%		tb2100.cnt
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\secskipa=10pt plus .5pt        % 5pt -- vary depending on available space



\TUBhead 21, 1, March 2000<

\subsecnn Addresses\\3-3<

\sec General Delivery<
  \subsec Mimi~Jett\\{From the President}\\5-5<
  \subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\6-6<
    \subsecc {Erratum: Address for {Cyr\TeX} mail}; {History of~\TeX};
             {{\sl Computers~\&~Typesetting\/} remains in print}; \newline
             {A new printing museum near Boston}; \newline
             {Evolution of alphabets}<

\sec Software \& Tools<
  \subsec Shinsaku~Fujita \and~Nobuya~Tanaka\\
    {\XyMTeX~(Version 2.00) as implementation of the \XyM{} notation
    and the~\XyM{}~markup language}\\7-14<

\sec Resources<
  \subsec {Jim~Hef{}feron}\\{The {\TUG} {\CTAN} site
     makes a move}\\15-15<
  \subsec {The~{\TUB}~Team}\\{{\TeXLive} 5 and the {\TeX} Catalogue}\\16-16<
  \subsecnn {Graham~Williams' {\TeX} Catalogue}\\17-90<
  \subsecnn Supplement: {\TeXLive} 5 CD\\ <

\sec Macros<
  \subsec Victor~Eijkhout\\{The bag of tricks}\\91-91<

\sec News \& \\ Announcements<
  \subsecnn Calendar\\92-93<
  \subsecnn {TUG\,2000\Dash The \nth{21} Annual Conference}\\4-4<

\sec Late-Breaking\\News<
  \subsec Mimi~Burbank\\Production notes\\93-93<
  \subsecnn Future issues\\93-93<

\sec TUG Business<
  \subsecnn Institutional members\\94-94<
  \subsecnn TUG membership application\\95-95<

\sec Cartoon<
  \subsec David~Farley\\{Don Knuth finally sells out}\\15-15<

\sec Advertisements<
  \subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\96-96<
  \subsecnn {Blue Sky Research}\\{cover 3}-{cover 3}<




\tenpoint\baselineskip=13pt     % 12pt default
\secskipa=7pt plus .5pt         % 5pt -- vary depending on available space

\TUBhead 21, 2, June 2000<

\subsecnn Addresses\\99-99<

\sec General Delivery<
  \subsec Mimi~Jett\\{From the President}\\101-101<
  \subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\102-103<
    \subsecc {{\XyMTeX} posted to \CTAN};
             {Protection for font names in Germany};\newline
             {\CTAN\Dash\acro{CD}s and catalogue entries};
             {\acro{TUG} Web site moves to Denmark};
             {Hermann Zapf honored by \acro{DANTE}};
             {\acro{GUT}enberg publications on the Web};\newline
             {The Romans didn't know about~zero};
             {Incunabula on-line at the Bavarian~State Library}<
  \subsec Advogato (Raph~Levien)\\{Interview: Donald E. Knuth}\\103-110<
  \subsec G.~Gr\"atzer\\Turbulent transition\\111-113<

\sec Font Forum<
  \subsec Werner~Lemberg\\Thai fonts\\113-120<
  \subsec Sivan~Toledo\\Exploiting rich fonts\\121-129<

\sec Software \& Tools< 
  \subsec Alexander~Berdnikov, Hans~Hagen, Taco~Hoekwater \and
          Bogus{\l}aw~Jackowski\\{Even more MetaFun with \MP:
          A request for permission}\\129-130<
  \subsec John~D.~Hobby\\{Extending \MP:
	  Response to ``Even more MetaFun''}\\131-132<
  \subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Hyphenation exception log\\132-133<

\sec Resources<

\sec Hints \& Tricks<
  \subsec Jeremy~Gibbons\\{Hey --- it works!}\\133-135<
   \subsecc Decimal comma; {Two~decimal~digits};\newline
            {Number~of~parameter tokens (Pedro~Palao~Gostanza)}<
  \subsec Christina~Thiele\\{The treasure chest}\\136-142<

\sec \LaTeX<
  \subsec {\LaTeX}~project~team\\{{\LaTeX} News, Issue~13, June~2000}\\143-143<

\sec News \& \\ Announcements<
  \subsecnn Calendar\\144-145<
  \subsecnn {TUG\,2000\Dash The \nth{21} Annual Conference}\\148-148<

\sec Late-Breaking\\News<
  \subsec Mimi~Burbank\\{Production notes}\\146-146<
  \subsecnn Future issues\\146-146<

\sec Cartoon<
  \subsec Roy~Preston\\Font identification\\100-100<

\sec TUG Business<
  \subsec Donald~DeLand\\{Report from the TUG Treasurer}\\145-146<
  \subsecnn {2001 {\TeX} Users Group election}\\147-147<
  \subsecnn Institutional members\\149-149<
  \subsecnn TUG membership application\\150-150<

\sec Advertisements<
  \subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\151-151<
  \subsecnn {IBM {\sf techexplorer}}\\152-152<
  \subsecnn {Blue Sky Research}\\{cover 3}-{cover 3}<

\sec Supplement<
  \subsecnn {\CTAN\ \acro{CD}s: A 3-disk collection}\\{}<




\def\postissno{2000 Annual Meeting Proceedings}
\TUBhead 21, 3, September 2000<


  \subsec Robin~Fairbairns\\{Editor's notes\Dash
  \subsecnn {TUG\,2000 Program}\\157-158<

\sec Talks<
  \subsec Benjamin~Bayart\\The description language chosen
        for {\FDNTeX}\\159-175<
  \subsec Barbara~Beeton\\{Unicode and math, a combination whose
        time has come\Dash Finally!}\\176-185<
  \subsec Alexander~Berdnikov, Yury~Yarmola, Olga~Lapko,
        \and Andrew~Janishewsky\\{Some experience in converting
        LH Fonts from {\MF} to Type1 format {\Abstract}}\\186-186<
  \subsec W\l{}odek~Bzyl\\Typesetting {\TeX} documents containing
        computer code\\187-192<
  \subsec David~Carlisle\\{{\smc xmltex}: A non validating (and not
        100\% conforming) namespace aware {\XML} parser implemented
        in {\TeX}}\\193-199<
  \subsec Donald~DeLand \and Greg~Faron\\{Developing interactive,
        Web-based courseware {\Abstract}}\\200-200<
  \subsec Michael~Downes\\The {\tt amsrefs} {\LaTeX} package and
        the {\tt amsxport} {\BibTeX} style\\201-209<
  \subsec Jonathan~Fine\\Line breaking and page breaking\\210-221<
  \subsec Michel~Goossens \and Sebastian~Rahtz\\{{Passive\TeX}:
        from {\XML} to {\PDF}}\\222-234<
  \subsec Pedro~Palao~Gostanza\\{Fast scanners and self-parsing
        in {\TeX}}\\235-242<
  \subsec Hirotsugu~Kakugawa\\{A device-independent \acro{DVI}
        interpreter library for various~output devices}\\243-249<
  \subsec M.~Y.~Kolodin, O.~V.~Eterevksy, O.~G.~Lapko,
        \and I.~A.~Makhovaya\\{``Russian style'' with {\LaTeX} and
        {\sf babel}: what does it look like and~how~does it work
  \subsec Alex~Kostin \& Michael~Vulis\\{Mixing {\TeX} \& PostScript:
        The {\GeX} model}\\251-264<
  \subsec Michel~Lavaud\\{The {As\TeX} Assistant
        and Navigator {\Abstract}}\\265-265<
  \subsec Bernice~Sacks~Lipkin\\{{\LaTeX} and the personal database}\\266-277<
  \subsec Frank~Mittelbach\\{Formatting documents with floats:
        A new algorithm for~{\LaTeXe}}\\278-290<
  \subsec Timothy~Murphy\\{The Penrose notation:
        a {\LaTeX} challenge {\Abstract}}\\291-291<
  \subsec Apostolos~Syropoulos \and Richard W.~D.~Nickalls\\{A Perl
        port of the {\mathsPIC}~graphics package}\\292-297<
  \subsec Marina~Yu.~Nikulina \and Alexander~S.~Berdnikov\\Chess macros 
        for chess~games and puzzles\\298-302<
  \subsec John~Plaice\\{Omega version 2 {\Abstract}}\\303-303<
  \subsec Philip~Taylor \and Ji\v r\'\i{}~Zlatu\v ska\\{The {\NTS} project:
        from conception to~birth~{\Abstract}}\\304-304<

\sec News \& \\ Announcements<
  \subsecnn Calendar\\306-307<
  \subsecnn {\acro{TUG}\,2001 Announcement}\\154-154<
  \subsecnn Miscellaneous photos\\305-305<

\sec TUG Business<
  \subsecnn \acro{TUG}\,2000 {Attendees}\\308-309<
  \subsecnn Institutional members\\307-307<
  \subsecnn TUG membership application\\310-310<

\sec Advertisements<
  \subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\311-311<
  \subsecnn {IBM \sf techexplorer}\\312-312<
  \subsecnn {Blue Sky Research}\\{cover 3}-{cover 3}<





\secskipa=20pt plus .5pt        % 5pt -- vary depending on available space

\TUBhead 21, 4, December 2000<


  \subsec Barbara~Beeton\\{Editorial Comments}\\315-316<

\subsec{H\`an~Th\^e\llap{\raise 0.5ex\hbox{\'{}}}~Th\`anh\kern1in}\\
  {Micro-typographic extensions to the \TeX\ typesetting system}\\317-434<

\sec News \& \\ Announcements<
  \subsecnn {\acro{TUG}\,2001 Announcement}\\435-435< 
  \subsecnn Calendar\\436-436<


\sec TUG Business<
  \subsecnn Institutional members\\437-437<
  \subsecnn {TUG} membership application\\438-438<

\sec Advertisements<
  \subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\439-439<
  \subsecnn {IBM \sf techexplorer}\\440-440<
  \subsecnn {Blue Sky Research}\\{cover 3}-{cover 3}<

