Package: timidity-freepats Version: 20060219 Revision: 2 Description: Set of patches for the timidity License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: Todai Fink Team Source: Source-MD5: b947806304bc559a644a2c06deda8404 SourceDirectory: freepats Suggests: timidity Provides: timidity-patches CompileScript: << echo "dir %p/share/timidity/freepats" > timidity.cfg echo "source freepats.cfg" >> timidity.cfg echo "source crude.cfg" >> timidity.cfg << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/share/timidity/freepats cp -R Drum_000 %i/share/timidity/freepats cp -R Tone_000 %i/share/timidity/freepats cp crude.cfg %i/share/timidity/freepats cp freepats.cfg %i/share/timidity/freepats cp timidity.cfg %i/share/timidity/freepats << DocFiles: COPYING README ConfFiles: %p/share/timidity/freepats/timidity.cfg RuntimeVars: TIMIDITY_CFG:%p/share/timidity/freepats/timidity.cfg DescDetail: << This package provides a set of patches for the timidity. Freepats is a project to create a free and open set of instrument patches, in any format, that can be used with softsynths. Please use the Wiki for notes and documentation. We would like to collect and host samples and instrument patches in any format so if you are interested in contributing to the project then send a message to freepats at opensrc dot org and ask for a FTP login account. Needless to say, any uploaded content must either be in the Public Domain or have an open and free redistribution license. <<