sdesc: "3270 Emulator (Tcl)"
ldesc: "tcl3270 is a scripted IBM 3270 terminal emulator.  It can be used to
communicate with any IBM host that supports 3270-style connections over TELNET.
It can also communicate with hosts that use line-by-line ASCII mode to do
initial login negotiation before switching to full-screen 3270 mode.
tcl3270 emulates one of four models of an IBM 3278 or 3279 terminal.  The
difference between the various models is the screen size.  The emulation is
not quite complete; tcl3270 understands extended field orders but does not
implement some of the extended attributes (outlining, extended validation,
etc.).  It does not support 3179G bit-mapped graphics (GDDM).
tcl3270 supports the APL character set and several international character sets.
Many APL and international symbols may be entered by their X11 symbol names."
category: Net
requires: cygwin suite3270 tcl-tk libopenssl100
external-source: suite3270