%               tb2504.cnt
\secskipa=\normalsecskip          % between sections
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\def\postissno{Practical {\TeX} 2004 Conference Proceedings}
\TUBhead 25, 1, 2004< 

\font\manual=logosl10 at 9pt % font used for the METAFONT logo, etc.

  \subsec Lance Carnes\\{Highlights of the Practical {\TeX} 2004
  \subsec Conference program, delegates, and sponsors\\{}\\4-5<
  \subsec Karl Berry\\{Welcome to Practical {\TeX} 2004}\\6-6<

  \subsec Nelson H.\,F. Beebe\\{25 Years of {\TeX} and \MF:
          Looking back and looking~forward\Dash
          \acro{TUG}\,2003 keynote address}\\7-30<
  \subsec Peter Flynn\\{{\TeX} and the interfaces\Dash
          Practical \TeX\,2004 keynote address}\\31-34<

  \subsec {\Thanh}\\{Micro-typographic extensions of pdf{\TeX}
          in practice}\\35-38<
  \subsec Eitan M. Gurari\\{\TeX4ht: \acro{HTML} production}\\39-47<
  \subsec Hans Hagen\\{The state of \ConTeXt}\\48-51<
  \subsec Steve Grathwohl\\{A simple book design in \ConTeXt}\\52-57<
  \subsec Steve Peter\\{{\TeX} and linguistics}\\58-62<
  \subsec Brooks Moses\\{MetaPlot, MetaContour, and other collaborations
  \subsec William M. Richter\\{{\TeX} and scripting languages}\\71-88<
  \subsec Nelson H.\,F. Beebe\\{A bibliographer's toolbox}\\89-104<

  \subsec Taco Hoekwater\\{MetaPost developments}\\105-105<
  \subsec Giuseppe Bilotta\\{The $\aleph$ (Aleph) project}\\105-107<
  \subsec Hans Hagen\\{The {\TeX} Live 2004 collection}\\108-111<

\sec News \& \\ Announcements<
  \subsecnn Calendar\\112-113<
  \subsecnn \acro{TUG}\,2005, 23--25 August 2005, Wuhan, China\\114-114<
  \subsecnn Practical \TeX\,2005, 14--17 June 2005, Chapel Hill, 
            North Carolina\\{cover 3}-{cover 3}<

\sec TUG Business<
  \subsecnn Recognition of support from Apple\\120-120<
  \subsecnn TUG membership application\\115-115<
  \subsecnn Institutional members\\116-116<

\sec Advertisements<
  \subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\116-116<
  \subsecnn {{\sl The \LaTeX\ Companion}, \nth{2} edition, by
            Frank~Mittelbach et al.}\\114-114<
  \subsecnn {{\sl Easy Table}, Khanh Ha}\\117-117<
  \subsecnn River Valley Technologies\\118-118<
  \subsecnn MacKichan Software, Inc.\\118-118<
  \subsecnn Carleton Production Centre\\119-119<
  \subsecnn Cheryl Ponchin Training\\119-119<
  \subsecnn Personal \TeX, Inc.\\120-120<






\TUBhead 25, 2, 2005<

\sec General Delivery<
  \subsec Karl~Berry\\{From the president}\\123-124<
  \subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\124-125<
    \subsecc {New {\TUB} submission and posting policies};
          {Justin Howes, 1963--2005}; {John~Seybold, 1916--2004};
          {Word Hy-phen-a-tion by Com-pu-ter};\newline
          {Error in {\TUB} 24:2 Zapfino article};
          {Historic {\LaTeX} distributions};
          {{\it The~{\LaTeX} Companion}, 2nd edition};
          {{\sf techexplorer} available once again};
          {Central European diacritics: {\it \acro{TYPO} Magazine}};\newline
          {Extra time? Proofread for Project Gutenberg}<

\sec Tutorials<
  \subsec Jim~Hef{}feron\\{\acro{CTAN} for starters}\\126-127<
  \subsec Steve Peter\\{\cs{starttext}: Practical \ConTeXt}\\128-130<
  \subsec Thomas Schmitz\\Virtual fonts\Dash a tutorial\\131-133<

\sec Typography<
  \subsec Peter~Flynn\\{Typographers' Inn}\\134-136<

\sec Philology<
  \subsec Claudio~Beccari \and Cristiano~Pulone\\{Philological facilities
          for the Coptic script}\\136-140<
  \subsec Azzeddine Lazrek\\{{\sf Ry\acro{DA}rab}\Dash
          Typesetting Arabic mathematical expressions}\\141-149<

\sec Software \& Tools<
  \subsec Scott~Pakin\\{Perl\TeX:
          Defining {\LaTeX} macros using Perl}\\150-159<
  \subsec Siep~Kroonenberg\\{\TeX} and prepress\\159-165<
  \subsec Marcelo~Castier \and Vladimir~F.~Cabral\\Automatic typesetting
          of formulas using computer algebra\\166-172<

\sec Graphics<
  \subsec Andrew D. Hwang\\{{\tt ePiX}: A utility for creating
          mathematically accurate figures}\\172-176<
  \subsec J.\,P.~Hagon\\{{\LaTeX} in 3D: {\sf OpenDX} annotations}\\177-187<

\sec \LaTeX<
  \subsec Massimiliano~Dominici\\{{\sf dramatist}: Another package
          for typesetting drama with \LaTeX}\\188-192<
  \subsec Simon Law\\{Variable width boxes in \LaTeX}\\193-193<

\sec Macros<
  \subsec Hendri~Adriaens \and Uwe~Kern\\{\sf xkeyval}\Dash
          new developments and mechanisms in key processing\\194-199<
  \subsec David~Walden\\{A non-expert looks at a small {\TeX} macro}\\199-201<

\sec Hints \& Tricks<
  \subsec Peter~Wilson\\{Glisterings: Package/package and
          class/package clashes}\\201-202<
  \subsec Mark~LaPlante\\The treasure chest\\203-208<

\sec Abstracts<
  \subsecnn {{\it Zpravodaj\/}: Contents of issues 13(1), 14(1), 14(2)
  \subsecnn {{\it Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie\/}:
            Contents of issues 1--4/2003}\\210-212<
  \subsecnn {{\it Biuletyn GUST\/}: Contents of issues 20--21 (2004)}\\213-215<
  \subsecnn {{\it Les Cahiers GUTenberg\/}:
            Contents of issue 43 (2003)}\\215-215<
  \subsecnn {{\it MAPS\/}: Contents of issues 29--31 (2003--2004)}\\216-220<

\sec News \& \\ Announcements<
  \subsecnn Calendar\\221-222<
  \subsec Onofrio~de~Bari \and Maurizio~Himmelmann\\{A brief report
          on the first GuIT meeting}\\223-223<
  \subsecnn {\acro{TUG}\,2005 announcement}\\223-223<

\sec TUG Business<
  \subsec Karl~Berry \and Kaja~Christiansen\\
          {{\TeX} Development Fund 2003--05 report}\\224-225<
  \subsec Robin~Laakso\\Financial statements for 2004\\226-227<
  \subsec Barbara~Beeton\\\acro{TUG} 2005 election report\\228-231<
  \subsecnn Institutional members\\232-232<

\sec Advertisements<
  \subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\232-232<

