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\TUBhead 18, 1, March 1997<


\subsecnn Addresses\\3-3<
\subsecnn Notice regarding 1997 {\TeX} {Users} {Group} election\\4-4<

\sec General Delivery<
\subsec Michel~Goossens\\From the {President}\\5-5<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\5-6<
\subsecc Update to {PSTricks};
        {Quote} out of context\Dash {{\it Colophon}}<  
\subsecnn Erratum: {Amsterdam}, 13 {March} 1996\Dash 
        {Knuth} meets \acro{NTG} members,
        \tubissue 17(4), pp.~342--355\\6-6<

\sec Dreamboat<
\subsec Philip~Taylor\\{NTS} \& {$\varepsilon$}-{\TeX}:
        a status report\\6-12<

\sec Software \& Tools<
\subsec Ulrik~Vieth\\A {GNU} {Emacs} editing mode for {\MF} and {\MP}

\sec Philology<
\subsec Yannis~Haralambous\\The {Traditional} {Arabic}
        {Typecase}, {Unicode}, {\TeX} and {\MF}\\17-29<
\subsec Andrea~de~Leeuw~van~Weenen\\A {Medieval} {Icelandic} manuscript:
        {The} making of a diplomatic edition\\30-36<

\sec Book Reviews<
\subsec Michael~D.~Sofka\\{\it Writing with \TeX{}}, and
        {\it \TeX\ \& \LaTeX: Drawing \& Literate Programming},

\sec Tutorial / Surveys<
\subsec Claudio~Beccari\\Typesetting mathematics for science 
        and technology according to {ISO\,31/XI}\\39-48<

\sec {\LaTeX}<
\subsec David~Carlisle\\A {\LaTeX} {Tour}, part~3:
        {\ssf mfnfss}, {\ssf psnfss} and {\ssf babel}\\48-55<

\sec News \& Announcements<          
\subsecnn Calendar\\56-67<

\sec Late-Breaking\\News<
\subsec Mimi~Burbank\\Production notes\\57-57<
\subsecnn Future issues\\57-57<
\subsecnn \acro{TUG}'97 {Update}\\58-58<

\sec TUG Business<
\subsecnn New members of the {TUG} {Board}\\59-60<
\subsecc {Donna Burnette}; {Mimi Jett}; {Patricia Monohon}; {Arthur~Ogawa};
\subsecnn Institutional members\\61-61<

%\sec Forms<
\subsecnn TUG membership application\\62-62<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn \TeX{} consulting and production services\\63-63<
\subsecnn Index of advertisers\\57-57<




\setdigitwidth{999}              % number of digits in highest page number

\topglue 1pc

\TUBhead 18, 2, June 1997<


\subsecnn Addresses\\67-67<

\sec Letter<
\subsec Phil~Kopriva\\Letter from a member\\68-68<

\sec General Delivery<
\subsec Michel~Goossens\\From the {President}\\69-71<
\subsecc Response to Mr.~Kopriva<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\72-73<
\subsecc {\TeX} {Live\,}!\,; {A} \acro{TTN} revival;
         {New} \acro{SGML} extensions: {MathML}, {\acro{XML}};
         {Another} kind of tugboat calendar;
         {Tools} for {\TeX} users: {Textures} reader,
         {Computer}~{Modern} {Type}-1 fonts, \acro{EDMAC} manual;
         {Imprint}\Dash {A} new electronic newsletter;
         {Museums} of printing and typography;
\subsec Peter~Flynn\\{\acro{TTN}} returns:
        {Final} \acro{TTN} editorial\\74-74<

\sec Hints \& Tricks<
\subsec Jeremy~Gibbons\\`Hey\Dash it works!'\\75-78<
\subsecc Long division ({Barbara~Beeton} and {Donald~Arseneau});
         {Side}-by-side figures ({Christina~Thiele});
         {Enumerated}~arrays ({Dennis~Kletzing})<

\sec Humanities<
\subsec Christina~Thiele\\{\TeX} and the {Humanities}\\78-78<

\sec Queries<
\subsec Michael~C.~Grant\\Volunteers needed: {PSfrag} hackers\\79-79<
\subsec Sidney~Chow\\Features for a \acro{WYSIWYG} {\LaTeX} editor\\79-79<

\sec Publications<
\subsecnn New publications\\80-80<

\sec {\TeX} Live CD-ROM<
\subsec Sebastian~Rahtz \and Michel~Goossens\\
        The {\bf{\TeXLive}} {Guide}, version 2\\81-112<

\sec Fonts<
\subsec Alan~Hoenig\\Virtual fonts, virtuous fonts\\113-121<

\sec Abstracts<
\subsecnn Les {Cahiers} {GUTenberg}, contents of {Issue} 25\\121-122<
\subsecnn Die {\TeX}nische {Kom\"odie} {\bf7}, 1995, {Heft} 1--4;
          {\bf8}, 1996, {Heft} 1--4\\122-126<

\sec {\LaTeX}<
\subsec {\LaTeX\,3}~Project~Team\\Modifying {\LaTeX}\\127-130<
\subsecnn News from the {\LaTeX\,3} {Project} {Team}\\130-137<

\sec News \&\\ Announcements<
\subsecnn Calendar\\138-138<
\subsecnn \acro{TUG}'97 preliminary program\\139-140<

\sec Late-Breaking\\News<
\subsec Mimi~Burbank\\Production notes\\130-130<
\subsecnn Future issues\\130-130<

\sec TUG Business<
\subsecnn Institutional members\\141-141<
\subsecnn TUG membership application\\142-142<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn \TeX{} consulting and production services\\143-143<
\subsecnn Index of advertisers\\138-138<




\secskipa=8pt plus .5pt

\def\postissno{1997 Annual Meeting Proceedings}
\TUBhead 18, 3, September 1997<


\sec {\acro{TUG}'98}<
\subsecnn Call for {Papers}\\146-146<

\sec Opening Address<
\subsec Mimi~Jett\\Opening {Words} by the {President}\\147-148< 
\subsecnn {\acro{TUG}'97} program\\149-149<

\sec Pictures and {\TeX}<
\subsec {Kristoffer~H\o{}gsbro~Rose}\\{V}ery high level 2-dimensional
        graphics with {\TeX} and~{\Xy-pic}\\151-158<
\subsec Ross~Moore\\High quality labels on included 
        graphics, using {\Xy-pic}\\159-165<

\sec {\TeX} and\\ Scientific Publishing\\ on the Internet<
\subsec Sergey~Lesenko\\{\acro{DVIPDF}} and {Graphics}\\166-169<
\subsec Christopher~B.~Hamlin\\From {\acro{SGML}} to {\acro{HTML}} 
        with help from {\TeX}\\170-174<
\subsecnn {}\\{}<

\sec Publishing and {\TeX}<
\subsec Douglas~Lovell\\Custom legal documents for the {IBM} 
        {AutoLoan} {Exchange}\\175-181<
\subsec Michael~Downes\\Breaking equations\\182-194<

\sec {\LaTeX}\Dash state of the art<
\subsec Frank~Mittelbach~and~Chris~Rowley\\The {\LaTeX3} 

\sec Multilingual\\ Typography\\ Without\\ Boundaries<
\subsec Frank~Mittelbach~and~Chris~Rowley\\Language information 
        in structured documents: {A} model for mark-up and
\subsec Werner~Lemberg\\New font tools for {\TeX}\\206-213<
\subsec Werner~Lemberg\\The {\acro{CJK}} package: {Multilingual} support 
        beyond {Babel}\\214-224<

\sec News \&\\Announcements<
\subsecnn Calendar\\225-225<
\subsec Mimi~Burbank\\Production notes\\148-148<

\sec TUG Business<
\subsecnn {\acro{TUG}'97} list of attendees\\226-228<

\subsecnn Institutional members\\229-229<

\subsecnn {\acro{TUG}} membership form\\230-230<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\231-231<
\subsecnn {Y\&Y Inc.}\\232-232<
\subsecnn {Blue Sky Research}\\{cover\,3}-{cover\,3}<





\secskipa=7pt plus .5pt

\TUBhead 18, 4, December 1997<


\subsecnn Addresses\\235-236<

\sec Queries<
 \subsec Daniel~Taupin\\{MusiX\TeX}: {How} many fonts are 

\sec General Delivery<
\subsec Mimi~Jett\\From the {President}\\237-237<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\238-238<
\subsecc New {\TeX} groups: {\acro{TUG}India} and {\acro{TUG}-Philippines};
        {\acro{TUG}} {\CTAN} host and {Web} site;
        {\acro{SGML}} extensions\Dash update<

\sec Dreamboat<
   \subsec Phil~Taylor\\{\eTeX} {V2:} a peek into the future\\239-242<

\sec Typography<
\subsec Peter~Flynn\\{Typographers Inn}\\242-245<

\sec Book Reviews<
\subsec David~F.~Rogers\\{\it The {\LaTeX} Graphics Companion},
        by {Michel~Goossens}, {Sebastian~Rahtz} and

\sec Hints \& Tricks<
\subsec Jeremy~Gibbons\\`Hey\Dash it works!'\\246-248<
\subsecc Removing a counter from a~reset list ({Donald~Arseneau});
         {Default} rule thickness ({Ram\'on Casares});
         {Small} verbatim material ({Jeremy Gibbons})<

\sec Software \& Tools<
\subsec H\'an~Th\^e\llap{\raise 0.5ex\hbox{\'{}}}~Th\'anh 
        and Sebastian~Rahtz\\The pdf{\TeX} user manual\\249-254<
\subsec Laurence~Finston\\{Spindex}\Dash {Indexing} with special 

\sec Graphics~Applications<
\subsec Denis~Roegel\\{Creating} {3D} animations with {\MP}\\274-283<

\sec Font Forum<
\subsec Berthold~K.P.~Horn\\{`Hinting'} of scalable outline fonts\\284-286<
\subsec Peter~Willadt\\Another approach to barcodes\\286-290<

\sec Abstracts<
\subsecnn {Die} {\TeX}nische {Kom\"odie} {\bf6}, 1994\\290-295<
\subsecnn {Les Cahiers GUTenberg}, {Contents} of {Issues} 26 
           and 27\\295-297<

\sec {\LaTeX}<
\subsec Pedro~J.~Aphalo\\{A} proposal for citation commands in 
        {\LaTeX 3}\\297-302<
\subsec David~Carlisle, Chris~Rowley and~Frank~Mittelbach\\{The} 
        {\LaTeX3 Programming Language}\Dash a proposed system for 
        {\TeX} macro  programming\\303-308<
\subsec Frank~Mittelbach\\{A} regression test suite for {\LaTeXe}\\309-311<
\subsecnn {News}~from~the~{\LaTeX3}~{Project}~{Team}\\312-312<

\sec News \& \\ Announcements<
  \subsecnn {A Week on Electronic Documents and Typography}\\313-313<
  \subsecnn {TUG'98} {Call} for papers\\314-314<
  \subsecnn Calendar\\315-316<

\sec Late-Breaking\\News<
\subsec Mimi~Burbank\\Production notes\\316-316<
\subsecnn Future issues\\316-316<

\sec TUG Business<
\subsecnn Institutional members\\317-317<
\subsecnn TUG membership application\\318-318<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\319-319<
\subsecnn {Y\&Y} Inc.\\320-320<
\subsecnn Blue Sky Research\\{cover\,3}-{cover\,3}<

