}\\141-141<
\subsecnn {\TeX} users' activity in {Germany}\\141-141<
\subsite Prime<
\subsec John~Crawford\\Prime site report\\141-141<
\subsite UNIX<
\subsec Richard Furuta\\Unix {\TeX} site report\\142-142<
\subsite \VAX/VMS<
\subsec Barry~Smith\\{\VAX}/{VMS} site report\\142-142<
\subsec Carlos~A.~Felippa\\Feedback from {\TeX} users at {Lockheed}\\143-144<

\sec ``{\sixbf small}'' \TeX<
\subsec Lance~Carnes\\Table of ``small'' {\TeX} implementations\\145-145<

\sec Letters<
\subsec Malcolm~Clark\\Mathematical communication with a deaf and blind
		student\newline using {\TeX}\\146-146<

\sec News \&\\Announcements<
\subsecnn Calendar\\146-146<
\subsecnn Call for papers: {\TeX} for scientific documentation,
			{Varenna}, {Italy}, {May}~16--17,~1985\\147-147<

\sec TUG Business<
\subsec Samuel~B.~Whidden\\{\TUG} 1984 financial report
		with comparisons\\148-149<
\subsec Chuck~Dupree\\Report of the {August} 1984
			{\SC} meeting\\149-152<
\subsecnn Profile of {\TeX} installations available to {TUG} members\\153-155<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn Talaris talks {\TeX}\\156-157<
\subsecnn Quality {Micro} {Systems}, {Inc.}\\158-158<
\subsecnn Textset, {Inc.}\\159-159<
\subsecnn The {Metafoundry}\\160-160<
\subsecnn Instructors wanted for {TUG} courses\\160-160<

\sec Miscellaneous<
\subsecnn Membership application and order form\\161-164<
\subsecnn Order form for {\AMS} publications\\165-166<
\subsecnn {\TeX}82 order form\\167-168<

\sec Supplements<
\subsub The \TeX book: Errata and changes<
\subsub \TUG\ Membership list<
