% tb0988.cnt \message{v9n1} \ninepoint\baselineskip=10.5pt \setdigitwidth{999} \TUBhead 9, 1, April 1988< \subsecnn Addresses\\3-4< \sec General Delivery< \subsec Bart~Childs\\{From the President}\\5-5< \subsec Alan~Wittbecker\\{\TUB} docks at fire station\\5-5< \subsecnn {Donald E. Knuth Scholarship}\\6-6< \subsec Barbara~Beeton\\{Notes from the Editor}\\6-7< \subsec Leslie~Lamport\\Document Production: {Visual} or Logical?\\8-10< \sec Software< \subsec Peter~Breitenlohner\\Still another aspect of multiple change files: {The~PATCH~processor}\\11-12< \subsec Pierre~A.~MacKay\\Turkish hyphenations for {\TeX}\\12-14< \sec Font Forum< \subsec Georgia~K.M.~Tobin\\{The ABC's of special effects}\\15-18< \subsec Robert~Messer\\{Blackboard Bold}\\19-20< \subsec Silvio~Levy\\{Using Greek fonts with \TeX}\\20-24< \sec Output Devices< \subsec Don~Hosek\\{\TeX} output devices (with charts)\\25-33< \subsec Marcus~Brown\\{An ASCII previewer for \TeX}\\34-36< \subsec Don~Hosek\\A screen previewer for {VM/CMS}\\37-37< \subsec Shane~Dunne\\{Why {\TeX} should NOT output {\PS}\Dash yet}\\37-39< \subsecnn Index to sample output from various devices\\39-39< \sec Site Reports< \subsec {}\\{}\\{}< \subsite Amiga< \subsec Tom~Rokicki\\{The Commodore Amiga: A magic {\TeX} machine}\\40-41< \subsite Data General< \subsec Bart~Childs\\{Data General site report}\\41-41< \subsite Fujitsu< \subsecnn {Fujitsu ports {\TeX}~1.0 onto M-series}\\42-42< \subsite IBM VM/CMS< \subsec Dean~Guenther\\{IBM VM/CMS site report}\\42-42< \subsite UNIX< \subsec Pierre~MacKay\\Unix {\TeX} site report\\42-44< \subsec Tim~Morgan\\{\TeX} to C converter}\\44-45< \subsite \VAX/VMS< \subsec David~Kellerman\\\{VAX/VMS site report}\\45-45< \sec Typesetting\\on PCs< \subsec Alan~Hoenig \and Mitch~Pfeffer\\{Writers' tools I: PC~spelling and grammar checkers}\\46-47< \subsec Alan~Hoenig \and Mitch~Pfeffer\\Grapevine reports of inexpensive versions of {\TeX}\\47-48< \subsec Richard~J.~Kinch \and Jennifer~L.~Vollbrecht\\{Turbo\TeX: A new port in C for Unix and MS-DOS}\\48-52< \subsec Ester~Crisanti, Alberto~Formigoni \and Paco~La~Bruna\\ easy{\TeX}\\52-56< \sec Macros< \subsec Stephan~v.~Bechtolsheim\\A tutorial on {\tt\bs expandafter}\\57-61< \subsec James~W.~Walker\\Macros for outlining\\61-64< \subsec Amy~Hendrickson\\A macro writing tool: {Generating new definitions}\\64-64< \subsec Alonzo~Gariepy\\French in {\TeX}\\65-69< \subsec Hubert~Partl\\German {\TeX}\\70-72< \sec \LaTeX< \subsec Ken Yap\\Contents of {\LaTeX} style collection as of {4th February 1988}\\73-75< \subsec Jackie~Damrau\\The {\LaTeX} user's column\\76-77< \subsec Kent~McPherson\\Page layout in {\LaTeX}\\78-82< \sec Queries< \subsec Frederick~H.~Bartlett\\Automatic page balancing macros wanted; {Replies: Inverted pyramidal titles}; {Logarithmic time scales}\\83-85< \sec News \&\\Announcements< \subsecnn Calendar\\86-86< \subsecnn {TUG 1988 Annual Meeting, Montr\'eal, August~22--24}\\87-87< \subsecnn {Videotapes of Knuth's software course based~on \TeX: The Program}\\87-87< \sec TUG Business< \subsecnn Institutional members\\88-90< \sec Forms< \subsecnn {TUG membership application}\\91-93< \subsecnn {\TeX} order form\\95-96< \sec Advertisements< \subsecnn Index of advertisers\\112-112< \sec Supplements< \subsub {\sl Computers \& Typesetting\/}: {Errata and Changes}< \subsub {TUG Membership List}< \newpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \message{v9n2} \tenpoint\baselineskip=12pt \setdigitwidth{999} \TUBhead 9, 2, August 1988< \subsecnn Addresses\\115-116< \sec General Delivery< \subsec Bart~Childs\\{From the President}\\117-117< \subsec Ray~Goucher\\{Los Alamos sets new membership record}\\117-117< \subsecnn {Donald Knuth awarded Franklin Medal}\\117-117< \subsec Elizabeth~Barnhart\\{\TeX} in the publishing environment: {A~survey of production/commercial users}\\118-120< \subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\121-121< \sec Software< \subsec Barbara~Beeton\\New version(s) of {\TeX} and {\MF}\\121-122< \subsec Bart~Childs\\64-bit {\TeX}\\122-122< \subsec Klaus~Lichtenwalder\\{Porting {\TeX} to C}\\123-124< \subsec David~Kennedy\\{{\TeX} adapted to CWEB}\\124-125< \sec Fonts< \subsec Glenn~Vanderburg\\Some useful variations of standard fonts\\125-125< \subsec Georgia~K.M.~Tobin\\Designing for low-res devices\\126-128< \subsec Bart~Childs\\{\TeX} fonts and suggested magnifications\\129-131< \subsec Dominik~Wujastyk\\{The many faces of \TeX: A~survey of digital {\manual META}fonts}\\131-151< \subsec Donald~E.~Knuth\\{A Punk Meta-Font}\\152-168< \sec Output Devices< \subsec Don~Hosek\\{\TeX} output devices (with charts)\\169-177< \subsec Shane~Dunne\\{Why {\TeX} should NOT output {\PS}\Dash yet: Addendum}\\178-178< \subsec Warren~Wolfe\\{ASCII Preview with vu\TeX}\\178-180< \subsecnn Index to sample output from various devices\\151-151< \sec Site Reports< \subsec {}\\{}\\{}< \subsite Cray< \subsec Bart~Childs\\{{\TeX} on the Cray}\\181-181< \subsite Data General< \subsec Bart~Childs\\{Data General site report}\\181-181< \subsite Macintosh< \subsec Barry~Smith\\Macintosh site report\\181-181< \sec Warnings \& Limitations< \subsec Barbara Beeton\\{Controlling {\tt<ctrl-M>}; Ruling the depths}\\182-183< \sec Macros< \subsec Peter~Breitenlohner\\German {\TeX}, a next step\\183-185< \subsec Michael~J.~Wichura\\{Some problems with the INRS{\TeX} table making macros}\\186-188< \subsec A.~J.~Van~Haagen\\Box plots and scatter plots with {\TeX} macros\\189-192< \subsec Michael~J.~Wichura\\{\PiCTeX: Macros for drawing \PiC tures}\\193-197< \sec \LaTeX< \subsec Jackie~Damrau\\The {\LaTeX} user's column\\198-199< \subsec Ken Yap\\{Contents of {\LaTeX} style collection as of 19th June 1988}\\200-203< \subsec Stephan~v.~Bechtolsheim\\A note on processing parts with {\LaTeX}\\203-204< \subsec Kent~McPherson\\Page layout in {\LaTeX}: {Erratum}\\204-204< \sec News \&\\Announcements< \subsecnn Calendar\\205-205< \subsec Bernard~Gaulle\\GUTenberg meeting report\\206-207< \sec Late-Breaking News< \subsecnn {Knuth Scholarship winner}\\207-207< \sec TUG Business< \subsecnn Institutional members\\208-210< \sec Forms< \subsecnn {TUG membership application}\\211-212< \sec Advertisements< \subsecnn Index of advertisers\\226-226< \sec Supplements< \subsub {\sl Computers \& Typesetting\/}: {Errata and Changes, Supplement}< \subsecnn {TUG Membership List Supplement}\\{M--}1-{M--}14< \newpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \message{v9n3} \ninepoint\baselineskip=11pt \setdigitwidth{999} \TUBhead 9, 3, November 1988< \subsecnn Addresses\\229-230< \sec General Delivery< \subsec Bart~Childs\\{From the President}\\231-232< \subsecnn {Extra! Extra! {\TUB} becomes a quarterly}\\232-232< \subsecnn {Donald Knuth awarded Oxford degree}\\232-233< \subsec Barbara~Beeton\\{{\TeX} and TUG go international\Dash A trip report}\\233-235< \subsec Graeme~McKinstry\\Some typesetting conventions\\236-238< \sec Software< \subsec Klaus~Heidrich\\{Software-ergonomics on the Atari ST}\\238-238< \subsecnn Hyphenation exception log\\239-241< \sec Fonts< \subsec Joachim~Schrod\\{\LaTeX} fonts and suggested magnifications\\241-243< \subsec Doug~Henderson\\{Mode\_def's please}\\244-245< \subsec Dominik~Wujastyk\\Further faces\\246-251< \sec Output Devices< \subsec Don~Hosek\\{\TeX} output devices (with charts)\\251-260< \subsec Peter~Abbott \and Andrew~Trevorrow\\{\DVItoVDU{} 3.0 and PSPRINT 3.0}\\261-262< \sec Site Reports< \subsec Peter~Abbott\\{A UK-based \TeX{} mail archive server}\\263-264< \subsite Atari ST< \subsec Klaus~Guntermann\\{Atari ST site report}\\264-265< \subsite Data General< \subsec Bart~Childs\\{Data General site report}\\265-265< \subsite IBM VM/CMS< \subsec Dean~Guenther\\{IBM VM/CMS site report}\\265-265< \subsite IBM MVS< \subsec Craig~Platt\\{MVS site report}\\266-267< \subsite UNIX< \subsec Pierre~MacKay\\Unix {\TeX} site report\\267-269< \sec Typesetting\\on PCs< \subsec Mitch~Pfeffer \and Alan~Hoenig\\Recovering from a hard-disk failure\\269-271< \subsec C.G.~van~der~Laan \and J.R.~Luyten\\{Evaluation of K-talk}\\271-272< \sec Training< \subsec Alan~Wittbecker\\Making paragraphs\\272-276< \sec Macros< \subsec Stephan~v.~Bechtolsheim\\A tutorial on {\tt\bs futurelet}\\276-278< \subsec Thomas~Kneser\\Compact matrix display\\279-284< \subsec Wolfgang~Appelt\\Typesetting chess\\284-287< \subsec J.~E.~Pittman\\Equation numbering in plain {\TeX}\\287-288< \subsec J.~E.~Pittman\\{\tt Loopy.TeX}\\289-291< \subsec David~F.~Rogers\\A page make-up challenge\\292-293< \sec \LaTeX< \subsec Michael~DeCorte\\{Contents of {\LaTeX} style collection as of 24 September 1988}\\294-297< \subsec Jackie~Damrau\\The {\LaTeX} column\\297-297< \subsec Frank~Mittelbach\\A new implementation of the array-- and tabular--environments\\298-314< \sec News \&\\Announcements< \subsecnn Calendar\\315-315< \subsec C.~G.~van~der~Laan\\{Dutch {\TeX} Users Group}\\316-316< \subsecnn {Call for papers: {\bf TUG Tenth Annual Meeting},\break Stanford University, 21--23~August~1989}\\{cover 3}-{cover 3}< \subsecnn {Call for papers: RIDT'89\Dash International Workshop on Raster Imagining and\break Digital Typography, Lausanne,~Switzerland, 12--13~October~1989}\\316-317< \sec Late-Breaking News< \subsec Pierre~MacKay\\{\TeX}hax moves north\\317-317< \subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Production notes\\317-318< \subsecnn A thank you note\\318-318< \subsecnn {TUG's Tenth}\\324-324< \sec TUG Business< \subsecnn {Accountant's review of TUG financial records,\break years ended December 31, 1987 and 1986}\\318-321< \subsecnn Institutional members\\322-324< \sec Forms< \subsecnn {TUG membership application}\\325-325< \sec Advertisements< \subsecnn Index of advertisers\\342-342< \sec Supplements< \subsecnn {TUG Membership List Supplement}\\{M--}1-{M--}12< \newpage \endinput