%                       tb1089.cnt

\setdigitwidth{999}             % number of digits in highest page number


\TUBhead 10, 1, April 1989<

\subsecnn Addresses\\3-4<

\sec General Delivery<
\subsecnn Donald E. Knuth Scholarship\\5-5<
\subsec Bart~Childs\\From the President\\5-5<
\subsecnn Announcing a TUG dingbat competition\\5-6<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\6-7<
\subsec Donald~Knuth\\ {\TeX} would find it difficult {\dots}\\8-8<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\A {\TeX} encounter in Japan\\8-10<

\sec Software<
\subsec Michael~Harrison\\News from the {\VorTeX} project\\11-14<
\subsec Adrian~Clark\\An enhanced {\TeX}-editor interface for VMS\\14-15<
\subsec Klaus~Thull\\The virtual memory management of PubliC {\TeX}\\15-22<
\subsec Richard~Kinch\\Turbo{\MF}: A new port in C for {\UNIX}
                and MS-DOS\\23-24<
\subsec Stephan~v.~Bechtolsheim\\The {\TeX} {\PS} software package\\25-27<

\sec Fonts<
\subsec Georgia~K.M.~Tobin\\A handy little font\\28-30<
\subsec Donald~Knuth\\Typesetting {\sl Concrete Mathematics\/}\\31-36<
\subsec Doug~Henderson\\Outline fonts with {\MF}\\36-38<
\subsec Dominik~Wujastyk\\Font news\\39-39<

\sec Graphics<
\subsec David~F.~Rogers\\Computer graphics and {\TeX}\Dash a challenge\\39-44<
\subsec Bart~Childs, Alan~Stolleis \and Don~Berryman\\
                A portable graphics inclusion\\44-46<

\sec Output Devices<
\subsec Don~Hosek\\ {\TeX} output devices (with charts)\\46-55<
\subsec Don~Hosek\\Report from the {\tt DVI} driver standards committee\\56-56<
\subsec Marius~Broeren \and Jan~van~Knippenberg\\High quality printing of
                {\TeX} DVI output files in the {\VAX/VMS} environment\\56-58<

\sec Query<
\subsec Arturo~Puente\\Output driver for Xerox 4045 on IBM 3090\\58-58<

\sec Site Reports<
\subsec Peter~Abbott\\{UK\TeX} and the Aston archive\\59-60<
\subsite Data General<
\subsec Bart~Childs\\DG site report\\60-60<
\subsite UNIX<
\subsec Pierre~MacKay\\Unix{\TeX} site report\\60-61<
\subsite \VAX/VMS<
\subsec David~Kellerman\\{\VAX/VMS} site report\\62-62<

\sec Typesetting\\on PCs<
\subsec Alan~Hoenig\\The land of the free and the near free\\62-64<
\subsec Kim~Kubik\\Amiga{\TeX}\dots or How envy was resisted and
                knowledge found on the road to \"O\"o\c c\\65-67<
\subsec Michael~Modest\\Using {\TeX} and {\LaTeX} with WordPerfect 5.0\\67-72<

\sec Macros<
\subsec Joost~Zalmstra \and David~F.~Rogers\\A page make-up macro\\73-81<
\subsec James~Nearing\\Extended equation numbering in Plain {\TeX}\\82-88<
\subsec Sriram~Sankar\\APE\Dash
                A set of {\TeX} macros to format Ada programs\\89-97<

\sec \LaTeX<
\subsec Michael~DeCorte\\Contents of {\LaTeX} style collection
                as of 16 January 1989\\97-102<
\subsec Frank~Mittelbach\\``A new implementation of the array-- and
                tabular--environments of {\LaTeX}''
                ({\TUB}~9\#3)\Dash addenda\\103-104<
\subsec Rainer~Sch\"opf\\Drawing histogram bars inside the {\LaTeX}
\subsec Dezs\H o~Nagy\\Vertical centering for transparencies\\108-112<
\subsec C.~G.~van~der~Laan\\Typesetting bridge via {\LaTeX}\\113-116<

\sec News \&\\Announcements<
\subsecnn WOODMAN '89: Workshop on Object Oriented Document Manipulation,
                Rennes,~France, 29--31 May 1989\\116-116<
\subsecnn Calendar\\117-117<
\subsecnn GUTenberg Congr\`es:\ {\TeX} et les graphiques,
        Paris, 16--17 May 1989\\118-118<
\subsecnn \TeX89: Karlsruhe University, 11--13~September~1989\\118-118<
\subsec David~Osborne\\A UK {\TeX} users' group\Dash
        Report of a preliminary meeting\\119-120<

\sec Late-Breaking News<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Production notes\\120-121<
\subsecnn Coming next issue\\121-121<

\sec TUG Business<
\subsecnn Institutional members\\122-124<

\sec Forms<
\subsecnn TUG membership application\\125-125<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn Index of advertisers\\142-142<

\sec Supplements<
\subsub \CandT\/: Errata and Changes<





\TUBhead 10, 2, July 1989<

\subsecnn Addresses\\145-146<

\sec General Delivery<
\subsec Bart~Childs\\From the President\\147-147<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\147-150<
\subsec Malcolm~Clark\\R\'eflexions sur le Congr\`es GUTenberg\\150-153<
\subsec Malcolm~Clark\\International Standards and {\TeX}\\153-156<
\subsec Bart~Childs\\Teaching {\TeX}\\156-163<

\sec Software<
\subsec Michael~Spivak, Michael~Ballantyne \and Yoke~Lee\\
                HI-{\TeX} cutting \& pasting\\164-165<

\sec Fonts<
\subsec Georgia~K.M.~Tobin\\Another dingbat idea\\166-169<
\subsec Zalman~Rubinstein\\Chess printing via {\MF} and {\TeX}\\170-172<
\subsec Don~Hosek\\Guidelines for creating portable {\MF} code\\173-176<

\sec Graphics<
\subsec Phil~Andrews\\Integration of {\TeX} and graphics
                at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center\\177-178<
\subsec Patricia~Wilcox\\{\eightrm METAPLOT}:
        Machine-independent line graphics for {\TeX}\\179-187<

\sec Output Devices<
\subsec Don~Hosek\\ {\TeX} output devices\\188-188<
\subsec Tom~Reid \and Don~Hosek\\Report from the
                {\tt DVI} driver standards committee\\188-191<

\sec Resources<
\subsec Don~Hosek\\Announcing (belatedly) \TeXMaG\\192-192<
\subsec Malcolm~Clark\\{\TeX}line:
                A newsletter of the {\TeX} community\\193-194<
\subsec Peter~Abbott\\{UK\TeX} and the Aston archive\\194-195<
\subsec M.~Edward~Nieland\\The DECUS {\TeX} collection\\195-196<
\subsec Michael~DeCorte\\The Clarkson archive server\Dash
                Update as of 1 May 1989\\196-201<

\sec Site Reports<
\subsec Bart~Childs\\Data General site report\\201-201<
\subsec John~Crawford\\Prime 50 series site report\\201-201<

\sec Typesetting on\\Personal Computers<
\subsec Jon~Radel\\``Free'' {\TeX} software for IBM PCs\\202-202<
\subsec Andrew~Trevorrow\\Public domain {\TeX} for the Mac\\202-203<

\sec Tutorials<
\subsec Stephan~v.~Bechtolsheim\\{\tt\bs csname} and {\tt\bs string}\\203-206<

\sec Macros<
\subsec David~Salomon\\DDA methods in {\TeX}\\207-216<
\subsec Brother~Eric~Vogel\\Printing Vietnamese characters by
                adding diacritical marks\\217-221<
\subsec Frank~Mittelbach \and Rainer~Sch\"opf\\A new font selection scheme
                for {\TeX} macro packages\Dash the basic macros\\222-238<

\sec \LaTeX<
\subsec Dezs\H o Nagy\\A bar chart in {\LaTeX}\\239-240<
\subsec Hubert~Partl\\Producing on-line information files
                with {\LaTeX}\\241-244<
\subsec Frank~Mittelbach\\The {\tt doc}--option\\245-273<
\subsec B.~Hamilton~Kelly\\The {\tt autodoc}--option\\274-284<

\sec News \&\\Announcements<
\subsecnn Calendar\\285-286<
\subsecnn Nordic {\TeX} meeting, 12 June 1989,
                Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm\\287-287<
\subsecnn {\LaTeX} course book in Dutch\\287-287<
\subsec Joachim~Lammarsch\\DANTE\Dash
                Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung {\TeX}\\287-288<
\subsec David~Osborne\\Notes on first meeting of
        UK {\TeX} Users' Group, 15 March 1989\\288-289<

\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Production notes\\289-289<

\sec Forms<
\subsecnn TUG membership application\\290-290<

\sec Supplements<
\subsecnn TUG Membership List Supplement\\{M--}1-{M--}11<





\TUBhead 10, 3, November 1989<

\subsecnn Addresses\\309-310<

\sec General Delivery<
\subsec Bart~Childs\\From the President\\311-312<
\subsec Nelson~H.~F.~Beebe\\Message from the new President\\312-314<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\314-316<
\subsec Victor~Eijkhout \and Nico~Poppelier\\The first Dutch
                {\TeX} days\\316-318<
\subsec Bart~Childs\\Answers to the {\TeX}tests\\319-323<
\subsec Technites\\Crossword\\324-324<

\sec Software<
\subsec Donald~E.~Knuth\\The new versions of {\TeX} and {\MF}\\325-328<
\subsec Klaus Thull\\PubliC {\MF} available\\328-328<
\subsec Stephan~von~Bechtolsheim\\A {\tt .dvi} file
                processing program\\329-332<
\subsec Dimitri~Vulis\\Notes on Russian {\TeX}\\332-336<
\subsec Barbara Beeton\\Hyphenation exception log\\336-341<

\sec Fonts<
\subsecnn Erratum: Typesetting Concrete Mathematics,
        {\TUB} Vol.~10, No.~1\\342-342<
\subsec Yannis~Haralambous\\ {\TeX} and latin alphabet languages\\342-345<
\subsec Mike~Parker\\Fonts and {\PS}\\346-350<
\subsec Jan~Eric~Larsson\\A chess font for {\TeX}\\351-351<
\subsec Abass~Andulem\\The road to Ethiopic {\TeX}\\352-354<
\subsec Yannis~Haralambous \and Klaus~Thull\\Typesetting modern Greek
                with 128 character codes\\354-359<
\subsecnn Erratum: Chess printing via {\MF} and {\TeX},
        {\TUB} Vol.~10, No.~2\\359-359<

\sec Resources<
\subsec Max~Hailperin\\Users' guide to {\tt LaTeX-help}\\360-360<
\subsec Yin~Kean\\\TeX-Ed\\360-361<
\subsec Michael~DeCorte\\The Clarkson archive server\Dash
                Update as of 22 September 1989\\362-365<
\subsecnn Coming in January from the {\AMS}\\365-366<
\subsec Joachim Lammarsch\\TEX EURO\\366-367<
\subsec Bernard~Gaulle\\GUTenberg will distribute {ML\TeX}\\367-367<
\subsec Garry~Glendown\\A {\TeX} mailbox in Germany\\367-368<

%       Site Reports section has been folded into Resources
\subsite Atari ST<
\subsec Stephan~Lindner \and \rlap{Lutz~Birkhahn}\\Towards
                a complete and comfortable {\TeX} System\\368-372<
\subsite \VAX/VMS<
\subsec David~Kellerman\\VMS site coordinator's report\\372-372<

\sec Typesetting on\\Personal Computers<
\subsec Alan~Hoenig \and Mitch~Pfeffer\\{\TeX}-{\PS} output
                on non-{\PS} devices\\373-375<
\subsec Garry~Glendown\\Controlling Amiga{\TeX} from CygnusEd\\376-377<

\sec Macros<
\subsec Ron~Whitney \and Barbara~Beeton\\{\TUB} authors' guide\\378-385<
\subsec Garry~Glendown\\Round boxes for {\plain} {\TeX}\\385-387<
\subsec Zalman~Rubinstein\\Printing annotated chess literature
                in natural notation\\387-390<
\subsec Lincoln~Durst\\Bibliographic citations;
                or variations on the old shell game\\390-394<
\subsec David~Salomon\\Macros for indexing and table-of-contents

\sec Query<
\subquery Terry~Bush\\Scribe-to-\TeX\\400-400<

\sec \LaTeX<
\subsec Frank~Mittelbach \and Rainer~Sch\"opf\\Towards {\LaTeX} 2.10\\400-401<
\subsec Johannes~Braams, Victor~Eijkhout \and Nico~Poppelier\\The
                development of national {\LaTeX} styles\\401-406<
\subsec Frank~Mittelbach\\An environment for multicolumn output\\407-415<
\subsec Frank~Mittelbach\\An extension of the
                {\LaTeX} theorem environment\\416-426<

\sec Abstracts<
\subsec Luzia~Dietsche\\Deutsche Kurzfassungen der \TUB-Artikel\\427-428<

\sec News \& Announcements<
\subsecnn Calendar and Calls for Papers\\429-431<
\subsecnn Programs of the recent TUG and Euro{\TeX} Conferences\\432-436<

\sec Late-Breaking News<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Production notes\\437-437<

\sec TUG Business<
\subsecnn Institutional members\\438-440<
\subsec David~Ness\\Treasurer's report\\440-443<

\sec Forms<
\subsecnn TUG membership application\\444-444<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn Index of advertisers\\461-461<

\sec Supplements<
\subsecnn TUG Membership List Supplement\\{M--}1-{M--}12<




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\def\postissno{1989 Conference Proceedings}
\TUBhead 10, 4, December 1989<

\sec Introduction<
\subsec Christina Thiele\\Editor's introduction\\465-465<

\sec Font Forum<
\subsec Doug Henderson\\Introduction to {\MF}\\467-479<
\subsec Neenie Billawala\\Opening Pandora's box\\481-489<
\subsec Alan Hoenig\\Fractal images with {\TeX}\\491-498<
\subsec Don Hosek\\Design of Oriental characters with {\MF}\\499-502<
\subsec Bob Batzinger\\Thai languages and {\MF}\\503-503<
\subsec John D.~Hobby\\A {\MF}-like system with {\PS} output\\505-512<
\subsec R.E.~Youngen, W.B.~Woolf \and D.C.~Latterner\\Migration from
        Computer Modern fonts to Times fonts\\513-519<
\subsec Arvin C.~Conrad\\Fine typesetting with {\TeX} using native
        Autologic fonts\\521-528<

\subsec Donald E.~Knuth\\The errors of {\TeX}\\529-531<

\sec {\TeX} Training<
\subsec Michael Doob\\Of the computer scientist, by the computer
        scientist, for the computer scientist\\533-539<
\subsec Hope Hamilton\\Mastering {\TeX} with templates\\541-548<
\subsec Anita Z.~Hoover\\Using WordPerfect 5.0 to create {\TeX} and
        {\LaTeX} documents\\549-559<
\subsec Robin L.~Kubek\\{\TeX} for the word processing operator\\561-566<
\subsec Jo Ann Rattey-Hicks\\{\TeX} and its versatility in office

\sec General Applications<
\subsec Max D\'\i az\\{\TeX} in M\'exico\\579-593<
\subsec James Haskell, Wally Deschene \and Alan Stolleis\\{\TeX} for
\subsec Alan E.~Wittbecker\\{\TeX} enslaved\\603-606<

\sec Graphics Applications<
\subsec J.T.~Renfrow\\Methodologies for preparing and integrating
        {\PS} graphics\\607-626<
\subsec Rolf Olejniczak-Burkert\\{\it texpic\/}\Dash Design and
        implementation of a picture graphics language in {\TeX}\
        \`a~la~{\it pic\/}\\627-637<

\sec Database Applications<
\subsec D.C.~Latterner \and W.B.~Woolf\\{\TeX} at {\it Mathematical
\subsec J\"orgen L.~Pind\\Lexicography with {\TeX}\\655-665<

\sec General Information<
\subsec Malcolm Clark\\Olde worlde {\TeX}\\667-674<
\subsec Peter Abbott\\The {UK\TeX} archive at the University of

\sec {\TeX} Tools<
\subsec Frank Mittelbach \and Rainer Sch\"opf\\With {\LaTeX} into
        the nineties\\681-690<
\subsec Andrew Marc Greene\\{\TeX}reation\Dash playing games with {\TeX}'s
\subsec Bill Cheswick\\A permuted index for {\TeX} and {\LaTeX}\\707-713<
\subsec Steve Sydoriak\\{\LaTeX} memos and letters\\715-726<
\subsec Gary Benson, Debi~Erpenbeck \and Janet~Holmes\\Inserts in
        a multiple-column format\\727-742<
\subsec Mary McClure\\{\TeX} Macros for COBOL syntax diagrams\\743-750<
\subsec Don L.~Riley \and Brad~L.~Halverson\\Creating an efficient and
        workable PC interface for {\TeX}\\751-759<

%% <end of Proceedings Table of Contents -- diff. from reg. issues>

\sec Forms<
\subsecnn TUG membership application\\760-760<

\sec Participants<
\subsecnn List of participants at the Stanford meeting (August 20--23,

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn Index of advertisers\\765-765<
